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Everything posted by SparkyTansy

  1. welcome georgie-boy!! will hopefully see you around one day! (nice and close to the showgrounds )
  2. i wish we had ozentries for more than two shows a year... one day!
  3. trust me, puppy breath it is an acquired smell which doesn't last long and you will miss as soon as "loosing teeth" breath sets in
  4. Can't... dog shows... Welcome Daydreamer! Exciting for you a new ridgie baby!! enjoy those gorgeous wrinkles and puppy breath!!
  5. I hate doing them too Ash... but just think how GOOD you will feel when you have done them and sent them off! You'll be entered in shows and all the good stuff above will happen!!
  6. I think you have to be extremely clear on what you want... I took my boy to a groomer who used to exhibit English Setters and he still came back more shaved than show prepared... I learned how to do it myself after that, and although it took me a long time to get it right, Spartan's coat was never the same after the shaving and needed extra work to get right for the ring (and not grow fluffy). I hate to say it but yes you will need to do extra work from now on to get the coat right and stay on top of the undercoat growing through. a coat king would be a good investment and some time learning how to groom the top coat.
  7. I guess the thing is it needs someone to stand up and say YES we want that club or activity... i know i couldn't commit to organising a flyball club plus who knows how much the flyball machines are now...
  8. yeah that would be cool - although I wonder what my dogs would do... i actually thought we did have it, but i could be wrong. I also wish we still had Flyball. Nothing was more entertaining to watch all those excited dogs LOVING the game so much... even the weis who would inevitibly miss the ball when it came out.
  9. valleywa next show (apart from Albany) is next Friday 27th for gundogs (starts at 7pm i think) then sunday 29th all breeds show... look forward to seeing you at some shows next year chiccy
  10. yay a WA thread!! hullooooooo! valleywa i have done the bunno open show the last couple of years but may skip it this year... oh a little social club event announcement... Host: Weimaraners WA Social Club Fundraiser Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009 Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm Location: C.Y. O'Connor Dog Beach and Reserve, North Coogee 6163 Street: Cnr Robb Rd and McTaggart City/Town: Perth, Australia There will be a BBQ and Hydrobath bring your dogs for a bath after having a swim! I can't remember how much the hydrobath will be but all funds raised will go towards the weimaraner social club and rescue! Let me know if you think you might come (catering!) or BYO Meat!!
  11. I think that you will have the biggest problems with any dog if they aren't taken outside the perimeter of their home... however i think some breeds can handle it for longer than others. IMO all dogs can do well in small spaces so long as they are taken outside of that space and given plenty of mental stimulation.
  12. wow that is a lot... is that because of smaller litters and high incidence of ceasarian birth?
  13. i second that SBT, although i am wondering if vegan cat poo would be a slightly more pleasant experience!!
  14. you aren't being ignored kissindra... your question isn't being answered because the answer isn't known...
  15. I am so sorry Whipitgood RIP little bubby
  16. Whipitgood i really hope that your little girl hangs in there. Lots of positive vibes coming your way. I hope your litter is hanging in there BB.
  17. I am wondering if maybe the fluid in the sack is just the normal fluid/swelling and that is what the vet is mistaking for the same fluid? Maybe a second opinion?
  18. Ditto what Miranda said... trim with scissors (you can get round tipped ones from a pet supply) and check daily after going to seed infested areas.
  19. That is excellent FionaC well done!!
  20. Ellz that's not a small thing - I've been sleeping each night with my 'expecting Mum' with my hand on her feeling the puppies! I think it's very special. It doesn't last long, so enjoy it now. Edit to add - My expecting wife would probably rather I was sleeping beside HER with my hand on HER belly! Awww they are lovely!! Bubelks are my favourite kind of bub. Good luck with your litters everyone!! I love reading all about the expectant mums!
  21. What a beautiful photo... glad to hear issy is pulling through. What about "Trust in Me" or simply "trust"
  22. Awwwww grey puppies!! I adore fawns... especially when they have heaps of eyeliner!!
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