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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Oh, poor Ava :laugh: Did all the heaving hurt her stitches? (I'm thinking internal ones moreso) God, I don't know what I would do at 4am :laugh: No 24hr emergency clinic here- I guess Orange or Bathurst may, but the vets here would have someone on call I think, just don't know if they'd like the 4am wakeup call.

Have you got pet insurance Wuffles? I hope the chicken settles her tummy. Mashed pumpkin is good too.

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Clastic: Oh wow ... Mars is now a Quad-Coloured Border Collie! You've created a new colour craze!!! He looks so pleased with himself!!! OH wants to know why the paint is pink. :laugh: On a more serious note, I'm glad that the lack of paint around his mouth indicates that he didn't ingest any of the paint!!!

The paint was once upon a time maroon, but because it got diluted with water it turned a bit pink. It kind of suits him.. :D Instead of breeding designer dogs I shall be providing multi colour dogs!

:cry: - Mars decided he needed some 'ink' ;)

I'm not going to make Obedience again this week. I'm not too devastated... I don't think Kuma will be either. My in-laws arrive on Friday night for the weekend, which will mostly be spent gardening, so he'll get lots of attention and work... I won't be putting him though the assessment for Bronze, but will probably come along on Assessment Night for the frivolity.

Such a rebellious boy he is, I never gave him the OK for ink!! And of all the colours he could ever pick, he chose pink..!

I won't be putting Mars through Bronze obedience either. :cry: I shall be there to cheer everyone else on though and Miss Pepper will be there for her Beginner's Fun & Games.

Clastic, hope that paint comes out. Have you had any comments out in public??

No one seems to have noticed, its faded quite a bit now so maybe thats why. Here I was worried I might have a pink dog until his fur grew out! :(

Then she's the picture of innocence.


Hehe, sure has the innocent look. "Never did a thing Mum! Aren't I cute?!"

Hehe :( Ava had a tiny bit of boiled chicken and rice around 7pm which is still in her belly at the moment... we are just hoping it stays that way. She still isn't looking great, but gobbled up the food so please cross your fingers for us that the worst is over. Poor little munchkin :(

:laugh: Get well soon Ava!

One of my park friends recommended to me something called Peptosyl. Its not really for vomiting, but is good for diarrhoea. Once at the park Max did a, shall we say, sloppy one - and this guy took us back to their place to give Max some of this Peptosyl. Poor Max. We got to their house where there were four dogs... so exciting... a new house.. so many smells... so many dogs... new people!!!! My park friend's wife grabbed Max, my park friend held him while his wife used a syringe (not the needle) to squirt it down his throat. The look on his face was priceless.... 'what the hell was that? that's okay.. do it again if you have to...I'm just so happy to be here...!!!!!!'

Peptosyl eh.. I shall have to give that a try.. Mars has diarrhoea at the moment, had it a couple of weeks ago but then back to solids again, but now liquid poopies today..

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Thanks for all the well wishes guys. It's nice to have people to talk to who understand! OH was a bit annoyed because no-one at his work was very sympathetic - they are the type to just stick the dog outside if it spewed. We are about to go to bed so we'll see how we go! It'd be nice to have more than 3 hours sleep tonight, for Ava as well! Wonder how she's going to go with no treat toys or Kongs tomorrow! I have frozen some iceblocks for her and maybe she can have a juice bottle...

We are hoping hoping hoping that it's not contagious because the last thing we need is Satch to catch it as well. He is a big dog and does big spews :laugh: She probably snaffled something on a walk that we didn't notice, or chomped a snail in the yard or something. And I'm pretty sure her stitches are healed enough not to worry anymore... they don't look swollen or sore and she didn't react when the vet pushed on her tummy last night except to look really nauseous :(

:laugh: @ Max's reaction to the Peptosyl. Ava would be the same. She is finally starting to realise that not all vets are great, though :D She HATES having her temperature taken (can't blame her, I would complain too if that was where we had to stick it) and she is not a fan of needles. She gave the emergency vet a big death stare when she put the needle in her leg, but then wagged her tail at her as soon as it was over :cry:

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No spooies overnight, yay!!! A few times I was getting nervous as she was a bit restless and licking her lips lots, but no surprises in the morning. We went for a short walk this morning as she is a bit more energetic, I guess because she actually has food in her belly! She's still not 100% crazy Ava again but I think we're getting there :laugh:

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I'm glad Ava's feeling better. I hope Satch doesn't get it!

