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How Can I Stop Prada Swiming In Her Water Bowl?


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I know it is a reasonably common problem but I have never had an Elkhound that paddles in their water bowl. Prada, who is almost 10 weeks old, loves to go swimming in her bowl. I changed from the ceramic bowl to a metal one with a lid that has a small opening in it to see if that would stop her. It didn't she still paddles in it and when it is empty, she will move it around the room. I am up and down most of the night refilling the bowl and wiping up the water.

How can I stop her going for a moonlight swim?

Edited by Norskgra
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:) I know exactly how you feel, Mistral loves doing exactly the same thing! When he does it during the day, well, I just dry his feet and and floor, not a huge amount I can do about that, but at night while he is in his crate, we get one of those buckets that attatch to the side, he can drink easily but as the sides are so high he has real trouble digging and chasing it around, also its pretty narrow and that seems to annoy him.

I don't know how tall your girl is, so this might not work right now, but it might when she is older. Other then that I can't help, my mother in law is still trying to get her Newf to stop ;)

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Keeshonds are chronic paddlers and sometimes it gets so bad I resort to dripper bottles!

Try raising the bowl so its at her mouth level, too high to paddle in comfortably. But make sure its very stable, dont want her knocking it off!

Also try filling the bowl (not sure how big it is) with bricks or large clean rocks so that she can still drink, but there is no depth to the water.

Or if you are home, just put the water down for a few minutes at a time. Let her drink, then remove it.

Or get a lot of towels to lay down on the floor around the bowl! LOL





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Thanks Rysup. As I said, I have never had an Elkhound paddle before. Prada loves the water. I will try raisng the bowl and maybe putting a rock in it. If that fails, I will just put the bowl down for her, Gandor and Kari to drink out of and then take it back up. I alrady have lots of towels down but then she and Gandor think it is fun to pull the towels away. :noidea:

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Oh Rysup - that second photo is HILARIOUS!!!!!!

Jedi is the same... Those keesie genes are strong! We would get home and he would have emptied his water bowl completely!! What we did was get a 6.5L reservoir water bowl, so although he digs the water out, it keeps refilling. It doesn't solve the water all over the floor problem though...

This is Jedi 'swimming' on his first few days home... He is much more aggressive with it now though!!!!!

Edited by TerraNik
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  • 3 weeks later...

MJ (1 year old Lhasa) has exactly the same bowl which refills. She used to "swim" in it, shove her head in it and lie in the water. I think she either grew out of it or the weather got colder so she didn't need to cool off. Its so hilarious to watch that its hard to get too mad!! LOL

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Outdoors I changed to the flat sided pails which clip onto a fence and hang it high enough that everybody can reach but nobody can dive in.

Indoors, I have a tiny little ceramic bowl that requires almost CONSTANT refilling but isn't big enough to dunk body parts and if they spill it, it doesn't flood the place.

When they're in crates or trolleys, they have Lixits.

Of course, that doesn't stop them from sneaking off into the home paddock and SITTING in the horse trough!!! :)

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What worked for me, put another bowl inside the larger one.

THe floating motion of that bowl puts the dogs off.

I had chronic bowl splashing and after that they never did it again :love:

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They do grow out of it eventually.

K9 Cruiser Bowls are great, as they have only a narrow opening to drink from.

Thanks Nynka. I thought they looked like a good idea and bought a green one. Unfortunately, we keep finding it upside down in the middle of the room. :crazy:

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We had the same problem with our belgian pup... total water baby. When she finished paddling she then would tip the bowl over and play in the puddles. Nothing we seemed to do helped until... we brought a kids paddling pool when she was about 13 weeks (bigger enough to get in and out easily by herself.) We only have a little water in it but she loved it... to begin with she did still play in the water bowl and drink from the pool... lol but now she's got the idea!

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