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Just Andrea

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Everything posted by Just Andrea

  1. Can we not get the media involved somehow to expose them and get these animals the help they need. Media loves to sink their teeth into stuff like this and a public outcry might force action from the bodies that should have done something along time ago about this.
  2. What chips do we use? Alot say read ISO chips (FDX-A and/or FDX-B) - does it need to read both or not these or ones in addition to this? What ones should it say it reads?
  3. Operation is scheduled for this afternoon. She will be staying at the vets for a few days and then be going into temp care locally so so can be crated by someone home for the next couple of weeks to keep an eye on her, toilet her etc. I have asked for photos. Hopefully I will get some soon. Cross your fingers it all goes well.
  4. Was hoping to come in for good news too......bumping again...
  5. I will be following this thread with great interest. I actually just sent a link a month ago to another rescuer myself looking at microchip readers and came across Sway's site too. A microchip scanner of your own I think is almost essential these days in rescue and is on my current wish list of things to have too....I was going to ask Santa for it for Xmas. :) It is the durability and warranty that is most important to me.
  6. Thanks for the name suggestions - some nice ones there unfortunately we already have a "Maggie" in care, a "Gypsy" needing care and the last "Angel" I had died fighting parvo a couple of years ago so would prefer not to use that name either. I do like Saffron, Anais, Polly, Zuri and Spirit...some nice ones there... I will let the names come in over the weekend and her potential foster carer can have the final say. At least I will know what her file can go under at the vets too instead of "no name" which surprisingly at one vets once was exactly what they put on a certificate when I said I had "no name" for the animal yet when I booked it in.
  7. She is currently at the vet but I will try and get some taken early next week. I am doing all this remotely and have only seen some pound photos (the cutest one of which I posted) before I have had to make some urgent decisions. In the meantime here is one of the others where you will see her holding her leg:
  8. I am still in the process of confirming details, dates etc with the surgery but nothing can be done until the swelling goes down. Hopefully it can all go ahead early next week. Fingers crossed. In the meantime on a brighter note, given she won't be here for several weeks she needs a name..... So any suggestions feel free..... ETA I have seen "Lucky" and "Karma" already but something unique and sweet would be good.
  9. Okay but people are offering to donate and I'm still wondering if the pound is paying the vet bills. No matter if it happened before or after the pup landed at the end of their chute, isn't it still their responsibility to pay for the pup's care? No Sheridan. It is not the pounds responsibility to pay for the pups leg surgery. They have a duty of care to ensure it is given immediate vet attention in terms of immediate pain or distress or any suffering. Nothing more, nothing less. They cannot "sell" a pup with any injury to a member of the public. They only have two options for any animal that comes in sick or injured - short-term duty of care (wound attendance, antibiotics, pain relief etc) followed by offering it to rescue (which rescue takes it as is) or euthanasia (which they pay for). Same as the pound doesn't cover the cost of a dog going to rescue with a mouth full of rotten teeth, they are not liable to fix up a pup with a broken leg dumped by its owner either. Rescue takes the animal on "as is". Most pounds run on ridiculously restrictive budgets, many don't have kitty (or even cat) or puppy food, most don't worm, despite the most disgusting cases I've seen at some pounds, there is no money left for even for $1 worming tablets, not enough cat litter, not enough bedding, they are understaffed, and under resourced in more ways than one. It is hardly reasonable to think that the council is going to pay $1000-1200 (current quote without Xray, pain relief and care at the moment) to fix a leg of a pup (which will need months of crate rehab) which is unlikely to be adopted in its current state and maybe get a couple of hundred dollars for it in registration fees given how tight their budgets are. It is also highly unethical to do surgery on a pup only to euthanise it later because no-one will adopt a damaged pup. So to spell it out once and for all: The pup is now owned by me (chipped into my name, generating a bill at the vets in my name which I am liable for and will be treated/rehabbed by me and/or carers). The pound had two choices with an injured animal - after keeping it initially comforable and fed - offer to rescue or euthanise given they couldn't rehome it. They chose the former thankfully and it is now mine. I did not ask for money anywhere in any of my posts. (ETA I only just put my quote amount online now just to prove the point that councils are not going to spend that kind of money on a pup they can't rehome and won't even cover their costs on. To asume anything different is just naive.) I just came in here looking for some morale support which I really needed. Thank you to those people who actually had something supportive to say
  10. No she hasn't got a name yet. I only committed to her yesterday arvo and at that stage was trying to sort out temp care, vet appointment etc and obviously waiting to see what her health status is before making any decisions. I am waiting for a more accurate estimation of costs and still trying to work out where I can send her for monthly crate confinement given most of my carers have several dogs already and/or are not at home to regularly toilet on lead etc but I will work something out somehow. Any volunteers welcome. :)
  11. No-one can be sure how it happened. The current swelling suggests a recent event which could have just as easily and more than likely happened prior to dumping and knowing how much muttly pups are valued out that way I suspect more than likely that is the case given I just got an estimate of costs and most wouldn't pay it - easier and quicker to dump the pup and get a new one - that is the mentality of some unfortunately. The puppy was only dumped yesterday and as soon as the rangers found her they contacted me immediately. They also (which isnt their job), raced the pup immediately to the vet at my request. The staff at this facility went above and beyond to help this pup. No fault lies there.
