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Weird Advice About Tick Prevention


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I was advised by a vet to apply frontline every two weeks, AND have a tick collar on my dog at the same time. :eek:

Isn't that like a major overload of chemicals?

I want him to be safe from ticks but I'd be worried about overloading him :rofl:

I think frontline does not prevent ticks but rather kills ticks when they bite the dogs. As for tick collars, some of them repel ticks so ticks will not attach themselves to the dogs at all.

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Sounds like a double up to me, but i don't live in a tick area. Are you in a heavy tick area?

Not really. The vet says he sees about 4 cases a month. Is that a heavy tick area?

No it doesn't sound as though it is, but if there are ticks, there are ticks. Maybe owners are more diligent with prevention in your area than other areas. 90% of my clients double up with a collar and a top spot.

Edited by Clyde
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Sounds like a double up to me, but i don't live in a tick area. Are you in a heavy tick area?

Not really. The vet says he sees about 4 cases a month. Is that a heavy tick area?

No it doesn't sound as though it is, but if there are ticks, there are ticks. Maybe owners are more diligent with prevention in your area than other areas. 90% of my clients double up with a collar and a top spot.

Oh so it's not uncommon to double up?

Even with frontline plus once a fortnight (instead of once a month) plus a tick collar??

I was just worried about overloading his system

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No, it's very common. Personally I cant stand the collars due to the way they smell, but if they're necessary....

SOunds awful though doesn't it, with all the pesticides but it's better than a sick or dead dog.

Maybe just put a collar on him during the worst period, although there doesnt seem to be one anymore. I plucked 17 ticks off an Aussie Shep last week and several others from other dogs over the past fortnight too.

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I think it is normal for General Vets to say such things.........weigh it up for your own personal issue..........do you want the dog to die from a tick, or spend hundreds on tick serum that causes heart problems whereby the dog will die younger anyway.....

Or not use chemicals, and risk the dog lives a long life & never gets one

Or innundate the dog with crap from commercial foods, vaccines, chemicals & have it die premature anyway..........usually with lots of stuff going wrong regulary cos the immune system is wrecked from it all.......

Basically I dont see any win win situation.......just go with whatyou feel best for your own dog & how risky you feel it is etc.........

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I think it is normal for General Vets to say such things.........weigh it up for your own personal issue..........do you want the dog to die from a tick, or spend hundreds on tick serum that causes heart problems whereby the dog will die younger anyway.....

Or not use chemicals, and risk the dog lives a long life & never gets one

Or innundate the dog with crap from commercial foods, vaccines, chemicals & have it die premature anyway..........usually with lots of stuff going wrong regulary cos the immune system is wrecked from it all.......

Basically I dont see any win win situation.......just go with whatyou feel best for your own dog & how risky you feel it is etc.........

Wow that was helpful!

Do you live in a paralysis tick area Cavandra?

Do you understand how many dogs die each year from these little suckers, one of the reasons is that owner compliance with the search your dog all over every day rule is very low, Vets do not like to see dogs die from ticks.

Vets have to suggest methods of prevention that give the dogs some chance of avoiding this.

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