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Everything posted by ellz

  1. I hate to say this, but you were warned! Staffords are renowned for wind. They are absolute CHAMPION farters and snorers! You'd probably find her smellier on a processed diet.
  2. Initially, when they first started eating chicken, I would let my American Cocker puppies have wings only. At around 8 weeks I'd simply cut carcasses in half. Now they are 13 weeks and they have NO problems getting through a full carcass and threatening each other with the same treatment if they dare to stick their nose where it doesn't belong!
  3. Hmmmmm....maybe the visit isn't such a good idea? Thanks for the heads-up HH!!
  4. Don't you think you should give it a chance? ANY alteration to a dog's diet is going to do something. I hardly think that one or two days is a long enough trial.
  5. I actually don't mind (and neither do my dogs) the VIP rolls. They are made locally to Shek and I. I've spoken to a guy who works there (his daughters were at school with my boys) and I'm trying to line up a visit to the factory for a look-see. Will let you know if and when it happens. Wanna come too if I can organise it Shek?
  6. I do whenever I have it or whenever they need it.
  7. Hey Shek...whilst on the subject of Royal Canin.....I TOLD YOU SO!!!
  8. Why am I getting a strange sense of deja vu?
  9. I use it on my cats, one of whom is a Devon Rex and they get REALLY grungy ears (because they're so darned big they tend to catch any dirt or dust that is flying around). The difference between the cats and the dogs is that instead of putting it into the cat ear and swishing it around, I soak a cloth (Chux wipes are excellent) in the solution and give the ears a good wipe out.
  10. Why would it have any bad effects on your show girl? I ONLY have communal buckets. All animals drink it, cats and dogs, pets and show animals. My horses get it on their feed as well. My other posts say how much I use, you can adjust it to suit yourself, your dogs and your circumstances.
  11. That is why hips are scored and it isn't just a "blanket" diagnosis of "yes it has" or "no it hasn't" As I said in my initial response, there are dogs with dysplasia which are sometimes never diagnosed. Others which are diagnosed only because they are xrayed and often NOT for that particular reason. Some are very severe and require immediate veterinary attention...it really just depends upon the severity of the problem and the dog concerned.
  12. I put it in the drinking water. Depends upon the size of your water bowls/buckets. To a "normal" household sized bucket (can never remember how many litres they are) I would normally add about a cupful of vinegar. To a smaller one, proportionately less. But start gradually and work up a bit at a time to full strength or you'll have them looking at you with "that" look and threatening to dehydrate!
  13. My advice. Do not even give OCD a second thought until you have to and that may NEVER happen. It is NOT common in Staffords. Muscle strains, cruciate ligaments etc are but only because of their exuberance and the natural weight that they carry. If she is acting normally and moving ok, then that is all you should be concerned about. Honestly, this is why I suggested you stay away from the vet, they've removed one concern and given you a second in the first one's place!
  14. 50/50 vinegar and water. Swish it around the bottom of the ear and then wipe the residue away.
  15. Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most versatile products you can imagine. It is great as in internal "toner", helps neutralise bodily fluids such as saliva and tear stains. Great for cleaning with. Helps to prevent the round burn spots that bitches can cause on grass. Helps kitty trays to not be as "whiffy". Helps the boys to not stink as much when they lift their legs. Helps boy kitties to prevent the urine crystals that can form in their kidneys etc. Can be mixed with water for a very efficient ear cleaner.....And the list goes on......
  16. I've got a name and number for you! Gary Christou in Orange and he consults for animals on tuesday evenings, his phone number is 63612857.
  17. Well, if you're like me, you stress yourself stupid. The best thing about sick kids though is that they can usually at least tell you where they hurt. Even when they can't speak, they still have their ways and means. Don't ever apologise or feel bad for caring...we'd think less of you if you DIDN'T!!! Hugs my friend....
  18. Just keep her quiet and keep an eye on her. She's been unwell remember, she might just need some time out. Chins up mate...don't panic yet. There are lots of reasons why she might be a tad off colour!!
  19. I know how you feel. It's usually an "all or nothing" scenario here too! I'm sure they all do it on purpose once in a while just to test you to see how much you love them (or not)!!
  20. It doesn't have to be a fight...just a good romp and a turn the wrong way can do some damage. I'd try to find a muscle guy first, they're a lot cheaper than xrays. I don't know of any personally but I can ask around and find out if nobody here has any ideas.
  21. Get her to a chiropractor before you start panicking. Or even a good greyhound guy if you don't have access to a muscle man. If she won't play with Atlas, there is always the distinct possibility that she's BEEN hurt playing and blames Atlas for her ouchies.
  22. They really can vary. Some dogs just start looking sore. Some start to limp. Some won't lay in a position that they used to. Some do funny things with their back legs when they are moving. Some get grumpy if any pressure is applied to their back end (pain reaction). And some don't ever have any symptoms at all and the only way it is discovered is by xray. How come?
  23. As much as he'll eat. It's all good. Natural breath freshener, natural diuretic. Helps with the breath AND the kidneys!
  24. Fresh parsley, shredded mint and more bones!
  25. I add my endorsement to the Natures Gift canned food. It smells appealing. Looks nice and isn't mostly water or "jelly" filling. My puppies like it and it hasn't given them the runs. from me and I'm adding it to my puppy diet sheet as another "approved" alternative.
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