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Where To Go?


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Hi everyone.

Hope this doesn’t sound to silly to anyone but I am already trying to start to see about puppy preschool classes and what not in my area. I am located in Western Australia - South of the River and there is a local dog club that offers it but also nearly every vet around.

So I was wondering what is better, the vet or the dog club? Friends have used one particular vet and highly recommended it as the instructor was really really good and helpful especially with any health/behaviour worries they had but a relative swears by the dog club. Instinct is telling me the dog club as at least from there we can advance and learn more and go into agility and those kind of activities but with a puppy, wouldn’t a vet be handy for those starting out worries?

There is also the Tafe campus in Murdoch who is now offering a variety of classes from the basic beginners right to advanced.

Any help/tip/advice would be great – thanks in advance

Jen. :thumbsup:

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There are pros and cons for both.....

I'm assuming from your post that perhaps you havent got your pup home yet.... Nothing wrong with asking if you can attend without a dog and watch the vet classes and also go down to the dog club and follow the class around.

You will probably get a good feeling about one... and there is nothing stopping you from doing both...

Have fun

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No, you're correct - no puppy till October, just trying to be organised for once in my life!!

I actually spoke with a lady from the dog club last night, random run in at the beach and I think I will go that way, as she seemed really nice!

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Make sure you go down and have a look at whats on offer. Training for a new puppy is so vital- the person or persons you get to assist you should be the best available to help you with your pup in their critical period. Think about it like taking a child to school or daycare when they're little- you want to be dealing with people who are highly skilled and experienced. You may find this at an obedience club, you may find this at the puppy school at a vet- either way its important that you find it! :thumbsup:

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I phoned them this morning and was invited to go to a class on Sunday morning to check it all :laugh: though I think the lady was amused at this as we are not even close to getting our pup yet!

i went to our dog club about 6 months before i got Atlas, would often go and check it out :laugh:

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