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Kelpie Puppies As Prizes


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not meaning to be rude,

but most farmers would not want a pedigree one from non working backgrounds. they have a job to do... which the farmer can't do without the dog.

a useless one is worse than no dog speaking from past experience. nothing worse than having a dog and having to bark yourself! :welcome::laugh:

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a useless one is worse than no dog speaking from past experience. nothing worse than having a dog and having to bark yourself!


Been there, done that! Literally :welcome:

Had to laugh tho .. our now ancient , but once best yard dog , Freddie was a real noise maker. I had occasion to meet his dad once in a shearing shed full of hot woolly, immoveable sheep. The old boy was obviously experienced, and getting a bit slow in body. he was sitting on top of the woollies at the back of the yard, and going at it very loudly! His human was doing all the work, tho.. in amongst the sheep, pulling and pushing them into position, and lovingly cursing his old mate up the back :laugh: They had been together about 10 yrs ... and the old boy was being given his reward :laugh:

Edited by persephone
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that's so true of how the great ones get treated.

the OH was in tears here a while ago. the neighbours old dogs time had come... he could hardly walk, blind and a bit incontient as well he could not do the houorable thing so had to ask OH.... he almost could not do it either. to be put to rest in the paddock where you had spent your days working.... would be a great thing even for a hooman.

another teary story....

our old border... best worker there was was going to the shearing shed for the day... had collar on tied on ute. not sure how but she managed to fall out... we went back to find her.... she was seeing stars.... had a nasty cut over her eye.

so she was allowed to rest till smoko in the wool bins. well at smoko she shook her head got up and went out to the yards where no amount of coaxing would get her out... of. she finished the day working. the talent that one had every neighbour wanted her.... with the huge amount of pups taken you would have though at least one or 2 would have been great but alas only very ordinary.

the pups we had with the pure show dog were the nicest dogues out..... but the most useless i ever had the misfortune to come across....they were so keen no recall ever. they just chased sheep to the ground exhusted. this they got from dad, who was exactly the same but hated sheep his preference was live chickens.

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I see the kennel has this advert

I hope they are not registered breeders!

Breeders of quality working kelpies. Satisfaction guaranteed, exporting dogs worldwide. Home of Australian Champion Gogetta Agro and Reserve Australian Champion Gogetta Bosker.

Whats wrong with the advert? They are registered breeders with Australian Champion dogs. WKC (Working Kelpie Council) is the registry that Working Kelpies are registered with. They compete at various working dog trials throughout the country to obtain these highly prized titles. They are very hard to get.

I didnt know they had a website. Lots of great Kelpie photos! Take a look at the last person to win a dog. Great story.

Edited by jesomil
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lets hope that some one who really wants a working keplie and cannot afford a great one wins one. lets say a farmer gives the dog to little joe and he goes on to win big at working dog trials... what could be nicer than that....

some one deserving winning something useful.... could be the best lotto win yet! :welcome::laugh:

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I would presume most farmers if they won a pup and didn't require or want one would pass it up anyway, most don't want pets and only have time for them if they are going to be an asset for them.

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I see the kennel has this advert

I hope they are not registered breeders!

Breeders of quality working kelpies. Satisfaction guaranteed, exporting dogs worldwide. Home of Australian Champion Gogetta Agro and Reserve Australian Champion Gogetta Bosker.

Whats wrong with the advert? They are registered breeders with Australian Champion dogs. WKC (Working Kelpie Council) is the registry that Working Kelpies are registered with. They compete at various working dog trials throughout the country to obtain these highly prized titles. They are very hard to get.

I didnt know they had a website. Lots of great Kelpie photos! Take a look at the last person to win a dog. Great story.

I do not recall stating their was a problem with the add I just commented I hoped they were not reg breeders as it is forbiden to offer a dog as a prize under certain rules in our state it is anyway!


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On the positive side, the people in contention to 'win' a pup are working in a sector where those particular dogs are prized for their working ability.

So would likely value them.