That is the stress about two doggies. Hoover had the goopy eyes last week, we 'cured' him with ointment but then Elbie got it and we managed to cure him two days ago but for a while there we were wondering if the goopy eyes was just going to keep going back and forth :grimace:

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Satch made a "hoik" type noise last night in the lounge room and got up and went to the door so we thought he was going to throw up! But when we opened the door the feeling had obviously passed and he wandered back to his bed. I am so paranoid :grimace:

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Fingers crossed Satch doesn't get it, Wuffles!

J. and I saw two beautiful collies out this morning. We've been gradually moving our morning walk earlier as it's getting so hot - as much as I'd like to avoid the other dogs, walking any later would kill us both :grimace: But we've been meeting all sorts of interesting dogs - it was a very cute sharpei (or sharpei x) yesterday.

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Feeling so guilty and ashamed right now. Here I am at doggy class.. sitting on the sidelines, watching OH and Pepper in their class and also my former Bronze class doing so well.

Pepper is being so cute offering 'shake' all the time because she just learnt it recently.

On a more exciting note I put ourselves on the flyball waiting list!

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I'm glad Ava's feeling better. I hope Satch doesn't get it!

That is the stress about two doggies. Hoover had the goopy eyes last week, we 'cured' him with ointment but then Elbie got it and we managed to cure him two days ago but for a while there we were wondering if the goopy eyes was just going to keep going back and forth :rofl:

Awww I didn't know Elbie got the junc/goop too :thumbsup:

Glad to hear Miss Ava is feeling better. Miss Roo is obviously going through a destructive stage this week- another toy (just one from the $2 shop) had been chewed and stuffing pulled out. I shoved the stuffing back in and left it there (after taking out the squeaker) in the vain hope that she will destroy that tomorrow instead of anything else.

I mowed the backyard tonight and I am exhausted! I gave Roo a shank bone to munch on while I was doing it, then as she is dropping her coat, a tin of sardines to help the dandruff a bit. I might give her a bath on the weekend if I'm feeling brave enough. I've only bathed her once- about 6 weeks ago or something- and I did it inside. I can quite confidently say NEVER. AGAIN. will I bathe her inside- the hair alone was ridiculous, let alone wet dog zoomies. :angeldevil:

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Ah yes, wet dog zoomies. I know those only too well! Last time kuma was washed inside there was the wet dog on the bed zoomies... :angeldevil: plus he takes sooooooo long to dry.

Glad Ava is on the mend, poor poppet. Stay strong Satch!

OMG, there is a long haired Akita in the spitz thread... U gotta check out the photos. That is one awesome looking doglet.

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I empathize with destructo-mode dogs.... Someone decided today would be a good day for some home-reno's. Ripped up nearly 1m2 carpet, including shredding to a hundred million pieces the foam underlay. I've messaged the OH to forewarn, not sure if that was the brightest move. Cross your fingers I'll still have a dog (and a OH) tomorrow - ha! And no. I didn't take a photo of the destruction.

In other news.. there's a flyball comp in Canberra in Feb. Max won't be up to competing, he'll only be 10 months old, but might be a good chance for a road trip!

Clastic - good luck with getting into flyball. Its SO MUCH fun. Just the training is fun!

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And we put our names on the agility waiting list! :)

Ava is destructive at the moment too as she's confined. Yay stitches out on Saturday! She's kept dinner down too, so far. Will start introducing her kibble again tomorrow so I can start training again. I kind of feel like our bond isn't as strong when we haven't been training, as weird as that sounds.

