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Warrnambool (vic) Dolers


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Great news tlc....keep us posted! :rolleyes:
Gsd's, you could alway's stay the night ?? Mum has room so do i ;) can Terry feed the rest of the clan for you ??? the show is in the latest mag if you want to know when ( cant be bothered looking for mine ) i think its in Feb so awhile yet..

I may have a singleton here next week, little Fidget is due and is not very big so my guess is one unless she sucks on the exhaust of the car between now and then :D if its a girl someone has already got dibs on her....Gsd's, you know well that Milk and cake are fattening and if its hot fermenting will take place and make us feel all funny :) and dog only knows what will happen then ;)

Now that's an idea Tenties. I didn't realize it wasn't until Feb. Jut checked Terry's roster and it looks like he's got those days off, so looking good so far. :rofl: I'm sure he'd look after the fur kids if I stay overnight.

As for the milk & cake...warm milk is only for night-time because it helps put me to sleep, and the ONLY reason I have milk during the day (which has to be COLD by the way - preferably with ice :D ) is because we need more calcium as we get older... with arthritis and all ;) :mad The cake.....well, that's to keep blood sugar at the right levels of course :lie::rofl:


Phfffftttt cant half tell who's Daughter you are :o ( in regards to the cake :lie: )

Oh well , look's like we have a little outing forming for Feb, dont forget your chair and ice... i will have to hunt around for some really yummy cakes when the time comes :eat:

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Hey...Tlc, glad to hear the induction went well! I'm sure Tully, Lacey and Mawson will put a smile on the dial of many a patient!

I've had the internet down for a few days so had to catch up on all the posts...made for an interesting read! :laugh:

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Hey...Tlc, glad to hear the induction went well! I'm sure Tully, Lacey and Mawson will put a smile on the dial of many a patient!

I've had the internet down for a few days so had to catch up on all the posts...made for an interesting read! :laugh:

I am sure they will too, we have another Lady too, her little dog is a biscon frise, so Mawson is the only male among the ladies :laugh: Think you need to get your paper work out and make a start on it! :laugh: then at least Maws won't be the only boy!!

Edited cause I realize half of what I typed had dissapeared :laugh:

Edited by tlc
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It's a lovely day out today, pity I have to go to work! :( Im heading to AP when I get home at 6.15pm if anyone wants to join me feel free!!

Wish i could but i go in tomorrow for shopping......it is very beautiful out there and its bought the blowies out in full force here... i have the bug zapper going but there are hundreds of them by the sound of it... Della and Buzz are being kept amused by them anyway, although i think they have caught more than the zapper :rolleyes: i might go have a nice relaxing bubble bath before feed time at the zoo.. :laugh:

By the way, you should have seen the size of the spider that crawled up the inside of the drivers door on my car yesterday :D Mum opened her door to get out and run :( but i kept my cool, yep i froze :D bloody thing went down the gap between the windscreen and the dash, had a hard time doing it too he was sooooooooo big, he was a native huntsman, very grey and very furry :) ..... i kept my eye on him thats how come i can tell you that :( when i got home i emptied a can of fly spray in there, so hope its done the trick, i dont want anymore guest appearances thanks....heebie jeebie time again yukkkkk.............

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Oh GSD's i forgot to tell you , i have your green tea here, i brought it home after the Funeral, i was going to try it out for a couple of days and replace it come payday but i have only had 2 out of it ;) ......to me it tastes like dirty tobacco :D maybe it does until you get used to it ;) might give it another go yet dont know, will see how i go..

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:o Hate spiders and that one sounds like a doozy!! Hope he is gone for good, scary when they are in the car we nearly had an accident years ago when a massive huntsman came out of the dashboard, geez did we pull over in a hurry! :hug:
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;) Hi GSDs :D

Glad the induction went well tlc :D

;) at the spider story - I hate spiders, legacy of living in a house riddled with wolf spiders as a kid :laugh::cry::cry:

I spent the day between shopping in W'bool and making a big start on the packing ready to head off tomorrow.

Spent way too much money on new toys (a HP netbook and a Tom Tom) so will have to behave myself - no new toys/agility DVDs/books at the clinic ;) Yeah right....

Have packed the cargo area of the wagon with all the flat stuff that will sit fine under the girls without taking up their space, I tried them in it this arvo and they can only just stand up without knocking their heads :cry: It will settle down a little once they've sat their butts on it for longer than a few minutes. I need to learn to pack lighter or talk work into letting me have a bigger car :o

Forecast for the next few days is 35C - hope there's a spare camping spot beside the river :hug:

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Sounds like your in for an adventure Jess, refresh my memory again where is the clinic again?

Do you mean it is going to be 35 here? My OH reckons 21 tomorow?

Nah 35C where we're going, so we have two days driving to acclimatise :o

We're staying at a place called Riverwood Downs about an hour and a half North of Newcastle - awesome place by the look of it and totally dog friendly :hug: BUT the meals are very $$$. ;) There's no camp kitchen, only a wood fired BBQ so I think bangers and salad are going to be a diet staple for the next week. ;)

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Well another lovely day today, Whats everyone up to? We have just got home from a lovely walk at AP.

hope we can do it again soon. Hopefully Saturday and Sunday arvo will be a good and we might be able to have a walk after work/obedience.

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Bloody warm in Sydney :D

My poor dogs had their first experience with bindii tonight, was hard work trying to find a ground that wasn't full of them. Huge perfectly mown sports grounds and they are all full of bindii. :p Lucky they aren't dried out yet.

Maybe our rarely mowed but bindii free grounds aren't so bad :)

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:mad:mad:mad Ok peoples, sorry but i need a rant.... As most know i have been waiting on the Eye and Ear Hospital to send me an appointment to make arrangements as to surgery i need on my Eye's, most know how long i have been waiting :mad well, last month i rang them , but was curtly told that "other people had more serious problems with their eye's and needed to be seen first :mad BUT if i considered that my eye's had got worse that i should get another referral sent down.... ok... i did that...... then i get a letter in the mail asking if i still need the appointment ???? then another letter the day after saying they had recieved my referral and should my condition get worse to contact my Doctor :laugh: ....i showed this to my Doctor who couldnt work out what was going on , so he sent yet another referral to them on the 10th... well today i decided to ring them and find out what was going on..... i got all sorts of excuses about everything but the women said now wait for it ....... THEY HAD ONLY JUST RECIEVED MY REFERRAL ON THE 10th of this month :love: and said i would have to wait like everyone else :eek::mad:mad:mad well did i let rip....... she sort of sounded like she started choking and said to hold the line :o then came back and said she would see what they could do......it seems they rang Mum's place in the next 5 minutes then rang my mobile to say they had made a mistake so have made an appointment for me on the 17th Dec.... wow !!!!!!! now im mad about being fobbed off all this time :mad:mad:mad just because someone made a mistake and no one was willing to listen to me.... of course im the stupid DF not them, cant wait till the 17th ;) someone is going to get an earfull..... RANT OVER FOLKS....thanks i feel heaps better now.... :D
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:o bloody he'll the whole medical system just floors me at times! I keep saying they don't call it medical practice for nothing after all they are just practicing on us. :laugh: hope it all goes well Linda.
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Well as things dont always go the way they are expected for me it came as no surprise to go out the back to feed Fidget this evening and find that she had started to whelp on her own, she is not due until the 15th... so far she has a boy and a girl both long bobs and im thinking there is another in there as she has a hard bump in her side, she wasnt very big so she has done a very good job of hiding them :thumbsup: but in saying that they are very small which is good.

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