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Colloidal Silver


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Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone who uses and or generates CS could give me some information re generators and the success or otherwise of home production.

Morgan some time ago suggested to me a generator and I did look at it but have since lost the link. I have a feeling it was the Silver Well. This one is set to generate to 12ppm but as I read it one can increase this to 20ppm or higher. What would you consider the optium strength for both personal and pet use?

With winter coming on it is time to lay in supplies of this and I thought it may well be time to DIY.

I have at last convinced someone to try CS for themself as they are not able to take the usual antibiotics. After 3 or 4 days they are hooked


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Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone who uses and or generates CS could give me some information re generators and the success or otherwise of home production.

Morgan some time ago suggested to me a generator and I did look at it but have since lost the link. I have a feeling it was the Silver Well. This one is set to generate to 12ppm but as I read it one can increase this to 20ppm or higher. What would you consider the optium strength for both personal and pet use?

With winter coming on it is time to lay in supplies of this and I thought it may well be time to DIY.

I have at last convinced someone to try CS for themself as they are not able to take the usual antibiotics. After 3 or 4 days they are hooked


Hi Curlyking,

Try Greenpet, they have a generator on their website.

I have used CS in the past and my sister and her family swear by it. Its pretty good for cleaning wounds as well.

You do have to be careful as to how much you take as silver can build up in the system, if you do a google search you will probably come up with the right dosage or check with your local naturopath for advice.

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There's a commercial silver-based cream available- often used for burns- Silver Sulfadiazine Burn Ointment.

Could that be suitable for some people? Has been shown to reduce infection with the antimicrobial properties.

There's a link here for a kit to make this sort of thing, however, it says kit no longer available: http://www.elixa.com/silver/ointment.htm.

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Is it just me.... or are there many people reading this and saying to themselves "'huh?'"


Please explain for the dummies like moi.

It could be just you or there might be others saying the same. I've no idea!

Colloidal Silver is considered to be a very effective anti biotic. Rather than me telling you about it if you do a search for colloidal silver you will find out about it's benefits from a multitude of sites.

To buy it in the health shops it costs about $28 for 500 ml but it apparently is very easy to generate at home using a specific generator to do this. My enquiry was to those who may know about doing that as I know this has been discussed before but am now looking for more input.

Sorry if you find it confusing ---- BTW it is dog related as I wish to use it for the dogs hence I posted here rather than in Off Topic :rofl:

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We use home mixed CS on the dogs reguarly our friends makes it & we swear by it.

The home mixed can be made much stronger which is why we will only use it that way.

We plan to buy the machine latter on but our friend just makes up the big batches at present & we share.

Super stuff for dogs & humans

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I agree Colloidal silver is good stuff.

i used it recently to treat a sore on my dogs tail and have just recently brought a bottle of it to start using it myself.

I'm sure morgan will come along shortly and help you out regarding the website.I'll be interested in it as well as wouldn't mind getting one myself in the future..

Also saw a couple of days ago you can buy a colloidal silver gel now as well in Australia

Edited by 4 Paws
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I completely forgot that CS existed until I read this thread.

I wonder if it would help Ollie's stomach complaint - it seems the cancer/chemo has given him a tummy ulcer or at least inflamed his gastric tract (sorry for to take your thread OT).

Good luck in finding a machine and please let us know how you get on making it yourself.



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hehe - here's the link -

Silver Well generators

We (and everyone else we know) bought the one with the magnetic stirrer, which makes a batch up more quickly.

I also bought the water tester to check the purity of the water, but if you buy Nobles Pure Water from the supermarket (10 litre cask is cheapest) you don't really need it, as this water always tests as 3 ppm, which is ok for use. Distilled water is 0 ppm, which is even better, but often dearer. Some chemists sell large bottles (2 or 4 lt) fairly cheaply.

Gave myself a scare when I started testing the tap water - was never under 115 ppm :laugh: and often over 130!

When you get the generator, consider buying a spare pair of the silver rods at the same time to save postage later on. The website says to replace them after 200 or so uses, but we have found they definitely last longer than that.

There is also a colloidal silver gel kit available - making your own gel is quick and easy and great to put on wounds for quicker healing.

