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Itchy Puppies


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I have a chronically itchy dog who has allergies. Dogs can be itchy for a variety of reasons, it would not be a good idea to give an antihistamine without knowing the cause of the problem. I would suggest your daughter take the dogs to the vet to find out what the problem is. It could be a number of things including a plant outside that is irritating them, fleas, food intolerance, allergy to plants (or just about anything else!).

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I to would try and find the cause to the itchiness first.

Where is the rash? Do they itch all of the time?

What do they eat?

What do they get as treats?

What are the floors washed with?

What is there bedding washed with?

Do they have fleas?

What plants are in the backyard?


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Are these the two puppies who are fussy eaters? Regarding the itching you need to find out what's causing it, it could be fleas, something she's feeding them, a plant such as wandering jew in the yard, anything really. If they're not eating properly they could also be missing out on nutrients and this is affecting their skin.

Take them to the vet and get the problem investigated.

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Are the puppies related?

I'd be getting it thoroughly investigated now. The sooner you start, the closer you will be to discovering the cause. Don't waste time changing things around without proper guidance from a vet knowledgeable in skin issues, or a dermatologist.

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They are going to the Vets next week, she is feeding them BARF and some dry biscuits.

Have looked outside but can't seem to find anything. The reason was that she wanted to know if she could give them something to ease the itch until she goes to her Vet app. I am unsure what treats they get. There seems to be like dandruff or dry skin, flaky and little spots, but that could be a cause of the scratching.

She baths them in EPO and has the spray to use in between, but this hasn't really stopped the problem. One of my Staffies gets a allergy itch, but she usually gets this in the warmer weather, I give her a avil tablet and this seems to really help her, thus the question if the Puppies could have something to help.

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Are there any weeds in the backyard that they have access to? I've posted some pictures of what the wandering jew weed(s) look like under General Discussion. My dog is suffering from an allergy reaction to this weed. What I have done before I could went off to the vet was coned him, which stops him from licking his area and infecting it with bacteria etc.

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