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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Kuma's issue is that he's a fusspot. He gets about 1.5 cups of dry kibble and a few scoops of wet each meal - but for ages he'd turn his nose up at plain kibble (only eating a few mouthfuls) and wasn't excited about eating. We had a chat to his breeder and after that decided to add some wet food and now he's happier. We mix it up with mince, chicken mince, left-overs... that kind of thing.

Basically he never got excited about meal times. Now, he gets excited about 80% of the time. i.e. crazy zoomies and being really bouncy about his dinner. We are now also strict about the 10 minute rule, which we didn't enforce before. He used to eat a few mouthfulls and then leave it, then come back and have a few more, etc... now, if he leaves his meal its because he's busting to pee. If he walks away, he isn't coming back to finish it off and we assume he's on a fasting day.

We were getting worried that he wasn't eating enough. He's just not that into plain kibble!

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We have trouble giving Kyojin enough!! Little bugger is always hungry.

First week we got him, he liked his veges. Then he decided he hated them. Now we give him those frozen veges, the little diced peas/corn/carrots and he eats them fine. We figured we could cheat by giving him veges small enough that he couldn't pick out :laugh:

I'm not entirely certain how good it is for him, but we've started adding a slice of those dog meat rolls you can get from the supermarkets, just to give him a bit of meat/flavour to his food to keep him happy.

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See Kuma nudges the things he doesn't like out of the way and leaves them in the bowl, only eating the things he likes. Kinda like eating a BigMac but taking out all the "healthy" bits :laugh:

That's why we now mix in the wet food/mince and make sure all the kibble is coated otherwise the dry plain old kibble stays behind! He especially loves when we mix in beef mince and its a bit bloody.

Oh, but i think his absolute favourite thing would have to be left over pasta bake. Especially if it has chicken and/or bacon and is covered in melted cheese - doggy heaven! That's his real junk food :)

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See Kuma nudges the things he doesn't like out of the way and leaves them in the bowl, only eating the things he likes. Kinda like eating a BigMac but taking out all the "healthy" bits :laugh:

That's why we now mix in the wet food/mince and make sure all the kibble is coated otherwise the dry plain old kibble stays behind! He especially loves when we mix in beef mince and its a bit bloody.

Oh, but i think his absolute favourite thing would have to be left over pasta bake. Especially if it has chicken and/or bacon and is covered in melted cheese - doggy heaven! That's his real junk food :)

Have you tried sardines? The oil goes all over the dry food and you can mush the sardines in with it. Ours go crazy on sardine nights. Satch isn't big on plain kibble but once he realised that was all he was getting (and he only gets fed once a day) he happily ate it. Ava thinks kibble is the OMG BEST THING EVER. She even eats it before any meat or bones that are in her bowl. I am currently using supermarket kibble (Beneful) as her training treats :)

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See Kuma nudges the things he doesn't like out of the way and leaves them in the bowl, only eating the things he likes. Kinda like eating a BigMac but taking out all the "healthy" bits :laugh:

That's why we now mix in the wet food/mince and make sure all the kibble is coated otherwise the dry plain old kibble stays behind! He especially loves when we mix in beef mince and its a bit bloody.

Oh, but i think his absolute favourite thing would have to be left over pasta bake. Especially if it has chicken and/or bacon and is covered in melted cheese - doggy heaven! That's his real junk food :rofl:

Have you tried sardines? The oil goes all over the dry food and you can mush the sardines in with it. Ours go crazy on sardine nights. Satch isn't big on plain kibble but once he realised that was all he was getting (and he only gets fed once a day) he happily ate it. Ava thinks kibble is the OMG BEST THING EVER. She even eats it before any meat or bones that are in her bowl. I am currently using supermarket kibble (Beneful) as her training treats :)

Yep, he used to bonkers for sardines night... then once, he hadn't eaten much for a few days and we gave him kibble and sardines... about 30 mins later they were presented to us on the rug on our living room floor. Noice. Since then he won't touch them. Kinda like my OH and bananas - loved 'em as a kid, ate too many and now can't even stand the smell of 'em! :)

Once he's a bit happier about eating in general we will probably phase out the daily additives. But for the time being, I'm putting a big tick in the win column when he actually licks his bowl clean at the end of a meal. It's a double tick when he gives you those "more, please" eyes at the end :rofl:

I can see Satch and Ava now.

