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Natural Flea Control


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I have a three & 1/2 month old puppy & I haven't done anything yet about flea control. At our 12 week visit the vet gave me a sample of Frontline Plus - one of those pipetts you squeeze onto your dog's skin between shoulderblades. The vet wants me to administer this every couple of weeks. After reading safety instructions for the pesticide - which warns that it will irritate eyes & skin & to wash hands immediately - I couldn't bring myself to use it. My understanding is that anything vets will recommend for flea control is one kind of poison or another.

I've read the pinned thread: "What your vet said about fleas" - now I'd like to start a thread about natural flea control.

Apart from Erny's lemon & rosemary concoction are there any other experiences with natural flea control?

Anybody? Somebody? Pleeeeese?!

I've heard that if you feed your dog natural, preservative free diet, include right supplements, provide all around healthy lifestyle - you don't need any flea controlling chemicals.

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Thank you Cavandra & DeltaCharlie - it's so encouraging that there are alternatives. :laugh:

I'd just like to add that in my opinion Delta managed to stay flea free although she was around infested dogs because she is healthy - with good imunity - and not because "fleas are attracted to the preservatives in processed food".

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I dont use anything and barely have had fleas. We took the cat to a cat show recently and he came back with a whopping dose of fleas!

Capstar tablet for the cat

Frontline plus for everyone

havnt seen a flea since.

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Neem oil is good if you can handle the smell, it is a strange fragrance...........also as with most essential oils you have to be careful around pregnant biches,as many can cause abortion ......

Lemon juice & water in a spray bottle will kill fleas also.

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