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Master Dog Breeders Canine Nutrition Course

4 Paws

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am interested in doing a canine nutrition course and came across The Master Dog Breeders run one.Anyone done it or any of there other courses?

I have completed Animal Studies Cert 11 but they only just touch on nutrition and interested in finding out more

Any other courses you would recommend in nutrition?



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Yes, I'm doing it at the moment. I'm really enjoying it, and getting a lot out of it. It's not a lightweight course - some of the stuff is very in-depth (although I do tend to research to extremes :o ).

You can pm Steve to ask her more about it - I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

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Yes, I'm doing it at the moment. I'm really enjoying it, and getting a lot out of it. It's not a lightweight course - some of the stuff is very in-depth (although I do tend to research to extremes :o ).

You can pm Steve to ask her more about it - I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Thanks for the reply monsterpup,do they give you a time frame for course to be completed?

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There's no time frame - it's self paced learning. There's a fair bit to the course, and some people have more time than others, and the MDBA has taken that into account. After all, it is to increase your knowledge, and your dog knowledge, and the MDBA would prefer that you use the course to learn as much as you can. You simply send in the assignments when they are finished - and there is plenty of help if you need it.

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Monsterpup is doing great guns and has turned in some fantastic work which really shows she's understanding what she's researching and learning. Its equivalent to about 3rd year uni and anyone who does it will really know they know more than most by the time they are finished . Its based on uni type model . You get study notes and a text book with sets of assignments and you need to research and understand to be able to answer. It doesnt push any particular way of feeding but it will very much help people to get a better understanding of what answers for their dog's health can be found and answered by knowing more about nutrition. It will help people to look after their dogs better and be able to advise others to help their dogs too. Its definitely a good leg up too if you were interested in employment or consultancy in the field. I think its fair to say that it gives you much more knowledge about what your dog needs to eat to stay healthy [and why] than most if not all vets .

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Its equivalent to about 3rd year uni and anyone who does it will really know they know more than most by the time they are finished . Its based on uni type model . You get study notes and a text book with sets of assignments and you need to research and understand to be able to answer.

^That's what I should have said, 4Paws :thumbsup:

The elastic time frame is an enormous advantage for me - sometimes I have lots of time, and often I have no time, so I don't think I could fit in with a conventional course.

I also looked at the components of some TAFE courses, and they really aren't anywhere near the depth of the MDBA course. I actually wanted to know a lot about canine nutrition, rather than just skimming the surface and MDBA course is intensively educational.

(I should have mentioned that I also am amazed by the value for money in the courses).

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Well done monsterpup. We know who to go to for advice soon :banghead:

I'd love to do some of these courses including this one but the rescues keep me a pauper. It is just not in my scope for a long while. :)

i think i'll be adding monsterpup to my contacts as well as soon as i sign up too :)

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Sorry to barge in.

Could someone point me to the right direction to understand more about the entry requirement and format of the course? I am from overseas and am trying to get some education on canine nutrition.

Currently I am looking at a self-paced course offered by Purdue in the US. Just wondering if the MDBA course is a distance learning one too.



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Sorry to barge in.

Could someone point me to the right direction to understand more about the entry requirement and format of the course? I am from overseas and am trying to get some education on canine nutrition.

Currently I am looking at a self-paced course offered by Purdue in the US. Just wondering if the MDBA course is a distance learning one too.



Hi Ben,

Can I suggest that you enquire directly with the member known as 'Steve'. PM her and she'll be able to answer your questions.

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Hi, Ben - there is no entry level to do the MDBA courses. Being able to read and write is about the only one :) - and you can obviously do that.

It's designed for distance education too, and is self paced.

The only other requirement is to want to learn and do the study. The course is very comprehensive - I helped design a TAFE course, and have seen a few others. IMHO, the MDBA courses are better and more comprehensive.

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