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Ok so my Golden Retriever puppy had a piece of lamb offcut yesterday at lunch, and this morning for breakfast. I normally don't buy them because the bones are big and sharp, but these ones were very meaty with only a small amount of bone and no long thin pieces.

I just heard her outside yelping, and I went outside and she was squatting as if to poo, but didn't seem able to. There's no new poo from this morning yet, and normally there would be by now.

I'd be on my way to the vets now except OH took the car today and I need to wait for my sister to come around (45-60 minutes).

Gypsy seems fine, she doesn't seem bothered if I press on her abdomen at all, it's just when she actually goes to poo that there seems to be a problem.

She's had bones before - chicken necks and drumsticks, and lamb.

I'm also worried she's been eating rocks from the garden, she's been digging them up and carrying them around the yard.

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I had the same issue with my dog! get her to the vet asap, as she is very constipated and they will need to give her a suppository to get it out. if you dont take her its dangerous. its caused from the bone. if they are too big they cant digest them properly. and being a puppy, anything bigger than its head is way too big! for the dog with this problem, i would try to avoid marrow bones too, as this can happen again.

hope this helps,

good luck! :D hope the pups ok after the vet! :thumbsup:

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There was no bone bigger than her head. The offcut was 90% meat and only a small amount of bone, which is why I got it. The entire thing wasn't bigger than her head, the bone that was in it was spongy sort of bone, not even hard white bone.

She just tried to poo 3 times in the space of a minute when I was outside with her, so clearly it's bothering her. :thumbsup:

She still seems quite happy for me to press on her stomach, it's just when she strains to go that it hurts it seems.

This is also a dog who doesn't yelp if she has her tail trodden on, or the quick of her nail cut by accident, etc - she never yelps or whimpers in pain

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A2G - I only pressed it gently to see if it was painful, and it didn't seem to be, so I'll leave it.

I hope she will pass it soon, but she's been trying for a few hours now :thumbsup: and she pretty much poos on schedule normally.

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Trying not to worry too much, but she keeps trying to go, and can't, and she seems upset and a bit flat now (she seemed normal earlier)

Also doesn't help that my mother (dog expert that she is(n't)) has been telling me over the phone that this is why feeding bones is bad and dogs that aren't in the wild should never be given bones, etc etc. :thumbsup:

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Trying not to worry too much, but she keeps trying to go, and can't, and she seems upset and a bit flat now (she seemed normal earlier)

Also doesn't help that my mother (dog expert that she is(n't)) has been telling me over the phone that this is why feeding bones is bad and dogs that aren't in the wild should never be given bones, etc etc. :laugh:

Ahh mothers...gotta love 'em! I'm one myself so I know what it' like from both sides now LOL!

The constipation (if that is the problem) could also be caused by the fat content blocking her intestines and maybe "wolfing" it down and not chewing which dogs tend to do "just in case another animal comes by to take it!". The Vet will give her something to help her 'go'.

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Vet said he can't feel anything abnormal and it feels like she's got a normal poo in there not too large or sharp bits or anything (too much info probably!)

Said she probably passed a poo earlier that irritated her anus hence the straining.

There was only a really really tiny poo between last night and now, so it didn't look like it would have caused any problems, but he couldn't find anything else.

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My old GSD has trouble pooing if he gets too much bone - it makes his poos hard and very dry so they take a lot more work getting them out. If she is not used to have bones regularly then I wouldn't give her too many - 1 every couple of days rather then every day.

I would hold off giving her any more bone until she has toileted.

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She won't be getting any more for a few days. She normally only gets maybe one a week, max 2, and only fairly small amounts of bone.

She only got two two days in a row because she woke me up at 4am to go out to the toilet, and she gets up at 5:30 anyway so I gave her the 2nd one as breakfast in her crate early so she'd settle again. Selfish reasoning but it's bad enough getting up at 5:30 every morning because she can see it's light.

She just did a poo though :)

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She won't be getting any more for a few days. She normally only gets maybe one a week, max 2, and only fairly small amounts of bone.

She only got two two days in a row because she woke me up at 4am to go out to the toilet, and she gets up at 5:30 anyway so I gave her the 2nd one as breakfast in her crate early so she'd settle again. Selfish reasoning but it's bad enough getting up at 5:30 every morning because she can see it's light.

She just did a poo though :confused:

That's good news. ;)

Don't let this episode put you off bones. She needs that chewing outlet for so many good reasons.

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:confused: There are other ways to keep her teeth clean. If the bones don't agree with her I would be very cautious about offering them again. Esme did exactly the same as your pup and the next time around I offered a bone, she went in to clinical shock and spent a $2000 week at the Emergency Clinic.

The Specialist said he has more dogs admitted with bowel damage due to eating bones than anything else. Every single vet there said to steer clear of any bones from red meat.

In the past I've been in the bones brigade but after my experience I am a lot more select in what I give my dogs.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm having problems with Danni at the moment. She had a chunk of beef knuckle bone yesterday and is now badly constipated with probably a bit of the bone (it seems) in her lower bowel.

I had her at the vet at lunchtime. He put some sort of suppository (forgot the name) in her bum and said bring her back tomorrow morning for an enema if it doesn't work.

It hasn't worked yet...and I suspect we have a long night ahead. :rofl:

UPDATE this morning....we have poo! :rofl:

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