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Vizsla Puppy - Advice Re Night Time Behaviour

Haggis Supper

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Hi all,

Stumbled across this website yesterday; what a cracking source of support and advice.

We brought an eight week old Hungarian Vizsla pup into our life last weekend. Whilst she's been terrific so far and the family is loving her being around we're unsure as to how to deal with her night time waking.

So far its been very inconsistent, twice slept through from 11pm to 6am but on other nights she's woken at 1am and 4am and then almost always again around 6am. Most times we've taken her outside and she's relieved herself. She usually goes back to sleep (in a bed, in a crate in the laundry room) relatively quickly once she comes back in.

Is this relatively normal behaviour at this age ? Are we correct to keep getting up to her ? A couple of friends have told us to ignore it (hard when its waking the kids) whilst another told us to bang the door with a shoe when she yelps, and to do this every 10 mins or so - she swears it worked for her.

Apologies for the naivety and appreciate any advice ! Read lots of articles on training and training etc but not sure on this one.

Cheers and many thanks,


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Hi Col, welcome to DOL, be sure to drop in on the Vizsla thread with lots of Vizsla puppy pics :o

Your puppy sounds completely normal. At her age she has a small bladder and although it may be inconsistent, she will likely not make it through the night. As long as she is releiving herself and then going back to bed when you get up to her I would continue what you're doing. If she is just getting you up to have a game, then I'd start the ignore process.

Please, do not "bang the door with a shoe when she yelps, and to do this every 10 mins". You will probably jsut frighten her and have to clean up a mess :rofl:

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Totally normal to be waking up during the night for a toilet break. Being only 8 weeks old she wont be able to hold all night. Just make sure you keep it business like. She cries to go out, take her out, stand with her, when she goes praise her and then straight back to bed. No messing around.

For the first 2 weeks when i got Jager, I was up twice a night and then it went down to once a night for the following couple of weeks.

Dont forget to post piccies :o

Good luck

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Being a Vizsla she is going to be highly intelligent, these dogs are on a different intelligence scale and if trained correctly which is gentle but firm training she will learn quickly!

As already stated she is only a puppy and has a tiny bladder. The whimper could also be she has just been taken away from Mum and the litter mates. Give her a teddy that will become a security thing and a hot water botter wrapped in a blanket (so she doesn't get burnt) and this should also keep her a little calmer as it will feel like the warmth of her litter mates.

As FHRP has said - PLEASE Don't bang on the door! Picture yourself locked in a cage in a room in a strange place having the door being banged, it would scary the hell out of you!

We had a 16 monthh old Vizsla with us for the weekend that we intended on adopting that sadly didn't work out only 6 weeks ago, they are amazing dogs. We have our name on a waiting list from where the 16 month old came from and we'll be getting our one in September next year roughly.. So excited.

Most of all enjoy the pup and remember she is only a baby.

I look forward to seeing photos.. What is her name? :cheer:

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Hi all,

Many thanks for your replies, genuinely appreciated.

I was very uncomfortable with the advice re banging on the door so haven't done that. It seems that all she wants is to relieve herself and she is going back to sleep pretty quickly. Although its meant getting up in the night its great that she wants to go outside and rarely messes in the house at all.

I'm currently working my way through a huge amount of info on feeding, training, grooming, sleeping, health etc etc etc - not sure I put this much effort into preparing for the birth of our children ! A lot to take in but it's helped us be prepared.

It's been a huge change for the family but we're loving it. Just can't wait until she's old enough for the beach, park and long walks.

Name ? After much (!) deliberation (we have a 10 year old daughter and 8 year old son) we finally agreed on Kelly. We then found out that 'Keli' is Aboriginal for Dog. I'm from Scotland and my wife is from England and we both got Citizenship last week after 5 years in Australia and I recently attended an Aboriginal awareness week in country Victoria last year - so it all seemed to make sense to spell it Keli.

I'll post some pics when I get home tonight.

Great website; delighted I found it.

Thanks again


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congratulations on your new puppy

here are a couple of excellent free downloads for you

download and read both before and after you get a puppy.


yes you have to get up to your puppy to take out for wees :eek:

The whimper could also be she has just been taken away from Mum and the litter mates. Give her a teddy that will become a security thing and a hot water botter wrapped in a blanket (so she doesn't get burnt) and this should also keep her a little calmer as it will feel like the warmth of her litter mates.
in addition you could leave a radio on
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A couple of friends have told us to ignore it (hard when its waking the kids) whilst another told us to bang the door with a shoe when she yelps, and to do this every 10 mins or so - she swears it worked for her.

Glad you found this place and that you've been set straight about this kind of advice. I'd not be taking any further training tips from these folk either.

She's a baby, she's not got a big bladder nor much control. Getting up to let her out is the biggest slingshot to effective toilet training you can get. It doesn't last forever. My guess is she'll be sleeping through within a few weeks.

Sure beats teaching her to pee in her crate - that's what your friends were setting her up for. :eek:

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Can't wait to see photos!! Like FHRP mentioned, come in the Vizsla breed thread on the breed pages at the top of general :eek:

lots and lots of fellow viz enthusiasts to chat to and ask questions.

Congratulations on becoming Aussies, I'd actually like to move to UK!! :cheer: :D xxx

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Congrats on the citizenship - and the new pup.

Totally agree with what the folks here have said - I would only add - it's worth getting into the habit even this early, of popping a little light lead on the pup when you take her out to relieve herself at night. As she gets older, and more adventurous, this will help to make it clear to her that this is a 'business' outing and not playtime.

I still do this with my grown dogs on the odd occasions when they need to go out at night. And I still praise them for doing what dogs have to do. :love:

It's great that she settles herself back down to sleep again :) - clever baby.

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