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Blood In Pee


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Our poor girl Dora has blood when she pees again. We are getting in touch with the vet on Monday and will probably have some anti-biotics sent up for the suspected bladder infection, but were wondering what we could do between now and then?

Would cranberry juice help like it does for humans?

She does not seem to be in much discomfort most of the time, is eating well, playing, cuddling, napping, drinking water (just normal amounts). When we were on the beach for our walk this morning she would stop every couple of minutes for a little trickle and almost all of them had blood.,,then she'd bound off happy as Larry again.

Is there anything we can do without going to vet (we don't have one here so we can't and the ones who come up once a fortnight are already closed for the day)

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She could also have a bladder or kidney stone/infection. (my boy had bladder/kidney stones and needed emergency surgery)

She should see a vet as soon as possible.

Dogs don't tend to show pain like we do, so she could very well be in pain (or not). It is hard to know.

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Yes you can give Cranberry tablets,they have helped dogs cope in renal failure that I know, but you can NOT give human things like ural sachets as you will make it worse, dogs have a different ph level to their urine than humans do...........

Vet asap is most adviseable.

Edited by Cavandra
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Yoghurt with live cultures or even better Inner-Health will help also.

Presumably she has a history of UTI's? If so I would speak to the vet about a supply for future occurances. Depending on the cause cranberry and probiotics are said to help prevent infections.

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Yoghurt with live cultures or even better Inner-Health will help also.

Presumably she has a history of UTI's? If so I would speak to the vet about a supply for future occurances. Depending on the cause cranberry and probiotics are said to help prevent infections.

She loves yoghurt - thanks for the tip.

She's had a couple before but not for ages.

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She'll be getting an appointment for the next vet visit for sure.

Where do you get cranberry tablets? Can she have the juice instead?

Tablets from the supermarket, chemist or health food shop would be better.

The juice is not strong enough. You would have to feed her bottles of liquid.

The tablets you can give a double dose to start with and continue. Sooooo much easier for you and the dog.

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Thanks! Nothing is open here until Monday but I'll head to the chemist first thing (the supermarket just looked at me blankly today when I asked about them)!

For now, she's over the moon that she's getting a bit of yoghurt - even if it doesn't help, it won't hurt and she enjoys it so :(

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Just an update. She's been eating yoghurt each day since the 29th and we saw a definitive improvement in her urine by Monday morning.

Talked to the vet on Monday (31st) and she Rx'd amoxicilian (sp?) up to the pharmacy so Dora's been on that since the arvo of that day. We sent the pee off for analysis on Tuesday (collected before we started the antibiotics - long story involving containers, couriers and multiple people!) - so hope to have the real results back todayish.

All week she's been getting better and better, with the urine looking cleaner and with fewer little tinkles while we are out. Yesterday she didn't stop once for the little tinkles...just did a normal pee and that was that.

Looking forward to hearing from the vet, though!

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