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Hi Jess the part your talking about is on leash but no one seems to abide by this especailly in the evenings, I too havent been down there for a long while, so I didnt know there was new signs. The only part of the beach down there this time of year off leash is from the left of Ritches point car park (turn before the bridge) this part of the beach is off leash around to the flume. and the other way it is logans beach down to just before the mouth of the river. I love the mouth of the river for the dogs too swim cause it is so flat and perfect depth for then to run and have a good swim.

Tanya when you say the blue hole where exactly do you mean??

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I was just thinking back to late last summer, there was a big stink in the paper because there was a group of about 20 people and dogs down there one day and none of the dogs were being supervised and the owners were turning a blind eye to thier dogs toileting and not picking up pooh etc. May be thats why thier is new signs to make it clearer for people to see??

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what another hot day and no aircon at work...very uncomfortable!!!

Maddie the Golden Retriever is pacing around probably wondering where the hell she is...poor love. She and Jane have been on the go all day and both must be exhausted. Have just shut her in the back enclosed porch area with her recliner that she normally sleeps on at home so hopefully she can rest up before another big 'Jane' day tomorrow. I'd be interested in knowing how long it will take her to settle in but time will tell.

She is definetly the boss girl over Jane which thankfully Jane happily accepts. Hope I don't have to return this beautiful girl in 10 days time with bags under her eyes from exhaustion!!!!

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Hi Tez, glad they are getting on well. DOnt know how they manage to play in the heat!! Mine have just slept all day. I left them inside with the ceiling fans on while I went to work today, I think they are all still exhausted from yesterday!! Heres hoping for a day not so hot tomorow!!

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Heat or not, these two play and play...Maddies as rough as Jane so they are a good match. I filled both halves of the clam shell with water so they could have one side each...Jane belly-flopped into it ALOT but Maddie, being more of a lady, just stood in it and cooled her feet! Just quietly, Jane even did a wee in the pool which may explain why Maddie didn't want to lie down!!!! My girl is definetly a 'Feral F#$%k'!!!

Glad the awesome foursome had a nice cool day...pity us worker can't say the same, hey!

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Blue Hole - Instead of turning left to Whales go straight into parking lot... We walk down on lead and then once in water let Bruno off to have a swim, we make sure that he is always next to us we got out and swim with him, we are lucky with him and he never wonders off...

Blue Hole Reserve (from Hopkins River Bridge to mouth, east side only between 1 May – 31 October may be off leash).

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Tanya, have you ever seen anyone patrolling down there as in rangers?? In all the time ive been going I have never seen anyone remotley resembling a ranger ever.

I dont go there much after the the 31st Oct because you have seen my 4 in the water they are nutters and down there they just love it as they can swim right out. Not worth the risk letting them off and getting caught even if Im the only one there.

Has there been many off lead there latley??

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Tanya, have you ever seen anyone patrolling down there as in rangers?? In all the time ive been going I have never seen anyone remotley resembling a ranger ever.

I dont go there much after the the 31st Oct because you have seen my 4 in the water they are nutters and down there they just love it as they can swim right out. Not worth the risk letting them off and getting caught even if Im the only one there.

Has there been many off lead there latley??

Nope have never seen anyone at all patrolling, we've been going there for over a year now...

There were a few dogs there last night, but every other night haven't been many... Also I find that when you have your section of the water and beach nobody really comes near you so you have it all to yourself...

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In the 14yrs I have been going (on and off) to the blue hole, I have never seen the rangers there either.

The only time they went there (out of hrs) was when I rang one (a friend) to come and get an elderly dog, as we couldnt get in touch with the owners.

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If im up there i sure will but atm Im steering clear till they cut the grass, it is way too long for my liking!! I went to Harris st this morning and they had the liitle wading shell pool in the cage so my lot had a great time, and the grass is short there, so its great part from the beach it is about the only safe place atm. Im on days off after today so we will be hitting the beach for sure.

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