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Bought a new pair of blades for my clippers. Used them for the first time today.

When I finished and was cleaning them, I dropped them on the ground and broke one of the teeth off :):laugh::laugh:

Very damned annoyed. Took me ages to get them. Had to save up to start with, and then they had to be ordered in by the company I bought them from :rofl:

Not happy Jan!

So, the next question is, is it possible to still use them? (or will that injure my dogs?) Or repair them? Of course it is the bottom part of the blade (large plate) that has been broken. Can you buy parts of blades?

Any ideas please?

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I've broken a tooth off one and I occasionally use it with caution- it would be easier to "nick" the dogs with it.

Check out here: http://www.freewebs.com/clipperbladesharpening/index.htm

I'm not sure if he sells the right blades for you, but they do sharpening etc. and he'll soon tell you whether or not they can be fixed. Send a photo. I've bought blades and clippers and he's really helpful. On DOL, too: nicestmann77.

Good luck.

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My 30# blade has a tooth missing cos I dropped it and I still use it, but it is such a fine blade I dont have any problems.

And yes, you should be able to buy blade parts. I know ther person who sharpens my blades, often puts in new screws and rubbers, or replaces stuff when I ask. They will actually be doing this shortly as one of my 7# blades has a whole screw missing, so it is only being held together on one side :)

Also wait until you drop one on the top of your foot :laugh:

Dont ever ever ever groom with thongs on like I did a couple of times last summer, you're asking to be stabbed in the foot :laugh:

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Thanks everyone. I wasn't wearing any shoes today, so very glad I didnt drop on my foot.

I have bought from Colin previously, but not this time, as he can no longer get the blades for my clippers (hence the wait while they were ordered from the other company)

The blades are a size 4 Skiptooth. Didn't intend getting a skiptooth, but didn't specify a F when I ordered them, and didn't even think about it until I was looking at them and wondering why they looked so different to my other blades :)

Not sure that I would be comfortable about using them with a missing tooth, as I was wary enough just using a skiptooth after reading everyones warnings about them on other posts here. (not for the inexperienced, easier to catch skin etc etc)

Might just have to put it down to one of those learing experiences, and start saving again :laugh:

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Dont ever ever ever try to catch falling scissors either!!! You'll skewer yourself. (says the person who always tries to catch falling scissors without thinking)

If its a 4Skip and its not just the top cutter that is broken (they can replace that)...throw it out. Even if you could use it safetly it would do a choppy job with a tooth missing.

I am surprised a tooth broke on a 4 blade so easily. I've dropped mine before. I've only ever broken blades on 7skips and 10 blades.

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Considering it is a 4# blade, I wouldn't risk using it with a broken tooth. Keep the top plate though, you never know if it will come in handy. Time to start saving again and remember next time to mention the F part of the name!

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I am surprised a tooth broke on a 4 blade so easily. I've dropped mine before. I've only ever broken blades on 7skips and 10 blades.

I dropped it on concrete :thumbsup:

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I am surprised a tooth broke on a 4 blade so easily. I've dropped mine before. I've only ever broken blades on 7skips and 10 blades.

I dropped it on concrete :thumbsup:

That's what I drop them on too. It normally involves them flying up in the air before down so they are falling even further than table height. They still rarely break but they do get misaligned and nead a trip to the sharpeners. Good thing they dont break often because I think I've dropped every blade I own at least once. :thumbsup:

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I am surprised a tooth broke on a 4 blade so easily. I've dropped mine before. I've only ever broken blades on 7skips and 10 blades.

I dropped it on concrete :thumbsup:

That's what I drop them on too. It normally involves them flying up in the air before down so they are falling even further than table height. They still rarely break but they do get misaligned and nead a trip to the sharpeners. Good thing they dont break often because I think I've dropped every blade I own at least once. :thumbsup:

Yep, me too. I've dropped the clippers too while they were going :rolleyes: And I also try and catch falling scissors :mad Oh well, the hole in my hands and feet from scissors falling and blades dropping will go nicely with all of the cut marks and dog scratches. My hands look a treat :noidea:

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