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Excessive Itching


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Riley woke up this morning scratching. He sleeps in his bed, next to our bed, so I could hear his collar dangling ,and him itching.

He was doing it every few mins for about half a hour.

In the end it drove me nuts so I got up and checked him all over and couldn't find anything in the spot he was itching (Same spot everytime).

After that he went back to sleep and didn't itch for about 30 mins.

Then my alarm went off so I got up, so he got up and the first thing he did was itch. Then he walked to the back door, and itched, walked outside, then itched, wee'd and then itched and so on!

Now he's back in his bed and I can hear him scratching.

I have no idea whats causing it, as he started about 6am and hadn't been outside etc - he'd been in his bed since 10pm last night.

So my problem is, do you think I can leave him and go to work, and see how he is tonight? Or should I somehow try to get off work and take him into the vet?

Im thinking a itch is a itch and he'll be fine, and if it keeps up over the next day or so ill take him, but the the other part of me is going what if he has been bitten by a spider or something like that.

He does have a few issues where he'll lick his feet non stop til they get infected and a few other things - he gets himself into a habbit of doing things. OH reckons thats what he's doing now, as when i turned the light off and went back to sleep, and OH left for work, riley stopped itching for 30 mins.

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He's never had fleas, and has flea protection.

Thought of hot spots, but thought the area would be red? Its white, and doesn't look any different to normal.

Allergies - could be. Diet hasn' changed, nor the environment. And it started at 6am which is odd.

I just found out my dad is off work for the day, so Im dropping Riles up to his place before work, dad will keep a eye on him and if he's still doing it at lunch time ill make a appt at the vet and get off work early and take him.

He's asleep in his bed now. It seems when he's asleep it doesn't bother him, but if he's up and walking about then he itches.

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I searched the area he was itching and couldn't see or feel anything. His skin is really white, so its quite easy to see.

He had frontline put on last Sunday (goes on every 2 weeks), and is wearing a tick collar (due to be replaced around now though).

When I dropped him off with my dad he was running around loopy as he was excited and didn't itch once. He didn't itch on the way in the car either.

I went through his bed when I left home too, but there was nothing odd in there.

Hopefully it was just a phase and he'll stop.

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Mine are itching like crazy too. They had advantix applied last week but I think they may have picked up some adult fleas when we've been walking - particularly after all the rain. We can't see any fleas on them but OH now has a couple of bites too.

I'm going to get some Capstar tablets.

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Im not sure it was fleas - mainly because he was scratching the same spot everytime, and not anywhere else.

I just called my Dad and he said he's been watching him and he hasn't scratched any more than usual, just once or twice here or there. Certainly not every few minute or two like he was this morning.

I keep a eye on him over the weekend.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit of update.

The itching has continuted but not on the scale it was.

He'll itch every now and again, but nothing that Id say was excessive or that I was worried about etc.

However, tonight I was patting him and notice the fur in the section that he scratches is very short. Its certainly not a bald patch, the hair is still there, but instead of being about 4-5cm long like the rest of his hairs, its more 1-2cm long. It feels quite coarse, but this could just be because he's scratched it and broken it off. Its only in the section that he's scratched. The skin is a normal colour, not red, no bumps, spots or anything. Just looks like the rest of his skin.

It doesn't seem to bother him in any way. I can pat it, rub it, poke it etc in the area he scratches and he couldnt' care less.

Now im not sure if its something to worried about (the hair being really short) or not. Riley is known to get behavioural issues. He went through a stage where he licked his feet, sometimes to the point that he'd get them infected, then he moved onto licking his bum a few months back. However, the bum and feet licking has stopped, but now we have the scratching, so Im not sure if its his new thing to do.

Does anyone have any ideas now?

He hasn't had a bath in a while, and he used to get one more regularly, so Im wondering if that has anything to do with it. Ill give him a bath tomorrow. (I didn't see the above post about bathing before.)

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One of my gsd's has a spot on his hip he keeps licking, just won't heal with the constant licking.Anyway,the vet suggested I try antihistamine tablets {human ones from the chemist}.Said it would take away the itch so he didn't feel the need to lick anymore. Have been giving him these for 2 days now and certainly seems to be working, he doesn't lick anymore and is finally beginning to heal.

Just an idea it may work with Riley :eek:

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Gave Riley a bath this morning and he hasn't itched once since then.

Hopefully thats solved the problem.

Edited - he just had a nice long scratch!

The area still looks normal - white skin, not red, no lumps etc.

Will give it a few days I think then head of to the vet if its still bothering him

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Ended up going to the vet Tuesday as the itching started again.

Vet said its a patch of excema but said it is a bit strange where it is. Anyway, he shaved the area so its easier to apply cream. Have been the applying the cream twice a day, and it seems to be working.

Geez this dog is just like me with all the allergies ! :hug:

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