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Desexing, Please Help Me With Some Info


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can anyone please give me abit of info about desexing dogs.

i have a 2 yr old yellow lab that i am thinking about desexing but i first want to ask :

Do they put the dog to sleep?

How long does it take to fully heal?

Do they get stitches that dissolve by itself or it has to be taken out by the vet?

would his penis still function properly?

how much does desexing cost in NSW?

i am very scare about desexing my dog.

i went back to my country end of last year and i saw my father's dog who was desexed by my dad and he looked so horrible! the dog kept licking its wound. it has been years now but the wound hasnt healed fully. The testicle was red and raw, it was an awful sight! i have never seen a dog who got desexed before and seeing it for the first time i am disgusted.

i dont want my dog looking like that.

i am hoping in australia desexing is done differently and not put the dog in any pain.

i have read alot of post on this forum and it has made me more aware how important it is to desex your animals.


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desexing here in australia is a very simple op.

some info from my book im writing

"Males are “castrated”. This involves the surgical removal of the testicles, leaving the penis and scrotum intact.

The best age to have a dog desexed for most breeds is between 6 and 9 months"

"A desexing procedure is quiet often the only surgery a dog may have its whole life. When having a dog desexed, they receive a sedatives and pain relief before going into surgery. The vet will choose the anaesthetic combination most suitable for your pet, depending on age, weight and breed and any concurrent medical problems. In most cases the dog can be picked up that evening, a night to sleep of any last of the sedatives and will be bouncing around as normal within a day or two. Stitches comeout approximately 10 days later unless they are of the dissolvable kind.

The cost differs depending on the size and sex of your pet. Female desexing, even though routine, is still major abdominal surgery compared with castration, so is more expensive. Larger dogs use more drugs, anaesthetics and surgical materials so prices increases for weight range.

Desexing is not reversible and dogs will not regrow the organs removed."

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Thanks. i will ring my vet on monday and ask for the price.

Do they give the dog any kind of pain killers or any antibiotics after the surgery?

im not concern about reverse it cause he isnt use for breeding.

Can dogs still have sex / mate after they are desex? sorry for asking but i have no idea about these things. ;)

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I feel very sorry for your fathers dog. I assume your father is not a vet in your country & just did it himself and from the sounds of it did a botched job. Ouch, how sad for the poor dog, that would be agony for him. That is illegal here, you have to take them to the vet.

Yes they can have painkillers after the op as well. Often though they dont need them, just keep them quiet & only lead walk them for a week or so, the vet should tell you all about the aftercare.

Yes some castrated males can still get erections & 'mate' with a bitch although no puppies will be produced. Generally though they loose that desire.


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Hi...don't worry ;)

The dog will be under anaesthetic, the area on his belly will be shaved and cleaned and , in males with two normal testicles, the op. is quick and very simple.Usually, a cut is made, just in front of the scrotum, and the testicles are then carefully removed thru this cut, which is really only through the skin. The cut is stitched together, injections of antibiotic and painkillers are given, and he will then recover in the hospital.Once he is able to stand up, and is alert, you can take him home! Easy :rofl:

We had a youngster done recently..he was 5 mths old. he didn't show any effect at all from his surgery, and was a perfect example of how easy and quick it all is.

also..have a look here..


and, for photos and explanation...here


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There's a difference between a vet doing the op and your dad because they are trained and have access to painkillers and antibiotics. How horrible for that poor dog. It would be very painful.

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