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The Disaster Thread


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Well we had one of these a year or so ago, and I think we need another!

Leo was a disgrace on Sunday at club. After a blinder round on Sat training with a friend where he found the seekback in record speed and also did the jumps perfectly afterwards AND fetched the right glove, I couldn't be prouder :laugh:

Turn up to club on Sunday, ready to blow everyone away, only to find the dog left his brain at home with the girl in season :D Only took him 5.5yrs to figure our what girls are about :love:

Seekback I think he tripped over it 5 times before he found it, we TOTALLY forgot what 'box' was and if by pure chance we got out there, he would drop in it ;) now THAT'S something new!

We've also forgotten what 'speak' means and how to do a signals COP!

Can I get a refund please?! :love:

Got him out this morning to do some remedial box work, and whadiya know... he remembers how to do it perfectly :)

Pulled Kinta out, who was off her rocker to do some work. Gawd I love enthusiastic dogs :)

Edited by leopuppy04
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My biggest dissaster was last year at the Dobe Specialty. It was ALL MY PERSONAL FAULT

I participated in WAE with Divani andbeen failed for apparently moving off the spot where I was not supposed to...

I thouht she has done really well in the WAE and when I found out she failed I was p*ssed off BIG time.

I cried and thrown things around, being a bad looser, and straight after I was entered with her in obedience.

I run to the car got her out, and she was bit freaked out - no doubt because I was in a bad mood.

We went in the ring, I forgot my number, run to the car got the number.

Went in the ring and as the judge said to me are you ready (I didnt answer yet) my mobile rang :mad

I forgot to switch it off as being one of the organisers I had it on all the time.

So I pulled out the phone out of the pocket and just threw it outside the ring, said to the judge - yes Im ready now.

In the process of throwing the phone I must have answered it, so I could hear the person yelling - hello helllooooo.

One of my friends picked up the phone and told the person to call later.

Divani was lagging and unhappy and on the come didnt move at all. I got the sh*ts and didnt wait for the judge to tell me to issue the other command and just yelled come twice more.

Needless to say we failed :cry:

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Leopuppy I feel your pain!.....been there!!! It's called boy brains and theres no cure...just an occasional reprieve :eek: ;) Probably the worst was when we had a big anniversary trial with eastern states judges and he decided to leave his brains....um still not sure where :) . He had recently served a bitch and there was also a champ show on the same night so I am sure there had been a bitch in season on the grounds. He was horrible :cry: and when it came to scent he decided to skip that bit and pee on a nearby tree.....we left the ring at that stage :cry:

Well we had one of these a year or so ago, and I think we need another!

Leo was a disgrace on Sunday at club. After a blinder round on Sat training with a friend where he found the seekback in record speed and also did the jumps perfectly afterwards AND fetched the right glove, I couldn't be prouder :rasberry:

Turn up to club on Sunday, ready to blow everyone away, only to find the dog left his brain at home with the girl in season ;) Only took him 5.5yrs to figure our what girls are about :rofl:

Seekback I think he tripped over it 5 times before he found it, we TOTALLY forgot what 'box' was and if by pure chance we got out there, he would drop in it :rofl: now THAT'S something new!

We've also forgotten what 'speak' means and how to do a signals COP!

Can I get a refund please?! :cry:

Got him out this morning to do some remedial box work, and whadiya know... he remembers how to do it perfectly :o

Pulled Kinta out, who was off her rocker to do some work. Gawd I love enthusiastic dogs :provoke:

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Leopuppy I feel your pain!.....been there!!! It's called boy brains and theres no cure...just an occasional reprieve :provoke::rofl: Probably the worst was when we had a big anniversary trial with eastern states judges and he decided to leave his brains....um still not sure where :rasberry: . He had recently served a bitch and there was also a champ show on the same night so I am sure there had been a bitch in season on the grounds. He was horrible :o and when it came to scent he decided to skip that bit and pee on a nearby tree.....we left the ring at that stage :)

Oh my god ;) .

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I don't believe it Bedazzled! Brookie couldn't behave like that! I've seen him!!! :laugh: Like Ness said - must have been an imposter ;)

I'm pleased to say that we've been training since then (gotta love living on 1/2 an acre with full set of agility and obedience equipment for 1wks!) and he's been awesome!!!!! Maybe I need to enter a trial again soon.... :rofl:

Kinta's open training is going well... now.... to work on those stays.....

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You can have some of Darcy's stay skills if I can have some of Kinta's enthusiasm for heeling :thumbsup:

I think our heeling work probably belongs in here at the moment. We've taken most of the summer off from working much agility but have just started to get back into it so Darcy remembers what a jump looks like for the Lynda Orton Hill workshops. So of course our enthusiasm for heeling has gone right out the window, right when I've literally just sent entries off for her to do Novice at Wbool. She is still heeling but you can tell she's really not into it...

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My biggest dissaster was last year at the Dobe Specialty. It was ALL MY PERSONAL FAULT

I participated in WAE with Divani andbeen failed for apparently moving off the spot where I was not supposed to...

I thouht she has done really well in the WAE and when I found out she failed I was p*ssed off BIG time.

I cried and thrown things around, being a bad looser, and straight after I was entered with her in obedience.

I run to the car got her out, and she was bit freaked out - no doubt because I was in a bad mood.

We went in the ring, I forgot my number, run to the car got the number.

Went in the ring and as the judge said to me are you ready (I didnt answer yet) my mobile rang :laugh:

I forgot to switch it off as being one of the organisers I had it on all the time.

So I pulled out the phone out of the pocket and just threw it outside the ring, said to the judge - yes Im ready now.

In the process of throwing the phone I must have answered it, so I could hear the person yelling - hello helllooooo.

One of my friends picked up the phone and told the person to call later.

Divani was lagging and unhappy and on the come didnt move at all. I got the sh*ts and didnt wait for the judge to tell me to issue the other command and just yelled come twice more.

Needless to say we failed :)

I know its not funny.... but you made me laugh :( hugs to you

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Oh dear, shouldn't laugh, but it IS nice to know that it happens to others!

My girl got her first 2 CCD Q's in her first trial, so, full of bravado, I decided to try another double trial in the middle of packing and moving. Already unsettled by all this activity, it also turned out to be a bit hot for my Welsh princess, and she was definitely lacking in enthusiasm. First trial, she did OK, until we got to the downstays. Then an idiot decided to play with his dogs right next to the ring. Several other dogs broke during the down stay, but my girl held on, and was one of 2 dogs clear for the down stay - only to break in the last 5 seconds! I could have cheerfully killed that guy!

So, we persevered for the 2nd trial, still hoping for that last Q, and after a lack lustre heel pattern, we made it to the recall, normally something she does perfectly. She sat, stayed, I turned and called her, and she cocked her head and looked at me perpexedly, like she'd never heard the word 'come' before in her life! :thumbsup: You've got to laugh somedays!

Keep your fingers crossed for us though- we're having another go in just under a fortnight!

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