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Our Little Pup


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Thank you so much everyone. I am relatively new to this forum and the outpouring of support from people we know understand our depth of loss is so comforting.

We returned home from our holiday today - Boz died while we were away and all his little signs of cheekiness were scattered around the house - so hard to walk around taking all that in. But we will spend lots of time thinking and talking about him over the next few days and remembering his amazing little life. I posted this excerpt from Marley and me over on little Lucy's condolence thread.

He came into our lives just as we were trying to figure out what they would become. He joined us as we grappled with what every couple must eventually confront, the sometimes painful process of forging from two distinct pasts one shared future. He became part of our melded fabric, a tightly woven and inseperable strand into the weave that was us. Just as we had helped shape him into the family pet he would become, he helped to shape us, as well - as a couple, as parents, as animal lovers, as adults. Despite everything, all the disappointments and unmet expectations, Marley had given us a gift, at once priceless and free. He taught us the art of unqualified love. How to give it, how to accept it. Where there is that, most of the other pieces fall into place.

Edited by bozthepup
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My heart goes out to you on your terrible & heartbreaking loss of your beautiful little Boz :love::( - such an awful tragedy to be taken at such a tender age, poor poor baby :):) RIP Boz and run free at :laugh: with all the other lab pups who you can play with until your little heart is content and get up to all sorts of mischief as only lab pups & youngsters can.

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Thank you so much everyone. I am relatively new to this forum and the outpouring of support from people we know understand our depth of loss is so comforting.

We returned home from our holiday today - Boz died while we were away and all his little signs of cheekiness were scattered around the house - so hard to walk around taking all that in. But we will spend lots of time thinking and talking about him over the next few days and remembering his amazing little life. I posted this excerpt from Marley and me over on little Lucy's condolence thread.

He came into our lives just as we were trying to figure out what they would become. He joined us as we grappled with what every couple must eventually confront, the sometimes painful process of forging from two distinct pasts one shared future. He became part of our melded fabric, a tightly woven and inseperable strand into the weave that was us. Just as we had helped shape him into the family pet he would become, he helped to shape us, as well - as a couple, as parents, as animal lovers, as adults. Despite everything, all the disappointments and unmet expectations, Marley had given us a gift, at once priceless and free. He taught us the art of unqualified love. How to give it, how to accept it. Where there is that, most of the other pieces fall into place.

Thank you so much :D

How are you coping? After just over a week im still down.. each day does get better but I just made Lucy a tribute video which im uploading onto my youtube channel. I will post it when its uploaded if you wanted to watch how precious her life was to me.

Big hugs to you.. stay strong with me ;)

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My Condolances to you both Bellatrix and Bozthepup.

14 years ago I lost my little Papillon in much the same way. Being minded by another and hit by a car. I loved him to bits then and I feel the same way today.

The loss and the guilt at not being there does ease. But our love for our little ones continues.

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Thank you so much everyone. I am relatively new to this forum and the outpouring of support from people we know understand our depth of loss is so comforting.

We returned home from our holiday today - Boz died while we were away and all his little signs of cheekiness were scattered around the house - so hard to walk around taking all that in. But we will spend lots of time thinking and talking about him over the next few days and remembering his amazing little life. I posted this excerpt from Marley and me over on little Lucy's condolence thread.

He came into our lives just as we were trying to figure out what they would become. He joined us as we grappled with what every couple must eventually confront, the sometimes painful process of forging from two distinct pasts one shared future. He became part of our melded fabric, a tightly woven and inseperable strand into the weave that was us. Just as we had helped shape him into the family pet he would become, he helped to shape us, as well - as a couple, as parents, as animal lovers, as adults. Despite everything, all the disappointments and unmet expectations, Marley had given us a gift, at once priceless and free. He taught us the art of unqualified love. How to give it, how to accept it. Where there is that, most of the other pieces fall into place.

Thank you so much :rolleyes:

How are you coping? After just over a week im still down.. each day does get better but I just made Lucy a tribute video which im uploading onto my youtube channel. I will post it when its uploaded if you wanted to watch how precious her life was to me.

Big hugs to you.. stay strong with me :thumbsup:

Yes, each day is better for us. I am now able to tell people that don't know without getting teary (well most of the time).

We went to see the people who were minding him last weekend - as you can imagine, the man who was driving the tractor that ran over Bozzy was completely devastated. But we just talked for a few hours about him, and doggies in general (he owns three labbies) and that was another step in moving on.

He told us how much fun Boz was having running around the farm and how he could swim from one side of the dam to the other now - the hardest part was going down to the dam with Boz's sister, a black girl who is now very good at retrieving and swimming. We pictured him alongside her and that was difficult.

Hopefully the tears will continue to be replaced with smiles and happy memories.

I am not sure how to post a video - I have one of Boz, it's not very well shot but it just epitomises how pups love life.

All the best to you, I hope things are on the improve.

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