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Dogs Popping Off ?


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Is farting often normal for dogs?

My boy Macca use to do it on the ole sly when he was near us a while ago constantly while sitting on hard surafaces and use to look down to his butt like it didn't come from there :love: , i was just thinking he is trying to digest the chicken wings or the fat content?.

But now the pup i have, in the past few day has been letting slient but deadly pop off's go a few times during the day, in Which she never use to do and they stink.

So what i am asking is;

Why do only some dogs fart when they are normally on the same diet as the rest of the pack?

Is something upsetting their stomach, and having trouble digesting?

what can cure the smell when it comes out/ or before it comes out.. (have heard charcole tablets)

not the best of topics but anyways, here hoping there are more dogs the same.

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My girl farts on occasion. She either takes no notice or looks at her rear end as if "what was that"!! All dogs are individuals and what may suit your other dogs your new girl may find not quite right and is experiencing some digestion problems. It may just be adjustment to change or the the actual food. Keep and eye on her poos and the frequency and note any changes. I have heard of charcoal being used but I couldn't tell you how much. I do note that my girl does have more maloderous farts after eating kangaroo. It seems to be more potent than other meats for her! :love:

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Guest english.ivy

My two fart stinky when they've had too much lamb fat. Mainly when they get lamb bones or marrow.

I take it as a little bit of an upset tummy, like humans?

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The title of this thread really made me laugh. My Mum used to say that because saying 'fart' was classified as swearing :shrug: .

My pup can do some real stinkers. They're eye-watering. I haven't been able to link it to anything specific though, unfortunately. He also does loud ones. These often happen when he stretches - which is pretty funny - in a juvenile kind of way. All other things associated with the digestive system are usually okay, so I don't worry too much about it.

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Bundy will fart all the time. He's getting better as he gets older, but at one point it was, "step" fart "step" fart, "stretch" fart... you get the picture.. he's a shocker. He's been like that since 11 weeks... Weirdo :shrug:

edit - vets said he was just odd.

Edited by Bundy's Mum
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HAHA great glad I'm not the only one with smelly dogs.

Max#1, yes i wasn't sure whether or not to say farting or popping off haha i knew popping of sounded more polite.

I think it could be me adding more food to her kibble change in diet plus the chicken fat from wings and necks now she is growing, i know it caused macca to let off some rippers that were really bad.

I wonder if there is anything natural you can add to a dogs diet to reduce the smell like parsley to bad breath :shrug:

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Years ago we trialled our dogs on chicken mince as part of their diet. I distinctly remember the very first night we fed it to them. After we all retired to bed and shut the door (the dogs slept in the bedroom with us), both dog's digestive systems went to work, churning out SBDs until we woke up at 3 am gasping for air. Imagine raw chicken meat that has been sealed in a container and then left in a warm humid place for about 5 days, then imagine opening the container in your car - it sort of comes close to the smell that permeated the wallpaper that night! It was only marginally satisfying to see that both dogs had their noses right up against the gap under the door - at least we weren't suffering alone. The smell was so bad it almost had a green haze to it. We spent a good 15 minutes looking for the non existing physical evidence because I couldn't fathom that a smell that ....er..... fragrant could just be bad air.

The next night, chicken mince was off the menu and we installed a baby gate for airflow.

What did we learn from this experience? Before altering their diet, consider if we are prepared for the consequences!

Edited by Dxenion
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I wonder if there is anything natural you can add to a dogs diet to reduce the smell like parsley to bad breath :love:

If you find the answer to this I would like to know so i can put it in my husband's food :thumbsup:

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Mini always seems so surprised when she farts. She whips around, sniffs her bum, and looks at Grumpy. Don't look at him, I say, he didn't fart.

One of my pointers does this...only she looks at me or my brother :thumbsup:

The pugs fart up a storm...fart burp and snore! :love:

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Gypsy often farts when she is jumping up onto her lounge chair :thumbsup: I think it must be the contracting of her butt muscles when she is jumping that does it! Can't help but crank up laughing when it happens though, although she is not impressed and gets rather upset that I am laughing at her for something she has no control over.

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Years ago we trialled our dogs on chicken mince as part of their diet. I distinctly remember the very first night we fed it to them. After we all retired to bed and shut the door (the dogs slept in the bedroom with us), both dog's digestive systems went to work, churning out SBDs until we woke up at 3 am gasping for air. Imagine raw chicken meat that has been sealed in a container and then left in a warm humid place for about 5 days, then imagine opening the container in your car - it sort of comes close to the smell that permeated the wallpaper that night! It was only marginally satisfying to see that both dogs had their noses right up against the gap under the door - at least we weren't suffering alone. The smell was so bad it almost had a green haze to it. We spent a good 15 minutes looking for the non existing physical evidence because I couldn't fathom that a smell that ....er..... fragrant could just be bad air.

The next night, chicken mince was off the menu and we installed a baby gate for airflow.

What did we learn from this experience? Before altering their diet, consider if we are prepared for the consequences!

We had a rescue here who had a sensitive tummy after he first arrived so I fed him poached (boiled not stolen!) chicken and boiled rice. We were travelling in the car and my youngest daughter said "I smell roast chicken" we laughed as it was Otis farting....it started out smelling a bit like chicken cooking but we ended up having to crack the windows!!

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Kuma has two responses to his farting. No, three...

1. Shifty Eyes: pong what's that smell?? Look away and they won't notice it was me...

2. WTF WAS THAT???: Whip around and look at your rear end wonding if that sound/smell came from there...

3. Happy Chappy: usually when we're out walking 'fffft' 'fffffft' 'ffffffftt'. If I behave like nothing happened - it didn't happen.

He gets called Stinky Bum Farty Pants for a reason :thanks:

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