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K9 Force Workshop In Melboune


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I just had a phone consultation with Steve and realised just how much my lovely dog and I need a refresher course. As I do not plan a roadtrip to NSW anytime soon, I was wondering how many others would be interested in organizing a K9-Force Workshop here in Melbourne?

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I just had a phone consultation with Steve and realised just how much my lovely dog and I need a refresher course. As I do not plan a roadtrip to NSW anytime soon, I was wondering how many others would be interested in organizing a K9-Force Workshop here in Melbourne?

I definitely would. In fact I just recently asked Steven if he knew when he'd be down here again as previously he'd mentioned he might be down again early this year but he now thinks it will be more likely mid year. If we could get him here earlier that would be good.

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Sorry Jules - not sure if I understand you. Are you saying you would prefer to have Steve here for a day and during that time give one on one lessons to people or are you saying you would prefer to go see him privately?

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If Steve is going to give a talk or demonstration in training in drive I'd be interested in attending as a spectator just to soak up information. I would like to get a better understanding of this, particularly how it can be used in training quite low key soft dogs.

Training styles/methods have changed quite a bit since I trained my last dog some 16 years ago and I think it would be a valuable experience for me. I don't think I'd be inclined to bring Bronte to this session though, I would prefer to observe and absorb.

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If Steve is going to give a talk or demonstration in training in drive I'd be interested in attending as a spectator just to soak up information. I would like to get a better understanding of this, particularly how it can be used in training quite low key soft dogs.

Training styles/methods have changed quite a bit since I trained my last dog some 16 years ago and I think it would be a valuable experience for me. I don't think I'd be inclined to bring Bronte to this session though, I would prefer to observe and absorb.

Were you at the scent detection workshop last Saturday?

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So far then it sounds as though people want a mixture of private lessons and a workshop/demo on training in drive - is that right? Are there any other suggestions? Some people have expressed an interest in *Handling Techniques*

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