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1. What are your thoughts of animals in pet shops?


Comments: I don't like what I have heard happens to them if they don't get sold, I don't like how they close them in glass cages where they get no room, I don't like how they are said to be something but when they grow up they clearly AREN'T the breed you thought they were.

2. Would you consider buying an animal from a pet store?


3. Have you ever brought an animal from a pet shop?

No - but my parents did when I was very young

4. Why did you get the animal from the pet shop?


5. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or still is living with you?


6. If you answered No for question 5, do you know what happened to the pet?


7. Reason to give the animal up. (circle answer)

 Can’t afford it

 Moved housed

 Took too much to care for

 Too destructive

 Not good with kids

 No time

 Didn’t get on with other animals

 Other I think the only reason you should give an animal up is if you cannot adequately provide for it and for all of its needs anymore, and if it isn't good with you're kids/animals.

8. Do you know where pet shops get their animals from?


9. Does it make you concerned?


10. Do you think Pet shops are better than shelter pets?

Absolutely not.

Why/ Why not? Because of where they come from - back yard breeders and people who have no qualifications in breeding animals. Pet shop animals CAN come with health problems and you never know what you are getting. With shelter pets you know EXACTLY what you are in for (most of the time). They do health checks and behaviour assessments, most of the time they know the history of the animal etc.

11. Have you ever brought an animal from a rescue shelter, group or qualified breeder?

No (unfortunately - I got both my GSD from BYB.

12. Where you happy with the animal?

Yes I am extremely happy with my two dogs. They are in great health (except Jenna has a SUSPECTED heart arythmia (I can never spell it right)) and are beautiful dogs.

13. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or is it still living with you?

Still living with me

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1. What are your thoughts of animals in pet shops?


Comments: I really want Petshops in Australia closed down.

2. Would you consider buying an animal from a pet store?


3. Have you ever brought an animal from a pet shop?


4. Why did you get the animal from the pet shop?

5. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or still is living with you?

Yes No

6. If you answered No for question 5, do you know what happened to the pet?

Yes No

7. Reason to give the animal up. (circle answer)

 Can’t afford it

 Moved housed

 Took too much to care for

 Too destructive

 Not good with kids

 No time

 Didn’t get on with other animals

 Other ________________________________________________________________

8. Do you know where pet shops get their animals from?


9. Does it make you concerned?


10. Do you think Pet shops are better than shelter pets?

Why/ Why not? No way, puppies in pet shops and their parents are living in the scummiest hell possible. Better than shelter pets? Animals in a shelter may not be there if it was not for people purchasing on a whim from a pet shop then deciding they can make their money back by back yard breeding and the cycle continues. etc etc.

11. Have you ever brought an animal from a rescue shelter, group or qualified breeder?


12. Where you happy with the animal?


13. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or is it still living with you?


Thank you very much for filling out my survey.

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1. What are your thoughts of animals in pet shops?

Cruel! Unsure Fine

2. Would you consider buying an animal from a pet store?

Yes No

3. Have you ever brought an animal from a pet shop?

Yes No

4. Why did you get the animal from the pet shop?


5. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or still is living with you?


6. If you answered No for question 5, do you know what happened to the pet?


7. Reason to give the animal up. (circle answer)

 Can’t afford it

 Moved housed

 Took too much to care for

 Too destructive

 Not good with kids

 No time

 Didn’t get on with other animals

 Other ___________________________

8. Do you know where pet shops get their animals from?

Yes Majority from BYBs & Puppy Farms

9. Does it make you concerned?

Yes No

10. Do you think Pet shops are better than shelter pets?


11. Have you ever brought an animal from a rescue shelter, group or qualified breeder?

Yes all my animals are from rescue.

12. Where you happy with the animal?

Yes No

13. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or is it still living with you?

Yes No

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1. What are your thoughts of animals in pet shops?

Cruel/Unsure/Fine -- cruel but unsure


Being stuck in a glass cage while everyone under the sun comes along and pokes, taps and annoys the puppies/kittens would suck, however, I'm sure there far worse environments that some puppies/kittens grow up in. On the other hand, pet shops don't only sell puppies and kittens; they sell fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, birds/poultry, reptiles, snakes, scorpions and hermit crabs too and to be honest, I don't really think anyone puts much thought into these animals when it comes pet shops and BYB. I know I've never heard of a pure bred fish registry or an organisation who fights for fish rights.

I do find the concept of pet shops for the purchasing of puppies and kittens wrong though. Today's society is so much about consumerism and impulse buying and it should never be linked with puppies or kittens. We can't go off and replace a pet every season purely because someone has an epiphany and dictates that "cats are sooooooo last season"; something needs to be done on how animals are bought and sold. I don't know what the answer is but it does need looking into, and wow! I've just ranted on! :o

2. Would you consider buying an animal from a pet store?

Yes/No -- In regards to a puppy or kitten no, but for fish, wouldn't think twice about it.

3. Have you ever brought an animal from a pet shop?

Yes/No -- Yes

4. Why did you get the animal from the pet shop?

Poochie was getting old and I'd been in the market for another Aussie Tee for 2-ish years when I spied Zeus in the glass box. I wanted a dog I could take out for a jog/run every day and sure, he was bloody cute and all alone.

5. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or still is living with you?

He's not quite 2 years so he'll be with me for a long time yet.

6. If you answered No for question 5, do you know what happened to the pet?


7. Reason to give the animal up. (circle answer)

 Can’t afford it

 Moved housed

 Took too much to care for

 Too destructive

 Not good with kids

 No time

 Didn’t get on with other animals

 Other

Other: would never "give up" but would PTS if circumstances arose that it was required (eg. attacking people/kids/other animals or incurable debilitating illness).

8. Do you know where pet shops get their animals from?

I'm of the understanding that people sell their unwanted animals to pet shops for profit and also from BYBs.

9. Does it make you concerned?

It concerns me that pet shops can price mongrels upwards of $1000 while beautiful pure breeds from reputable breeders are falling off the map. Pet ownership and breeding should never be about money and it's a real shame that society has gone this way.

10. Do you think Pet shops are better than shelter pets?

I really don't understand this question. Better in what way? Healthier or happier? Easier to integrate? I don't believe either is better or worse than the other.

11. Have you ever brought an animal from a rescue shelter, group or qualified breeder?


Our 2 Aussie Tees were both from breeders: the first was from a breeder about 30-40 years ago and Poochie from a breeder 17 years ago.

12. Where you happy with the animal?

Yes/No -- Hell yes!!

13. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or is it still living with you?

Brutus was PTS at age 14 and Poochie was PTS at age 16; both because it was their time to go.

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Its [email protected]

not taina

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Its really annoying having your time wasted...

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