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In other news.. there's a flyball comp in Canberra in Feb. Max won't be up to competing, he'll only be 10 months old, but might be a good chance for a road trip!

Clastic - good luck with getting into flyball. Its SO MUCH fun. Just the training is fun!

Yay, road trip! Come visit come visit come visit come visit come visit!!!

Hopefully it won't be too long before we can start flyball, so exciting!

ETA: Wow that long haired Akita is so fluffy and gorgeous!

Edited by Clastic
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I empathize with destructo-mode dogs.... Someone decided today would be a good day for some home-reno's. Ripped up nearly 1m2 carpet, including shredding to a hundred million pieces the foam underlay. I've messaged the OH to forewarn, not sure if that was the brightest move. Cross your fingers I'll still have a dog (and a OH) tomorrow - ha! And no. I didn't take a photo of the destruction.

In other news.. there's a flyball comp in Canberra in Feb. Max won't be up to competing, he'll only be 10 months old, but might be a good chance for a road trip!

Clastic - good luck with getting into flyball. Its SO MUCH fun. Just the training is fun!

Yikes! :) :D How did he manage that?! Makes Roo's toy destruction quite tame by comparison. :D Although, Duck is now missing both feet (Roo had chewed half of it off, so I cut it before she could eat the rest), and Bear almost lost a foot. She is currently chasing her Buster cube around the floor.

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kumaakita: the long-haired akita is gorgeous. :laugh: When it blows its coat though, it must be enough to fill two king-sized doonas!! :D

wuffles: glad Ava's on the mend and keeping her dinner down. You must be starting at every weird gulp/strange sound she makes ...

Awww I didn't know Elbie got the junc/goop too :rofl:

Yeah, he looks so sad when he was all red-eyed ... he didn't get as goopy as Hoover but his eyes were definitely red. They're both fully healed now, thank goodness!

Have you tried a tuffie for Miss Roo? They seem to last even our two monsters tugging away at them like maniacs. Monkey has a little hole that I'll have to stitch up soon but tuffies are all mostly intact.

And no. I didn't take a photo of the destruction.

:laugh: I am disappointed in you!

In other news.. there's a flyball comp in Canberra in Feb. Max won't be up to competing, he'll only be 10 months old, but might be a good chance for a road trip!

That would be very cool if you could come! There would be lots of doggies for Max to play with. :eek:

Feeling so guilty and ashamed right now. Here I am at doggy class.. sitting on the sidelines, watching OH and Pepper in their class and also my former Bronze class doing so well.

Pepper is being so cute offering 'shake' all the time because she just learnt it recently.

On a more exciting note I put ourselves on the flyball waiting list!

Don't feel that way ... It's just obedience class and it's supposed to be fun and not a source of shame. :o Besides, when the Feb classes start, will you still be on Thursday nights or will you be in bronze on a Sunday morning like Hoover and me? You'll have to show me Pepper's shake at the BDOC BBQ next week. :)

Yay for you and flyball. OH and I are still tossing up between agility and flyball for Elbie. I prefer agility, OH prefers flyball because you don't have to run around the field with the dog. :D Also, about Saturday - OH, 2 monsters and I will probably leave for Bredbo at about 7.30am or so. Details of the sheep dog trials are here. Sounds like we should be bringing food with us ... and chairs!

Hope all are well ... It's been a long week and I feel like I've been tramped by a herd of elephants.

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kumaakita: the long-haired akita is gorgeous. :D When it blows its coat though, it must be enough to fill two king-sized doonas!!

Hope all are well ... It's been a long week and I feel like I've been tramped by a herd of elephants.

1: :D yep! Could u imagine it... It would be full on

2: :)

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Speaking of blowing coats, when we took Kyojin to the Husky/Malamute dog meet on Sunday (Yes, he was the odd one out!), a few of them were blowing their coats. So they had taken them out for a good brush in the park. I have never seen so much hair in my entire life. :D :D I'm a bit scared about Kyojin's first blow now! :)

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