  12. Just got word. Confirmed tibia full break by x-rays. Best treatment option recommended is to pin it and crate rest for one month straight and reassessment and then possible confinement again. They will need to wait for the swelling to go down before proceding. Not what I was hoping for....
  13. After hours pens sometimes have chutes that open up and then when you shut the shute the "cargo" drop to the floor. The drop for a young puppy or kitten can be enough to seriously injure and/or kill them if they land wrong.
  14. I feel like a train wreck today. How could you do that to this:
  15. You would think after all these years I would be used to it but no, the depths of human depravity still never ceases to amaze me.... Contacted by a ranger yesterday to see whether I could help a puppy with a sore leg that just came in. Looking at several photos and way leg was being held, I suspected at worse, torn or ruptured cruciate up to the nicer alternative of a sprain, cut foot, mild bruising etc. Said yes. Ranger got it to vets straight away today for me (thank you so much if you are reading this). They suspect it is a broken femur. Xrays are being undertaken this afternoon. Background of pup - rangers found it dumped in drop off shute. So either a) it was dumped there with a injured/broken leg OR b) the fall through the shute when the dumped it for the young pup has injured/broken its leg. Either way what a despicable and cowardly act. May whomever did it rott in hell as far as I am concerned. Please cross everything that it is not a break or that if it is it is a clean break that has a good prognosis for treatment and recovery. Vent over. Thank you.
  16. Okay - that's at least some relief the others weren't shot before she got there.
  17. Please advise her against rehoming as free to good home or rehoming her without ensuring she is desexed first. Free to good home adds are exactly where many an unscrupulous person (not saying all) go to amass their animals for whatever unsavoury purposes and some are getting very good at posing as a loving home these days. The latter is obvious - you don't want her or her offspring becoming yet another puppy producing machine.
  18. I hate to ask but "two left"? How many were in the litter and what happened to those? Does she know?
  19. I think a couple of times during the first couple of weeks/trial period is reasonable if all is fine. If there are any issues emerging/it is not working out as planned then obviously more regular contact is required to see if any issues can be resolved and/or they are willing to work on it if possible. I will ring earlier on (within a day or so for a dog or cat that may be not a straightforward rehome) if I haven't heard from them but generally most adoptees will contact the carer within a few days themselves and we will also confirm with them all is well at the end of the trial period. Of course if people want to give us more updates, we certainly welcome them. But calling them daily or every second day or something to that extent unless they have invited it, I feel is a tad invasive and out of line. Ditto what Maree said too about boarding. I have just had someone ring a little while and ask me do we do "boarding" for two weeks and this isn't even a former foster. Just someone out of the blue. I did tell them there were plenty of commercial boarding kennels in Canberra. She didn't sound surprised. Obviously hoping a rescue would just look after her animal/s for free....
  20. BUMP - still hoping an option comes up soon for either..........
  21. Thank you dooliekoolie. Please pm cami for details if you haven't already. I have passed on some small coats (although I'm sure they could do with some more), but they desperately need medium and large.
  22. Thanks Maree - yes I hope I have some clue what I'm doing by now :laugh: . These are valid points you raise taketwo and I'm sure people new to rescue will benefit from raising those issues.
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