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Everything posted by Cheyenne_Fury

  1. Know what you are going through RDR my lovely beagle cross boy used to do this all the time. The point Sidoney made about the dog not getting rewarded or paid for the behaviour can not be stressed enough. You need to make doubly sure that there is nothing that will appeal to your pup on the bench or table. As well as keeping my benches and tables completely clear of food stuffs that my boy will find interesting I tell him NO! in a deep loud voice each time he did it and he soon learned that it was not acceptable behaviour though we do have lapses every now and then and I just respond with a loud no. When he has gotten down I will give the command to come or sit or drop etc. and then will reward for doing the behaviour that I want. The water bottle that Craxy Beagle Lady suggested can also work quite well as long as your dog doesn't like it Anne
  2. MSJ - I have followed the gorgeous Jenna's story and remember when she was diagnosed with cancer. It is soo hard to loose a beloved family member after so long and nothing, not even knowing that it is coming, will prepare you for her passing. I am sitting here with tears running down my face as I type this thinking of the heart ache that you are going through and thinking about my gorgeous Deefa girl. She was a beautiful lab/kelpie cross and the best dog you could ask for. We got her from a neighbour when she was about five. I had just started high school. We lost her in 2004 at the ripe old age of 18. She had always been a solid girl (some people said fat but she was gorgeous to me) as she had been run over as a younger dog before we got her and her owners didn't take her to the vet and as a result one of her back legs never healed properly and she walked with a bit of a limp. This never stopped her from getting around and climbing the fence and following us the bus stop if she was left behind . We had her for so many years, but age started to go against her and she lost her hearing and she had trouble with the arthritus that developed in her back legs. It was such a hard decision to make to have her pts and I fought it and fought it but when the evidence of her condition became painfully obvious every time that we looked at her we knew that it was time to give her her wings. You can tell by the look in their eyes and the way they seem to "tell" you that they are ready to go. It is a very hard decision but one that we have to face when the time comes. Just enjoy these last days,weeks and god willing months that you have with her and give her everything that you can. She will tell you when she is ready and then you will not be able to deny it to yourself any longer. My heart goes out to your family and your most gorgeous girl Jenna. Love and healing thought being sent your way. Anne
  3. Awww sorry I couldn't make it guys. I was soo looking forward to going and then got a family dinner sprung on me at the last minute. My sister is moving to QLD at the end of this month and the grandparents came down from the country to have dinner with us all as it was the last time everyone would get together before my sister moved felt obligated to go :rolleyes: We will definately not be missing Autumn school breakup!!! Anne
  4. Cloverfch - I'd love to see the other ones that you have of Jake Anne
  5. Hey there, saw you from a distance at the lure coursing yesterday! This infin8 halter does sound alright. Intrigued. hi Julie Yep that was me with the Dali and the Beagle. I had Jake and Murray both in their infin8 halters on Sunday but they were so good I just took them off. I will take a photo of Jake with his on so you can see what it's like. I got them for the really high distraction times and they have worked well so far and I like that it can be used as a general martingale when you don't need the nose peice anymore was only around $30 too so not expensive. Also like that it the pressure is from the back of the next rather than the front of the head Jyra is gorgeous and can she run I'm sure you will get there with her. Just takes a while with some hey... Anne
  6. Excellent time had by all it seems PC your photos are fantastic! I have pm'd you about possibly purchasing some of my boy Jake. Anne
  7. Great idea guys our own lure coursing machine would be ace
  8. Hi guys, I have put up some photos in the photo section, most are of my boys with a few of Dodge (Lablover1's lab) only really 1 action shot but hopefully someone like Nat or Shinji will share their great photos soon Anne
  9. Yep I have used the wool wash on my ponies but why didn't i think to use it on the dogs? I have just bathed both of my boys with a nice smelling tea-tree shampoo and they smell nice but are still itching a bit. Flea treated and haven't seen any fleas. My dali has skin problems which is common and I use an oatmeal based conditioner which takes the imflamation out of the redness of his skin but definately give the wool wash a go on Murray (my beagle cross) next bath day Anne
  10. DD - Bring the foster pup She'll have a ball and great for her socialisation Jake and Murray are just about to have their bath so will be nice and clean for this afternoon See you guys there Anne
  11. If you are getting some results with the gentle leader, have you thought of using the new blackdog infin8 halter. It is fastented at the back of the head unlike other types of halters and is on a martingale collar. Just a suggestion. Anne
  12. Hey Sugar. I haven't read that book, but I don't really believe in Hell as most people see it. I think Hell is more being in limbo and not being able to get back to heaven and god and your loved ones that have passed before etc. But that is just my opnion. Though I do definately think that there is a heaven for dogs and that it is the same as the heaven that we go to after we die. I have been to the gates of heaven many times in meditation and my horse and dogs that have passed from this world have come to great me so I certainly believe that our animals go to heaven and we will be reunited there when we pass from this world as well. Anne
  13. Hedds your place sounds like a great idea for breakup Can't wait to see Banjie's little walk through the concrete I bet Banjie's spin is so cute but I might get dizzy watching him do it hehehe I am glad that Jake isn't the only one who's trick is less than perfect Bringing Murray this week as well if he behaves himself. He doesn't really know any tricks but he walks backwards and crawls by himself... Anne
  14. Chelsea didn't want to crawl in front of everyone cos she has outgrown that We will miss you guys at training, but not worth bringing her out... Anne
  15. Time to pull out all our tricks girls. Last week of Summer School training this well but you will all get to see how Jake doesn't play dead lol Anne
  16. Obviously someone with knowledge of dogs and training methods that work, but I think that the most important things for a good instructor are: Having good communication skills Being approachable Being Open to new ideas Being flexible enough to adapt their training methods to suit individual needs Just my opinion Anne
  17. HR I promise to be on my best behaviour MMMM Hope it's not a metal ruler Anne
  18. IR - Could you perhaps get a student loan or a loan through Centrelink or something for further education? It may be worth enquiring about. TB - Got an answer to my email today. Catherine the course coordinator is going to send my info pack in the mail tonight so hopefully I will get it tomorrow. I am glad it is in May as I will have to save up some money and hopefully I will be eligible for the pay by the month method. Catherine said there were places still available in May so hears hoping I can get in :rolleyes: Am excited now! Anne
  19. Aww good old Banji looking after all the other pups Mmmm I think Jake will be ok cos but if he doesn't I'm sure he would love a run with Banj Anne
  20. And I noticed that they have a payment option of pay by the month so at least you have options and don't have to find the full course fee up front Can't wait to get my info pack :rofl: Anne
  21. Mmmm Scoresby's the best hey... Might have to check it out cos Me and Murray definately want to be part of the best Berwick is fantastic but would love to check out Scoresby Anne
  22. Knew we could rely on Erny Thanks heaps for the dates. I too had no idea that it was this weekend we go back to training. I had it in my head end of Jan. Whoops Murray and I haven't been training very much lol Thanks again Anne
  23. Yogi you are doing a fantastic job with our group If I can be half the trainer that you are I will be happy Anne
  24. Hi guys, Was wondering if one of the lovely ADT trainers or a fellow trainee could please post the return dates for ADT as silly me has lost the bloody newsletter didn't she lol. Looking forward to returning Anne
  25. Thanks HR and Yogi I am beginning to notice just how much is actually involved with just starting to train my own two dogs ;) I love it though and am looking forward to doing the course if I get in Anne
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