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Make sure the photo is correctly exposed and that should reduce incidence of noise. I never use under 400 ISO and really its only when I get to ISO 1250 and above I stgart to see noise on the images on the computer (but when printed it is not that visible). However if you underexpose an image there is far more likely to be noise appearing.

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Crap, sorry - I've only just seen this now :o

I think the problem is I'm trying to shoot frozen motion (high ISO) shots late afternoon/at night?

That will do it. I can't take fast action shots in low light for the same reason. Even really overcast days can be tricky. Unfortunately the only solutions I've come up with involve changing the time of day I take these kinds of shots or upgrading my camera. I can't wait 'til I can afford the 5DII.

Been something I've been doing ever since I got a digital SLR - the only time the noise came up was when the image was underexposed slightly. Try over exposing the image and see if that helps. Current SLRs are more advanced than the 10D I did most of the big trots meeting with when the interdom was in town and I was able to avoid noise by the final but I had to get the exposure right (and auto wont do it for you YOU have to change the settings if there is anything at all that its reading off that a bit brighter in the scene).

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How's it going with the noise?

Also note that you will see more noise on your monitor than will show up in a print :)

And don't be afraid of a little noise - those of us who have shot film (mmm black and white back in the day) know all about noise and it's not an evil killer necessarily! Black and white conversions will help with images that you deem too noisy for your tastes as it is often the colour noise that is particularly unappealing to many people.

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