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What Size Greenies To Feed My Dog?


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I'm not a fan of bones in the house either. Mine get a venison ear every now and again while we are watching t.v. They are from New Zealand and the end bit gives their teeth a bit of a work out.

A lot of treats come from China, and who knows it may even contain dog :eek:

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After the recent Kramar recall - i'll avoid some of their products for probably 12 months or so, but what you must remember is any company can have a recall - recently Eukanuba had a recall on their prescription diets - There have been many a recall on so many human products such as Coke, Smiths Chips, and so many other well known brands that if you avoided each on because of a recall, then there would be basically nothing to choose from to eat for us humans.

Other treat companies i can think of at the moment are: Smacko's, who had a recall a few years ago and Pedigree Denti range had a recall when they first come out. I've used both since as certain dogs here like certain treats.

I am cautious with my dogs, my sweetheart Paige has been through enough the last few years that I'd do anything for her to keep her happy, healthy and safe, but I won't change her treats as 1 - it's the only ones she eats, and 2 - she's happy with them - as I said, I avoid the ones in the recall, probably will for a while, but I won't avoid all Kramar items because of this.

I'd be more worried about a treat company that has been around for a long time that hasn't had a recall, (things fall of the machinary they use to make treats no matter how much maintenance they do, and other things can go wrong, like being given contaminated products used in production), if they haven't had a recall ever, it concerns me. I'm happier using a company that i know will recall their products if they worry something is wrong - which is what happened both times (Eukanuba and Kramar).

While I do agree that a chicken neck, or wing etc is better - I hate having that in the house - crate or no crate - my little brats love to chuck things out of the cage to see how long it takes for 'mum' to bring it back to them. I hate the idea of raw bacteria breeding meat anywhere near my floors.

Every now and then my dogs get a lamb shank or a marrow bone cut down the middle to chew on - Paige - who is turning 9 this year - has almost perfect teeth (with the exception of the front ones that she has worn down from eating rocks the silly girl)

My mother gives her dog a greenie once in a blue moon (he thinks he is human and will only eat 'human' foods). It is one of the only treats

In the end it's up to Nadz what she does for her pet - hopefully she got some good advise out of this thread from everyone who replied :confused:

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Kramar make cheap muck. I also wont purchase Wanpy treats or anything from Asia. There are enough products made in Australia to cover what you need without resorting to cheap junk that is potentially harmful.

Blackdog stuff is great, smells good but their pig ears and rawhide chews are from China. Canadian pig ears are now available in stores who want to stock them, they are not irradiated either the distributor has assured me.

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There are enough products made in Australia to cover what you need without resorting to cheap junk that is potentially harmful.

Fair enough if your dog will eat them. Paige will not eat other brands. So many people have said if she's hungry she'll eat it, simply not the case with her. She'll eat kramar k9 crisps and porky chips, Smacko straps, greenies, Veggie Chews and Pigs ears. I can't give her too many Veggie chews as she gets the runs (none of the other three dogs do - she just has a slightly sensitive digestive system) and the porky ears and smacko's she gets sick of.

I don't get Greenies mainly due to price (being a vet nurse with 3 dogs, 2 horses, 1 mini horse, 1 mini pony, 12 ducks and 5 cows makes the budget a little tight at times lmao :thumbsup: )

Paige has been on the kramar products for a few years now and hasn't had a problem. Serenity has been on them a month or two after I got her, Diesal also has been on them for a few years and no problems there.

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If Paige is already eating that amount of processed products she's not fussy ... she's just the kid that prefers McDonalds because it's salt, sugar and flavoured to the eyeballs. Saying that none of those products are good for maintaining dental health in the long run.

If they disappeared from her diet totally, then was not offered a treat but the other dogs were, you watch how long she can hold out before she tries to scoff the new ones down.

Edited by Nekhbet
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Nekhbert - Paige only gets the treats rarely - And yes she is fussy, she is fussy with her dinner as well. I've had her for all of her life and she has ALWAYS been like this - I'm fairly sure I know why she is so fussy - when she was a puppy - the 'breeder' only gave the pups meat pies and other pastries as they we're being weaned - there was no kibble etc there. From the very beginning both her and her brother -which are both working dogs from different litters of pups - are fussy - don't think anyone can change that. her older brother only eat cooked mince and vegies, she will only eat Hills, Pedigree Pal, Supercoat or Chum.

Paige will hold out - I was told by several 'experts' that if she wouldn't eat certain foods give her nothing else and she'd eat it when she was hungry (this is before getting serenity or diesal) She didn't eat for a week and was hospitalised due to the fact she was trying to work whilst not replenishing her energy etc from food. I will never ever put her through that again because some person believes they know whats best for MY dog. I have spoken with her vet regarding this and they are quite happy for her to continue like this - she is a happy healthy gorgeous girl who doesn't need to have anything about her changed.

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