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Everything posted by Whipitgood

  1. SO much cuteness! It was a ballsy little thing but so friendly and outgoing! At first i thought it was a terrier x staffy! But then i saw he had a 3/4 tail dock, so realised he must have been some sort of "breed". He played with my 3 whippets for ages down at the beach. I want one! I noticed they are not on the breed pages so mustnt be recognised here? Bugger! His owners were english so must have imported him over with them.
  2. Ive only had 2 litters with her and the pick of the litters have been dogs, so ive not run on any bitches yet so i wouldnt know! Her dam was a beautiful whelper and producer. If i had bitches that just outright could not whelp and needed caesarians each time then sure, i would not use them in my breeding program again. But a slow whelper with long breaks who becomes fatigued - im not willing to eliminate her just yet.
  3. Its a dilemma i am having currently. One of my bitches has had 2 very hard labours resulting in oxytocin injections, long delays and very nearly - a trip to the vet for a section. Both times resulted in lost puppies. I am considering doing a c section on her next time, as much as i hate the thought of putting a scar on her uterus, it might be a consideration, especially if she has more than 4 pups. I do believe however, that once i section my girls, i would have to do it agan and wouldnt be happy allowing them to free whelp with subsequent litters. Which makes me hesitate doing it to begin with! Edited to say - I also know of 2 bitches that have died post operatively following a section, so it makes it a very tough decision. A caesarian is a major surgical procedure and carries many risks with it also. I would rather lose pups than any of my girls.
  4. Whippets! Never see them in pounds here, ive only ever rescued one badly bred one. Popular, but not as popular i guess as more common breeds like Labs and Staffies. I find the people who are wanting a whippet have researched the breed thoroughly. They are not for everyone however. Its a certain "type" of people i find i get puppy enquiries from, rarely do i get someone enquiring who i would flat out not consider giving a puppy to. Low maintainance, very sound in terms of health.
  5. :D :D Seeing as its back on page 1 again - update: he has had 2 shows, the testicle is still just above the scrotum and has to be pushed down but wont stay anwyere near the sac. Fingers crossed still! He is 14 weeks.
  6. He is in Sess's lines isnt he SBT? He is way back in my guys too. Never got to see him in the flesh, but he was a stunner by all accounts and all the pics i have of him are beautiful.
  7. Yes, i have to agree with you there. Jason is one of my alltime favourite Whippets. My husband thinks im sad because i have him up on my digital photo frame in the kitchen, along with lots of photos of my dogs! Statuesque Vision Statuesque Visualisation Martinique Rodeo Dancer Sportingfields Irish Derby (titles not included) Are all at the top of my favourites.
  8. A friend of mine has just bought a WSS pup and i have to admit, amongst all that hair i would wonder if i might have missed it too! I swear this little boy looks like a polar bear! So damn cute! Im sure your baby will be fine LMWS. Who needs 2 ear canals anyway!
  9. And that would be my second least favourite breed!! I understand Whippets are not everyones cup of tea either!
  10. Actually i didnt mean to be so rude, i quite like the Dallys, just wouldnt own one. Im sure your spotted devil will do well for you
  11. YES YES YES!!! And i could guarantee at least another 5 people with Whippets that would be interested too! :p Where would you do it? At Cannington?
  12. What does would you use Angelsun? Is it Meds for hyper or hypo (Thyroxine) thyroid conditions that you use?
  13. I hadnt heard of that one. There was a whippie here too that did a lot, from the same breeder my guys are from - Swifthund Goody Two Shoes i think her name was. So it obviously can be done ... with energetic whippets with some drive!
