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Attention Adelaide Members - Dover Gardens Football Oval


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Posted by Rivsky:

Am hoping this is the best place to catch most of the Adelaide DOL members but please spread the word to anyone you think who may use the grounds.

For all those that use the Dover Gardens football oval to exercise their dogs PLEASE be careful and perhaps use another area for a while.

River ate something unidentified but which the vet have labelled "toxic" yesterday and ended up at the vet's overnight because of this. He is back home now and seems to be ok but would hate for it to happen to anyone else was awful seeing him so out of sorts :birthday:

I rang the Council to report it to be told someone had already done so and after checking found out it wasn't anyone who knew what had happened to River so am assuming another dog may have also come across something there :rofl:

I have emailed the obedience club to let them know what has happened as well even though they use the other oval for training.

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Just FYI

That oval is known as Mitchell Park, in Mitchell Park, on Quick Road. Home of the Mitchell Park Lions Football Club.

Isnt that where they hold puppy school training on Sunday Mornings ?

or I mistaken the wrong oval

I know there was a puppy school at Mitchell Park on a oval

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Thanks for your good thoughts everyone and Riv is almost back to his normal self this morning after we all had a good night's sleep which I think we all needed!

Tara and Sam there is dog training on the other side of the grounds on Sunday mornings there and they know what has happened.

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