Satch: Kibble? Just Kibble??? You CANNOT be serious!

Ava: Kibble? omg KIBBLE!!!

Satch: Ok, If there's no steak forthcoming, I'll eat it

AVA: OMG KIBBLE! nomnomnomnom

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Hee hee :o love the Ava/Satch conversation.

Roo luuurrves sardines too, but she loves her kibble plain too.

My best friend has been staying with me this week and yesterday we put up a gazebo/shade type thing in Roo's yard. Of course, Roo has chosen to sleep elseware in the yard today the little bugger, but then it hasn't been that hot here today.

Minxy, what HAVE you been doing to yourself?!!! :rofl: Hope your foot is feeling better today, and you're staying dry.

Niques, I know you're at your brother's for his wedding, but I hope your house and James are both okay.

Betsy, I hear that Vic is about to cop a whole lot of rain soon/if not already :D Hope you're okay too.

KTB- Love the photos :) I still haven't bought a big bag of kibble for Roo :D I know it would make more sense money wise, but...maybe when she's not eating puppy food anymore. Which by the way, I still am unsure of when to change over :D

Hope you're all well :)

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Ouch Minxy, hope your foot is better.

betsy - Poor kitty, but glad she's OK.

KTB - What a good Royal Canin model Hoover is, gosh he is big now!

wuffles - ooooh yeh we like those promotion bags, gotta love the freebies!

Hrm.. food wise, Mars is a picky eater and if he only gets kibble he will stare at me then nudge the kibble hoping to find something else under his food. He doesn't like sardines and doesn't really like boiled eggs either, he picks all the whites out. Chicken and rice is a thumbs up, any kind of chicken or red meat makes him happy.

Pepper luuuuurves her kibble, doesn't need any extras with her food and is always excited when its brekkie or dinner time.

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Clastic, when can I come see your new house??????????? Can I invite myself over? :)

Anytime you are free, give me a buzz. :eek: I'll make sure the place is clean. :cry: Except for what I call the 'crap' room, that room is an uphill battle.. I open the door to it everyday and think of cleaning it, but always find something else which I think is more important. :)

OH and I will get around to a house warming at some stage, but anyone is welcome to visit before then also. :D

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What's a picky eater? :):eek::cry:

If its animal, vegetable or mineral my dog will eat it. He even sucked on a lemon quarter one day he stole off the bench.

Minxy - hope you get better soon. Sounds a bit painful.

lilli_star - I saw the destructo photo you posted in the other thread. I remember you posting it here but it is very impressive!

Clastic - you will have to post photos of your new house (if you want :D)

wuffles - I'm sure miss Ava will blizt the obedience trial.

KA - sounds like Kuma is training you well :)

It has been raining alot here (geelong), some minor flooding etc, but doesn't really affect me. I took Ziggy out to the off lead park today however, hardly anyone around. The park is located where two rivers meet. It was majorly flooded. One water loving doggy had a fantastic time. He doesn't swim as such, but he loves 'deep wading', and running through the water. Unfortunately I do not trust him off lead with distractions around currently (people, other dogs) so had to put him on the lead a couple of times and it was a real effort to get him out of the water to recall!

I should have taken some photos but I was concentrating on watching for approaching distractions!

Edited by betsy
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Gosh, my greedy guts dogs are so not fussy ... When we first got Hoover he wasn't big on Evil Hills so we gradually switched him to Royal Canin, Elbie, too. By the time he was switched over though, he'd learned to love the Hills. Our two will eat anything. Elbie will sit, drop, roll over, and do half a dozen more tricks for one measly bit of kibble - he is so cheap! They love kibble, they love beef, they love anything. Just the sound of the food drawer opening has them bounding from across the yard/across the house. If they think you have food, they stare at you mesmerised like spaced out zombies. It's a bit funny. What I find hilarious is that given how food-motivated Elbie is, that he sleeps in the kitchen in an unlocked crate a few metres away from several bags of Royal Canin - one of them opened albeit notionally sealed. I guess he knows he'd be in Big Trouble if he decided to raid the Royal Canin :cry:

The Comfortix tablets smell horrible but they'll even gobble those up as long as it's with a handful of food. The only thing Elbie struggled with once was egg-shell and that was my fault. I read on DOL that a complete raw egg was good for them so one night as a treat they got boiled rice, extra lean minced beef and a raw egg - but I didn't crack up the shells small enough so Elbie had difficulty and OH had to squooosh up the shell with his hands. OH was grossed out by the meal so took photos :eek:


Clastic - we've been moved in since June last year and we have two rooms full of boxes :D Some of those things have been in boxes for years and years and moved from Hong Kong to Beijing to Melba #1 and now to Melba #2. Some would say why bother to open them :)

ETA: Also, Hoover is a weirdo. I've mentioned before that all of a sudden, he doesnt' want to be toileted before bed. We have to bribe him to eliminate!!! :)

Edited by koalathebear
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What's a picky eater? :):eek::cry:

If its animal, vegetable or mineral my dog will eat it. He even sucked on a lemon quarter one day he stole off the bench.

:D I'll fly Mars down for you over the weekend ;)

A lemon quarter? ;) My sister's dogs eat anything, especially her male who thought rabbit food and bird seed were tasty.

I don't know why Mars is fussy, he's just always been like that.. maybe it was something I did when we was younger which I can't recall. He doesn't even like his meaty chewable wormer tablet, its like he knows what is in it and that its good for him.

Clastic - you will have to post photos of your new house (if you want:D )

I'll take some pics tomorrow at some stage and post them :)

Hope the rain won't get bad out your way, glad to hear that it doesn't affect your area.

The rain has been on and off here, none today except for a sprinkle tonight. The only trouble we're having is the dogs can't go outside to do their business because our backyard is all clay and it gets caked onto their paws and they grow and inch. If they do go out I make them wear some socks.. :)

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KTB this might sound weird but... can Hoover last the night even if he doesn't toilet before bed? Satchmo has a bladder of steel and can NOT be persuaded to pee before bed. Most of the time we can't even bribe him to go outside. He goes while he's out there for dinner, then not again until the next day. I always make Ava go before bed because I don't trust her as much.

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KTB this might sound weird but... can Hoover last the night even if he doesn't toilet before bed? Satchmo has a bladder of steel and can NOT be persuaded to pee before bed. Most of the time we can't even bribe him to go outside. He goes while he's out there for dinner, then not again until the next day. I always make Ava go before bed because I don't trust her as much.

He probably could last because he seems to have the most ginormous bladdder EVER because when he wees, he seems to go and go and go ... but it's the principle of the matter. :) We don't like being defied!

We can generally make him wee before bed but the 'rule' has always been at about 11.30/11.45pm, both doggies go to poo corner and do number #1 and then number #2. Since the Wet Season began, Hoover's been refusing to do number #2s at night. We absolutely won't let him go to sleep without doing number #1 but sometimes we get sick of standing out there with a stubborn Kelpie Monster and just toilet him first thing in the morning :) I'm not sure if he's afraid of something out there - he's usually fearless, but I've noticed that lately his ears have been back and he has been staring very warily into the corner like something's there. Hopefully all will be back to normal when the wet goes away ...

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I've never given Ruby a raw egg (one of those "gunna" try it one day things :) ), but she sure cleared up the eggshells left over from our Boxing Day bacon and egg BBQ breakfast! :eek: Her mama dog is an egg fiend! To the point where she is mysteriously getting into my brother and SIL's chook yard which is latched and has one of those elasticised hooky strap thingys (I want to call them an occy strap- is that right???) on the gate too and eating all the eggs! ;) My SIL was not impressed by this! :):cry: Their chook yard is huge and also includes their orchard, vegie garden (now fenced off) and their compost heap, which Poppy (mama dog) also likes to munch on :D Thankfully, she doesn't try and munch on the actual chickens....

Ruby's bag of food sits on the kitchen floor unzipped and she ignores it...actually, she did stick her nose near it the other day when she had an upset tummy and was acting starving :) but didn't put her head in it. The garbage bin also sits in the kitchen without a lid and Ruby has never stuck her head in it. She doesn't bench surf...but then again, I don't have much of a bench for her to surf... :p

Good to see you again, Clastic ;) Look forward to seeing pics of your new house :D

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