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Can anyone give me any idea of what these sores are? They have a crusty greyish yellowish scab. I first noticed them a few days ago, and today noticed they have gotten worse. The owner believes they are caused by humidity and will heal themselves, but they look to me as though they require treatment. They are on the dogs head/face, back, and legs.

She's a friends dog, not mine. I'm trying to get the owner to take her to the vet, but I don't think that will happen, so thought I'd ask here. If I can talk her owner into letting me take her to the vet, I will. She also has fleas, could the sores be caused by the fleas?



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dosnt your friend know about flea protection?

He's the sort of person who has his own way of thinking and doing things, and everyone else is wrong :thumbsup: He doesn't think she needs treating for fleas as he doesn't believe she can have fleas as she is a cattle x(sorry to mention a cross bred dog here), and believes that cattle dogs can't get fleas. When he told me that, I couldn't believe my ears, fleas don't go around choosing what breed of dog they feed off :shakehead:

I'd be thinking ring worm

That is what I'm thinking too.

Edited by slave2dogs
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How disgusting not to take this dog to the vet. If it is ringworm I hope he catches it so he'll know how it feels.

It might be worth letting him know that to fail to treat a sick animal is against the law. If he refuses to take the dog to the vet, let the RSPCA know. They'll probably do nothing but keep on their back about it and eventually they might pay this dog owner a visit.

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I'm going for Ring Worm too. Ringworm lasts for approx 8 weeks and will run its' own cycle. The dog should not be exposed to other dog during this time. It's a fungi that is found in soil so any dog can be affected with it. If it is Ringworm the Owner may get it from direct contact with the sores.

Hopefully they'll head to the Vets to get it confirmed under a black light.

I don't think Fleas would cause an issue on the head with the sores, although the recent humidity has brought on a huge mass of fleas and owners in some areas are having to provide flea treatment every 2 weeks rather than monthly.

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If he wont take her to the vet, buy some Quit Itch from the pet shop or produce, and follow the directions. It's antifungal, antibiotic and antiseptic, and will cure most minor things, including funguses and ringworm.

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She's been to the vets :love: The sores are caused by flea bites. She's on medication, and I will be taking a vial of Revolution with me and treat her next time I visit.

I'm relieved it isn't ringworm, and very happy he took her to the vet :)

Thanks everyone for your opinions :clap:

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Angus has some like that on his legs and they are from mosquitos - I have them bad in the backyard and sometimes they get to him before I get to the repel-x. They do not worry him at all - there is no sore or anything - just a little mark in the hair.

Before you posted the update I was going to say not ringworm as Angus is fully wormed.

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Before you posted the update I was going to say not ringworm as Angus is fully wormed.

Ringworm is not actually a worm MCM. It's a fungal infection, like humans getting Tinea. So it's treated entirely differently to an All-wormer.

Either way they're both gross! :clap:

Edited by Clyde
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