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Situation Specific Barking

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I have a young bitch whose barking at shows has crossed the line from acceptable to unacceptable. At home she will occasionally attention bark at a human (ie, once or twice a week) but will stop very quickly when she gets no reaction. At shows her barking is escalating. She doesn't bark when being exercised, just when in her crate and occasionally while waiting to go in the ring. She doesn't bark in the ring. It is definitely at its worst when she is in the crate.

A couple of regular readers on the training forum have seen it in action, but for those who haven't, it is partially kicked off by one of us leaving the set up, but often our presence won't be enough to keep her quiet either. We have tried both rewarding for being quiet (food rewards, attention) and aversives for barking (spray bottle). We have also tried blocking her view. However, we're obviously Doin' It Rong as the LOLcats would say because it was the worst I've ever heard this weekend - I was stewarding so could hear it but could not intervene. I'm wondering if this weekend that was part of the problem, because I was often in her line of sight, but too far away to interact with her.

Any clues or suggestions? We have never had barkers before so this is new! I'm not prepared to debark her but if I can't train it out of her she'll be spending shows in the trailer which isn't fun for her or for us.

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The best thing I have tried for a barking crate dog is from Susan Garrett's Crate games

Put a crate cover or blanket over the dog but leave the front bit open - if she barks then close it so she can't see out. When she is quite open it. If she really good with it open, open a side section, then back then side. If she barks close it.

Works very nicely for our barker. Can only give advice for crate sorry.

If she is good then you can also give treaties through the back

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what does she do when she barks - is it a high pitched or a low bark, is she lying there and just barking or is it going bananas in the crate scratching/spinning etc

Not going bananas - no scratching, no spinning. Not high pitched, in fact if she wasn't direct from Bahrain you'd think there was Coonhound in there somewhere. Not constant, it's "considered" behaviour if that makes sense. Salukis might not be a barky breed, but they are a manipulative one.

OH said that today she was told "quiet" and then she eyeballed OH and barked. That lines up with what I've observed and says to me that this is attention seeking behaviour, so I think Neats strategy is worth a go.

FWIW, she's been lying behind me quietly in the study here while I've been on the computer for the last hour. This is why I've described it as situation specific. At home, she is definitely not a problem barker.

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is her crate covered?

Yes, but with cotton blankets that provide some vision to the outside area. Here's a picture of the culprit and the set up - on top of the crate is one of those cotton waffle weave blankets. When she is inside the crate the blanket is covering the front of the crate but the blanket is not opaque like a proper crate cover. You can see that the back of the gazebo has sides up so you can't see behind or to the side. For obvious reasons she's not barking here:


I am thinking we need to get a very solid crate cover, and employ the strategy that Neats suggests.

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it depends if the situation is causing her stress then lifting the flap for her to see will cause more barking - she is not happy and letting you know. Dog shows a stressful, smells, hormones etc and her locked in a crate where she has no choice but to sit and put up with it.

Conversely she could be doing it because she wants to get her own way hence the eyeballing and barking back when told off.

have you tried giving her a bone etc to keep her busy while she is in the crate and cover it up completely? Make the whole thing really nice and worth being interested in and not woofing

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is her crate covered?

Yes, but with cotton blankets that provide some vision to the outside area. Here's a picture of the culprit and the set up - on top of the crate is one of those cotton waffle weave blankets. When she is inside the crate the blanket is covering the front of the crate but the blanket is not opaque like a proper crate cover. You can see that the back of the gazebo has sides up so you can't see behind or to the side. For obvious reasons she's not barking here:


I am thinking we need to get a very solid crate cover, and employ the strategy that Neats suggests.

Sorry, nothing helpful to add but she is one gorgeous girl!! :thumbsup:

Good luck with the barking

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have you tried giving her a bone etc to keep her busy while she is in the crate and cover it up completely? Make the whole thing really nice and worth being interested in and not woofing

I think I will will try this first, this seems like the least fuss option to begin with.

Jigsaw - she is crated happily at home. I haven't sat down and observed carefully what the features of a "bark" situation are. Next weekend we'll be at a show weekend and 2 sighthound savvy obedience instructor friends will be there as well as OH and I. I think I'll ask them to observe OH and I - it's hard to work out what is really going on when you're the handler/family.

Sighthounder - :D I think your Indi is a gorgeous boy too :D

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