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Should I...

Guest Tess32

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I haven't sent my camera to be repaired in yet but I I talked

to one lot and they said it didn't sound very healthy, hehe...

I'm wondering if I should get the 40D now and then just

sell the 30D if/when it comes back...

Is it really worth the upgrade if I do get the 30D back?

What's a good price for it?

Or the 50D?

I don't know, hehe..

Edited by Tess32
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Would check dp review and compare the 30D, 40D and 50D. Were you planning to upgrade or planning to wait a few more years say to the 60D etc

I had a 10D that went in to be fixed and had to buy the 350D to fill in (that little camera did a fantstic job at some big events/races) as I was going to upgrade to a 30D. Due to having to get repairs and having the other camera I ended up waiting that little bit longer for the 40D and was very very happy I did.

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The 40D is a great camera. For the price difference, I would still pick up another 40D versus the 50D. If it were only $100-$200 maybe I'd go the 50D, but for my shooting needs, the 40D works perfectly well (and actually does better where I need it, in the highlights).

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