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Hi everyone

I really need your opinion here.

My bitch had a C Section Friday last week 23/4.

She has been getting out and digging and this has casue the stitches to become inflammed. I have been using salty water to bath them and they seem to be getting better. I have now confined her totally.

Friday evening I noticed that she diarreah.

I have been taking her temp and it is normal 38.5.

The diarreah seem to be getting worse.

She has an appointment for Monday to have her stitiches out but because she is feeding, the pups seem fine, do you think I should get her there earlier as there maybe more going on??


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Salty water is not much good if the infection got deep into the wound. I would be taking her to vet ASAP; even if the only place today is the emergency clinic. Unless you deal with the infection immediately you are running the risk of further complications and possibly losing the bitch.

Does she have puppies or did she lose them? You have to confine her so she cannot get out and dig; if she does have pups she may try to bury them.

Edited by delta
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Hi All

Thank you for your replies. Yes she has 2 pups that was all she delivered. The infection does seem deep and I have called the vet and I am going to pick up some anti biotics in the next couple of hours. I have been bathing it and did appear to get better but now it seems to be bad again and the diarreah is not good at all,

Cheers and thanks for the feedback :(

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I had a girl who managed to pull out a stitch or two and get a lot of dirt into the wound . . . nursing all the while . . . very devoted mother. The vets had to open her up, clean the mess out, and stitch er up again . . . she was on antibiotics for a week or two afterward. No real harm done, but not nice. If the infection has gone deep they may have to treat it surgically.

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Hi All

She has been given a course of anti biotics and I am cleaning the area 3 times a day. I will monitor her over night and if she is not any better I will take her back again tomorrow. I must say though I am quite worried but I am hoping she will be fine.


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hi ,do u have confidence in yr vet ????

im surprised he/she hasnt wanted to sight yr dogs wound @ least .

the antibiotics will take a while to kick in ,if this was my dog id be seeking a second opinion NOW .

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Hi to all that posted here I just wanted to give an update. Have had her on the anti biotic since Sunday and she has improved out of sight. She has her appetite back and milk production is good now. I took her back to the vet today as the infection had seem to have flared a little. Vet said that she was fine and took out her stitches. Vet also said that the muck was there because there was some coat in the stitches aggrevating it and with her digging it did not help.

So fingers crossed that now the stitches are out everything for her will go back to normal. Actually she was happy to eat her regular food tonight..........Happy days lol....Thank you to all that responded and for your imput :)

Edited by Bonduca
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