But it's not a good general idea to put up pups as prizes to the general public. Remember some time back a national pre-teen girls' magazine put up a pup as a prize? All hell broke loose....& here on DOL, too.

I know RSPCA Qld was one that sent an email to the magazine, setting out reasons why it was a bad idea for the pup's welfare. But there were many, many more. The magazine then backed down.

Edited by mita
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just a couple of points here.

1) $50 worth of electric fencing is quite little really, thats not even a small power pack, maybe cover a roll of shock tape

2) not everyone who buys this gear is suitable for a working dog (like to tree changer who thinks oh wow a free dog for my 'farm')

3) if they wanted it to go to a working farm then why not limit it to studs/primary producers/abbetoirs not any random joe blow

almost 10 dogs are being given away, if it was 1 then OK free advertising but one a month and then in the newspapers as well?

I still dont like the whole dog being given away, worker or not. Its the lure of getting something for free that usually attracts the wrong people to say yep, I'll take it. If you want a working dog that too should be a conscious decision, not simply a raffle win.

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just a couple of points here.

1) $50 worth of electric fencing is quite little really, thats not even a small power pack, maybe cover a roll of shock tape

2) not everyone who buys this gear is suitable for a working dog (like to tree changer who thinks oh wow a free dog for my 'farm')

3) if they wanted it to go to a working farm then why not limit it to studs/primary producers/abbetoirs not any random joe blow

almost 10 dogs are being given away, if it was 1 then OK free advertising but one a month and then in the newspapers as well?

I still dont like the whole dog being given away, worker or not. Its the lure of getting something for free that usually attracts the wrong people to say yep, I'll take it. If you want a working dog that too should be a conscious decision, not simply a raffle win.

well said, Nekhbet no live animal should be used as a prize! whatever whoever under any circumstances and thats my opinion.

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No you are definately not being sensitive..... :heart: OMG I hope this does not end in this poor kelpie pup being another statistic. What a disgusting competition. I

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lets hope that some one who really wants a working keplie and cannot a fford a great one wins one. lets say a farmer gives the dog to little joe and he goes on to win big at working dog trials... what could be nicer than that....

some one deserving winning something useful.... could be the best lotto win yet! :(:doh:

If they can't afford a pup, it probably means they can't afford to pay to look after it...

I don't know, just my opinion. :heart:

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exactly. If you look on the website the price is only $500. If you can't afford that then you definately should not be owning a working dog. Just because a dog is a tool on a farm, or in a hunt etc makes it less worthy of getting a proper living situation and care.

I remember seeing a working kelpie chained up on a dairy farm. Poor dog had an injured toe, sat in mud all day and the wound was now a deep gaping hole. I reported it, everyone shrugged it off like, oh well its a working dog thats its life :hug: hideous lack of respect for the animals that keep us in business in this country. Not everyone is like that I know but it seems to permeate.

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a person lets say joe i16- 18yo he may not afford a $5k purchase price for a great dog. some workers can cost way more than that. farm dogs are fed tradditionally a roo diet shot by farmer or meat off cuts from there own kills for the table. the only cost would be vet care and wormings...

but what better way to start someone young in a sport which gets them outside away from pubs.... and hanging out in the local park.....

maybe the dogs should all just be pst save the fact they may just not end up living a great life... none of us can tell if they will end up being neglected or well cared for.

i guess as the anck breeders of the world you all look on farms as the utlimate byb.

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Guest bigdogg

Nekhbet - if you can fill out a few entry forms for me that would be great. :hug:

The cost of the pup is nothing to me - however something from working heritage and for free is always good.

Im after a working pup. Will be going to a good home and be well looked after.. Will be used on cattle in NQ

I totally understand where your coming from though. Any tom, dick or willomena could enter and not provide the right care / attention for this pup.

$50 of electric fencing gear could be someone with half an acre keeping in 3 sheep and an alpaca - certainly not a working home.

*waiting for the crucification from those with a differing opinion*

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