  14. Oh yes i loved Lurchers when i lived in London. Wonder what the Silken Windhounds are like ...?! :p
  15. Thanks Poodlefan for the info, i will look at some results. I have been keeping an eye on the dog sports mag and results through our canine association too. In reference to the above quote - see my reply page 2! I would never get a dog just for the sake of doing sports, like i said on page 2, it is a pet and family member first and foremost, of course i would get a breed that i love, rather than getting a breed just because it may excel at sports. I have tried agility with the whippets without a lot of success. But my guys, like most whippets i think, have short energy bursts then sleep for 4 hours afterwards, lazy beggars!! Well done with your Afghan keshwar :p I realise that any dog can do sports, but my original question was what dogs were particularly suited to agility and obedience, if any.
  16. Oh yes, of course. Although i am showing mostly every second weekend - my dogs are my family members first and foremost, they ae inside with us and are basically family dogs that i happen to show. I dont believe in having multiple dogs in kennels only to get them out to show ocassionally. But i would like a dog that i can do sports with, one that might be better suited to it, before i extend my whippet population! As i am on acreage, a working breed might suit our family just as well in the home as it would on the field. I would never get a breed i dont like just for the sake of competing - i am not that keen on competing! I have a very busy life outside of the dogs and i have to be able to love it as a family member too! I am not keen on anything bigger than a Kelpie/Whippet size, i dont want a coated breed either so that narrows down my options! Off to look in last nights show catalogue to see if there are Kelpies entered!!
  17. Woops Just looked up the standard, its red and tan, not Red Cloud apparently!!
  18. Thanks for the replies! I wouldnt go with a BC or Poodle because i dont want a coated breed or breed with coat maintainance! However i LOVE some of the BCs in the ring and they are so impressive in dog sports. I would looooove a red cloud Kelpie, i have always loved the Kelpie, maybe i could show and do dog sports with a new Kelpie baby!! Ive tried doing both with the Whippies without success (success in the ring but nowhere else!). Yes Neats, my guys are just so damn lazy and wont even retrieve a ball .. yet they will quite happily chase and hunt down my cat We live on 5 acres so maybe a Kelpie is my next breed choice!!
  19. I dont lurk in here much as i am mainly in the breeders and show section! I have tried agility with the Whippets before, they enjoy it and physically - they are suited to it, but they get bored quick for some reason and lack concentration and are quite stubborn. Thats hounds for you! Well mine do anyway! I would like to get into dog sports at some stage and was wondering what breeds of dogs people think are particularly suited to this type of activity. Those that have the drive, enthusiasm, intelligence and willingness to please. I realise that ANY breed can do sports, but im curious to know which ones really enoy it and are best suited to it? Particularly obedience and agility. My guess is Border Collies are one breed ....
  20. Thanks Amy. Do you still go? The last class i went to, i looked around and Scarlett was so bored she had left my side and jumped into the back of the car and fell asleep! We just had to wait too long for each piece of equipment, although the set up and organising and teachers were brilliant.
  21. I was reading page 9 and it literally went *POOF* as i was reading it!! Provided me with some amusement before night shift tonight!
  22. Me and my baby, minor and open whippet are all entered in the Western Classic, looking forward to it. This weekend will be good practice - running around with 3 whippets in the heat for the whole weekend!! On a completely separate topic - i just experienced something very funny on here, i was reading a topic started in general, as i was reading it i was thinking - this is going to get deleted (was already about 6 pages!!) and then *POOF* before my very eyes it was gone - as i was reading the last page!! Cracks me up some of the people on here!! Provided me with some entertainment before night shift tonight!!
  23. Can anyone please remind me of the 2 agility clubs that run down at canine? I used to go to one and i cant rememer which. But it was really busy and there was often a long wait to get on the equipment because the classes were so big. From memory, someone once told me there was a smaller club where you didnt have to wait so long. Can anyone enlighten me please?
  24. Yes my hubby works in Armadale/Kelmscott area and thats where all the parvo is coming from. Im sure there are other areas affected. Puppies that had had 1 vaccination but were not old enough to finish the course were contracting it too. Be very careful with your babies and where you take them, especially if it is to areas whicc is not easily cleaned with viricide disinfectant.
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