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Vaccinations - Input Needed


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ok so you all know I went through Parvo etc...

Just wanted to hear peoples thoughts on baby vaccination schedules

Two or 3 vaccinations?

What age is best?

Anyone else got Parvo after puppy being vaccinated?

Anyone use just Parvac?

C3 or C5?

my latest litter was vaccinated with C3 (a diff vet to the one I used with Hef :( ) at 8 weeks.

Thanks all :)

Edited by Missymoo
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Guest Tess32
2 vacc, first one after 8 weeks, second one 4 weeks after that, then one booster 12 months after and nothing for the rest of their lives.

C3 only here

ETA: Dog was barking and I forgot to add, never had parvo

This is what I would recommend.

I would not trust just PARVAC. My puppy had PARVAC at 10 weeks and had no detectable antibodies at 13 weeks.

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ok so you all know I went through Parvo etc...

Just wanted to hear peoples thoughts on baby vaccination schedules

Two or 3 vaccinations?

What age is best?

Two for puppies, after 8 weeks and after 12/13 weeks. Another at 13-14 months then nothing again for life

Anyone else got Parvo after puppy being vaccinated?


Anyone use just Parvac?

not here

C3 or C5?


my latest litter was vaccinated with C3 (a diff vet to the one I used with Hef :( ) at 8 weeks.

Thanks all :)

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All any body can do is to tell you what they do and use, This is what I do, it works for me.

I do not vaccinate puppies before 8 weeks.

I use Nobivac DHP.

The vet said this vaccine is protecting the pups in 36 hrs.

If the pup is sold the new owners are advised to get the pup another Nobivac DHP between 5 and six months.

I also advise that the pup is titre tested at approximately 7 months and when anti bodies are detected the the pup receives NO more vaccine for the rest of it's life. If the pup has antibodies in its system they are their for life and only death or irradiation will kill them.

I have never had parvo.

As most of us will tell you that if the pup is vaccinated correctly the pup will not get Parvo.

The only way a vaccinated pup can get parvo is.....vaccinated to early in life for the vaccine to be effective or the vaccine had something wrong with it and was ineffective.



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First one should never be before 8 weeks of age, the later the better......Pups done at 6 weeks of age will often contract the diseases like Parvo.Vaccines are ineffective at that age!

8-10 weeks C3

12-16 weeks C3

15 months C3

then never again.

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Guest Tess32
The vet said this vaccine is protecting the pups in 36 hrs.

This isn't necessarily true. It took the full 10 days for my pup to be covered, Nobivac looked into it.

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Boarding kennels are going to have to learn the new vaccination protocols.

It will be difficult for a while as some vets are still crying over the loss of income.

Some kennels listen to their vets and believe what they say is gospel, to the vets delight, as he makes money out of it.

But as I continually say if vets are the caring animal persons that they say they are, they should understand that vaccine being pumped into a dog every year is not the correct thing for the dogs health.

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Boarding kennels are going to have to learn the new vaccination protocols.

It will be difficult for a while as some vets are still crying over the loss of income.

Some kennels listen to their vets and believe what they say is gospel, to the vets delight, as he makes money out of it.

But as I continually say if vets are the caring animal persons that they say they are, they should understand that vaccine being pumped into a dog every year is not the correct thing for the dogs health.

i soooo agree with you. i have had so much trouble from my vets because for the last 20 years have had the above vac schedule. i look after my dogs really well and they know that so they always want to tell me that they don't understand why i won't vaccinate.

when i tell them that they know that my dogs don't get sick and they also know that they haven't been vaccinated as they prescribe so what do they say to that, they tell me i am just lucky!!!!!!

oh well time will help i guess.

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I recently got a puppy and I went around to all the vets in my area and picked on I liked, the one I chose does the C3 at 6 weeks and then the new C5 at 10 weeks, this is the only vac they receive until a year later... I am hoping this new vac is effective as I wouldnt want anything bad to happen to my new puppy.

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ok so you all know I went through Parvo etc...

Just wanted to hear peoples thoughts on baby vaccination schedules

Two or 3 vaccinations?

What age is best?

Anyone else got Parvo after puppy being vaccinated?

Anyone use just Parvac?

C3 or C5?

my latest litter was vaccinated with C3 (a diff vet to the one I used with Hef :( ) at 8 weeks.

Thanks all :)

My pup had 3 vacs. They were C5 i think.

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The only time a Titer test is of use is when it is done after the puppy vaccinations to prove the pup has immunity.........this is a whole different thread of course..........Once a pup has immunity it has it for life, no Titer will show that, as Titers do not measure the memory cells!!!

It is very frustrating for those who understand this field to watch the Veterinary/Drug folk drag their feet on this... Perhaps if someone with the time & money would just sue them to make a huge hooo haaa about misleading the pet owning public that something would finally spur them on to be honest, and re-educate in this regard.

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I used to think "C5 minimum" was the "law" for kennels. But talking around, I don't actually think that is actually the case. I believe C3 is the minimum lawful vaccination level even though the majority of kennels ask for the C5. Can anyone validate that?

I do agree that kennels need to look at becoming more dog friendly in the sense of vaccinations. However I do agree that as they run a business they need to do what they need to do to look after the integrity of their enterprise.

Titre tests aren't only worthwhile "2 weeks after puppy vaccinations". But the best time to titre test is 2 weeks after a vaccination (whether that be puppy or not). A titre test might show up anti-bodies outside this period but just because it does not does not mean the dog doesn't not have the desired antibodies.

Edited by Erny
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The only way a vaccinated pup can get parvo is.....vaccinated to early in life for the vaccine to be effective or the vaccine had something wrong with it and was ineffective.

Or if pup was exposed to parvovirus right after he's received the vaccine, before the vaccine has a chance to be effective.

Or if pup was already asymptomatically incubating the virus when he was vaccinated.

Vaccines improve your odds of your pup not getting parvo, but even if you vaccinate appropriately, there's unfortunately no 100% guarantee. But I can say that the vast majority of parvo cases we see at the teaching clinic here are unvaccinated puppies (poor little things!).

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