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Demodex Mange And Alternative Treatments


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Henry had the rinse as well initially - gosh it smells vile though!!! We used both the injection and the skin wash on Henry initially Peibes.

I wish his thread was still available because it outlined everything as we did it. The good thing about pups is they pick up quickly. Jet recvered within weeks (like 4) and was rehomed looking perfect. His new mum reports he is still going really well and did have one mild recurrence but was easily treated. I think that is where the Advocate would probably come in handy - use it as a preventative of sorts after recovery

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my laptop computer at home has died for some strange reason so I am slowly reading these at work

Thanks everyone for their input

I will wait to hear from you Peibe before taking any steps. In the meantime I'm being careful about Blossy's diet and just continuing with what the vet has given.

thank you again from myself and Miss Blossom. I was lying on the couch last night and she was tucked behind me just sleepy and enjoying a cuddle and Hyacinth the cat on top of me, and they were kissing each other, it was a very special moment.

Oh forgot to add Peibe ring me on my home phone, i will pm you the number, Onslow chewed my own mobile phone :) lucky it wasn't the work one! How would you explain that to the boss!

Edited by Onslowsmum
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I have heard of that Gayle, but not sure if Invermectin and Demadex might be toxic, it is pretty bad stuff

I would not use Demadex while the pup is being treated with Ivermectin.......way too big of a chemical bomb for a small body to handle. But if the Ivermectin isn't working, then maybe have a break for a week then try Demadex. I used the rinse, diluted at a massive rate, applied very carefully to the patch with a cotton bud. The hairloss stopped within a few days and hair started to grow back almost immediately. It was only a month ago that we got home from the interstate trip and already the mange is a thing of the past.

The Demadex stinks but it's MUCH more bearable than neem oil. Comapared to neem oil, Demadex rinse is like Chanel No 5!

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Will give you a ring tomorrow O

I think we need to stop the invermectin, it has been 2 months now and is not working

We need to boost her immune system and try something else

I am all for the Demodex, I will get some and post it up to you

I wish she was near my vet

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We've been treating our pug for ?8 weeks now with Ivermectin for generalised demodex - the mites are visible microscopically but surprisingly she hasn't lost hair....she was getting pustules on her tummy, neck, muzzle and one paw. We have been told to treat her for 12-14 weeks with Ivermectin....that it can take that long to work due to the life cycle of the hair. We are due for our second skin scraping Tues (the one 4 weeks ago was still positive), however she has picked up so much within herself, and all last remnants of spots have gone, the smell has gone, and she has stopped scratching completely - not that she scratched much in the first place.

I am extremely suspicious regarding herbal things...fair enough they need a good diet, lots of cuddles etc as they're a bit precious with it, but eventually their immune system should attack the mites as the initial problem is that the system doesn't recognise the mites as something that shouldn't be there.

Good luck with it - and let us know how it goes!

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