We usually use the regular 12ppm, but have occasionally made it stronger for really severe infections - haven't found it made much difference though.

Regarding ulcers - it is not known just how far down the digestive tract CS can reach before it is all absorbed - have you tried slippery elm powder? We made up a rosehip and chamomile tea, added slippery elm to it to make a sloppy paste and used it for our mare with ulcers - a few weeks of this every day worked wonders and she has had no recurrence. Robert McDowell sells these at a reasonable price and gives the amounts needed.


Edited by morgan
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It could be just you or there might be others saying the same. I've no idea!

Colloidal Silver is considered to be a very effective anti biotic. Rather than me telling you about it if you do a search for colloidal silver you will find out about it's benefits from a multitude of sites.

To buy it in the health shops it costs about $28 for 500 ml but it apparently is very easy to generate at home using a specific generator to do this. My enquiry was to those who may know about doing that as I know this has been discussed before but am now looking for more input.

Sorry if you find it confusing ---- BTW it is dog related as I wish to use it for the dogs hence I posted here rather than in Off Topic :laugh:

Thanks, I know of collodial silver and it's properties as there have been a few mentions of it recently here and elsewhere, it was the references to 'generating' your own that I was confused about. Even the terminology is unusual....

As for posting it here or OT... I wouldn't think OT was the correct area truthully :laugh:

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Thanks Morgan,

At the moment he is on Carafate tablets from the vet and if I could get him off those, that would only leave the meds for his thyroid that the chemo ruined as well as his other holistic stuff.



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Poor Ollie - he's had such tough time of it hasn't he!

Email Robert - he can advise you on what strategy would be best, and he doesn't charge for this advice. He certainly made a difference to out mare - blood tests showed that she had gut leakage into her bloodstream through her ulcers and we had to keep her very quiet in case of hemorrhage, which could have been fatal. We had thought she had simply picked up a virus at a show and were shocked to get the diagnosis.

She is perfectly healthy now.

Have you tried some iodine to help his thyroid, or is it completely useless now?

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Unfortunately it does not work, when the tests were done he had basically no thyroid function at all. Poor baby was tired all the time as well as blowing up like a balloon - his weight went through the roof. But he is back to normal now.



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Well, I have just orederd my CS generator so will let you know how my first batch goes in the next few days.

I also got the gel kit too. The chap from Silver Well was really helpful and very happy to answer my questions.

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can you overdose on colloidal silver,or should you have a break for it if taking it internally?

What would be the recommneded dose for an adult daily that dsen't have any real health problems,just taking it to help ward off cold/flus etc

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can you overdose on colloidal silver,or should you have a break for it if taking it internally?

What would be the recommneded dose for an adult daily that dsen't have any real health problems,just taking it to help ward off cold/flus etc

4 Paws have a look at the link morgan posted and I think your questions will be answered. My understanding is that the short answer to your question is that overdosing is pretty hard to do.

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can you overdose on colloidal silver,or should you have a break for it if taking it internally?

What would be the recommneded dose for an adult daily that dsen't have any real health problems,just taking it to help ward off cold/flus etc

My father bought a generator as well and takes an ounce every morning and night for general health. He swishes it around in his mouth for a minute to maximise absorption of the silver through the capillaries before swallowing. Since he has been doing this he has not had a single cold or dose of the flu, despite being often surrounded by sick people. As he is 74 he always used to have the flu shot as flu is very nasty at his age, but after I showed him what the shot was capable of doing to his health he decided to use the colloidal silver instead and has been much healthier.

He also commented that his breath is great when he wakes up each morning instead of the usual "bed breath". As he has a much younger girlfriend this is pretty important! :rofl:

My brother has been taking a very large dose of half a litre of CS each day for over a year as it is the only thing that keeps his chronic fatigue syndrome under control (plus Ambrotose) and he hasn't shown the slightest hint of turning grey yet! I have heard of a couple of cases in the US where people were taking a bit too much over time and got a bluish tinge in the moons on their fingernails - once they spotted this warning sign they simply stopped taking it for a while to let it pass out of their system. Cases of argyria (silver accumulation) have only occurred from taking silver oxides and other silver preparations, not from properly prepared colloidal silver.

CK, have fun with your kit - it is amazing how many uses you will find for it! :)

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