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Tear Stains


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Emmy has tear stain around her eyes and mouth. It's not bad or anything, the vet said that it's normal and Emmy is 100% healthy, but is there a way of me to get rid of them?


it's not as dark as this anymore though (this was taking at 9 weeks old) but the stain is still there.

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give her a little bit of tomato paste NOT TOMATO SAUCE, paste, on a daily basis, rather than going out and spending a fortune on products that may or may not work. It cute out the acidity in the tears/saliva so it wont leave that browny resdue. I tell this to any of my grooming clients who want to know how to get rid of it, and all of them have had huge success! :thanks:

She should just lick it straight off your finger :thumbsup: or you can just add it to her food. you dont need much, about 1/4-1/2 a teaspoon. Make sure you do it daily though, or it wont work as well and will take longer. Even doing it daily it does take a couple of weeks to a month to work.

good luck :laugh:

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give her a little bit of tomato paste NOT TOMATO SAUCE, paste, on a daily basis, rather than going out and spending a fortune on products that may or may not work. It cute out the acidity in the tears/saliva so it wont leave that browny resdue. I tell this to any of my grooming clients who want to know how to get rid of it, and all of them have had huge success! :thanks:

She should just lick it straight off your finger :thumbsup: or you can just add it to her food. you dont need much, about 1/4-1/2 a teaspoon. Make sure you do it daily though, or it wont work as well and will take longer. Even doing it daily it does take a couple of weeks to a month to work.

good luck :laugh:

Ohh.. thanks for the tip.

I would of never guess that!! how much do i give her?

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about 1/4 - 1/2 a teaspoon daily. tom PASTE... :laugh:

oops you said that already.. :thanks:

But thank you!! I'm going to give that a go.

We always have tomato PASTE ( :thumbsup: ) at home.. because we always make home make pizza at least once a week and always have plenty left over!

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I was going to PM you about this. I have found that simple eyewash from chemist COMPLETELY cured my Maltese dogs of red stain. It is called Optrex. Buy the bottle, not the drops and just wash her eyes daily in a little bit on a cotton wool ball. My Maltese had blood red "cheeks" and after a while it was all gone. I suppose the drops would work the same, but I still use it and every so often give all the dogs a wipe over with it.

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haha yummm!! :laugh:

lucky u!! lol good luck...remember, it will take time.

it really is!! :thumbsup::thanks:

it's fading as it is, but i'm still going to give it a go because I want it eventually all gone.

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I was going to PM you about this. I have found that simple eyewash from chemist COMPLETELY cured my Maltese dogs of red stain. It is called Optrex. Buy the bottle, not the drops and just wash her eyes daily in a little bit on a cotton wool ball. My Maltese had blood red "cheeks" and after a while it was all gone. I suppose the drops would work the same, but I still use it and every so often give all the dogs a wipe over with it.

My boyfriend just sent me an email about this! apparently of his co worker suggested this to him!

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give her a little bit of tomato paste NOT TOMATO SAUCE, paste, on a daily basis, rather than going out and spending a fortune on products that may or may not work. It cute out the acidity in the tears/saliva so it wont leave that browny resdue. I tell this to any of my grooming clients who want to know how to get rid of it, and all of them have had huge success! :thanks:

She should just lick it straight off your finger :thumbsup: or you can just add it to her food. you dont need much, about 1/4-1/2 a teaspoon. Make sure you do it daily though, or it wont work as well and will take longer. Even doing it daily it does take a couple of weeks to a month to work.

good luck :laugh:

That is interesting as well. I am going to try that with Mufti, because I already give him drops for dry eye, but he is chewing his feet and bottom and turning them red. Mufti loves his food, so I can't see any problem getting him to eat it either.

I suppose the paste works so well because it is reduced ... as opposed to just putting raw tomatoe in their food ??

I just hate it when I see all those little Maltese, Shih Tzus and crosses thereof in the pounds with great globs of muck and staining around their eyes, poor little things. So easy to take care of.

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I was going to PM you about this. I have found that simple eyewash from chemist COMPLETELY cured my Maltese dogs of red stain. It is called Optrex. Buy the bottle, not the drops and just wash her eyes daily in a little bit on a cotton wool ball. My Maltese had blood red "cheeks" and after a while it was all gone. I suppose the drops would work the same, but I still use it and every so often give all the dogs a wipe over with it.

My boyfriend just sent me an email about this! apparently of his co worker suggested this to him!

I probably know the co-worker as I have been sprouting on about Optrex since Nammu was a pup and that was 1993-4 - LOL

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Apple Cider Vinegar in drinking water or on food.

The staining is usually caused by bacteria drying on the hair shaft.

Disclaimer: All eye staining should be checked out by a veterinary opthalmologist or a vet who is very experienced with eye issues. The "average" vet will not be able to diagnose eye problems like distichiasis or blocked tear ducts which can cause excess tearing.

Very important that the cause be found before a cure can be expected to work.

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Apple Cider Vinegar in drinking water or on food.

The staining is usually caused by bacteria drying on the hair shaft.

Disclaimer: All eye staining should be checked out by a veterinary opthalmologist or a vet who is very experienced with eye issues. The "average" vet will not be able to diagnose eye problems like distichiasis or blocked tear ducts which can cause excess tearing.

Very important that the cause be found before a cure can be expected to work.

Ensure that it is ORGANIC APPLE CIDAR VINEGAR! You can buy them from healthy life etc (health food stores.) Normal apple cidar vinger does not contain the mother and the nutrients that commercial apple cidar does. Commercial apple cidar is processed and all the goodness is removed from it. Organic apple cidar cures all sorts of ailments check it out.


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Well Mufti is very happily eating his food with some tomato paste in it. I will be watching his little bott very carefully :happydance2:

1. To see if he stops biting (I know the paste isn't for that - LOL)

2. To see if it starts to fade.

He is such a dear boy, he deserves to be pristine.

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Well Mufti is very happily eating his food with some tomato paste in it. I will be watching his little bott very carefully :happydance2:

1. To see if he stops biting (I know the paste isn't for that - LOL)

2. To see if it starts to fade.

He is such a dear boy, he deserves to be pristine.

awww... post a pic up of Mufti up here!!!

i want to see him! please :cheers:

i've started with paste with emmy yesterday.

she's a total guts so she licked it out of the spoon quick smart. Charlie didn't want to be left out, so we gave him a lick too..

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Tried everything with my white boy, started at the vets, no infections, tear ducts not blocked but I had them flushed anyway, wiped with all sorts that just seems to irritate it & upset him. Then found the magic potion


Worked like magic in less than a week. Some breeders won't use it but I have found it wonderful. Everyone I know that's tried said it is absolutely incredible for cats & dogs.

Read about it & decide for yourself. Much better than drops, wiping & messing with their diet in vague hope.

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