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Looking For Advice- My Dogs Stink :(


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I'm hoping someone will be able to offer some advice in regards to my dogs odour. My dogs always seem to have a fairly strong doggy smell which I can not get rid of. I reguarly bath them and all their bedding but the smell is always back within a day. They do not have any skin conditions and have a shine in their coats so I can't figure out what would be causing this :confused:

They are fed a premium brand dog biscuit. If anyone has any ideas or tips it would be appreciated.

Thanks :D

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If no other reason, change the shampoo?

My OH complains about our dog's smell when I wash her with certain brands (especially Alloveen).

Now I take her to the local dogwash where they use a lovely smelling essential oil shampoo.

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Thanks for your replies. It's definately not the ears as they have been checked and I have tried numerous shampoos and still nothing.

Maybe I'm just blessed with two very smelly dogs.

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One of my dogs had a horrid smell for ages - a bath would only work for a few days and it was awful. Premium kibble etc. I changed food and guess what!?! fixed. last winter she didn't have to get wet for 6 months!! happy happy girl. Of course she is allergic to the premium food I can get cheaply and is not smelly on one I have to pay heaps for. love her to death!! :)

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Definately look at a food change. Even though the brand may is considered "Premium" ... some dogs just don't tolerate some foods. I had to switch my dogs from one "premium" brand to another because they just didn't do well on that food.

What are you feeding now? Maybe someone would suggest something else on a similar level.

I used to feed Eukanuba, then went to Royal Cain before going to Raw ... now I feed a combination of Raw and Canidae (PureSea - Grain Free) which my boys love.

Edited by Tilly
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Food....I can tell by a dogs smelll if they eat commercial food. They stink.

If you are game then switch to a natural diet and the change in dog smell will surprise you.

The guide dogs association have just switched their dogs over to a natural diet and their vet bills have dropped by 82% (from memory)

Just try it for 6 weeks and see if you like the difference.


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Food....I can tell by a dogs smelll if they eat commercial food. They stink.

If you are game then switch to a natural diet and the change in dog smell will surprise you.

The guide dogs association have just switched their dogs over to a natural diet and their vet bills have dropped by 82% (from memory)

Just try it for 6 weeks and see if you like the difference.


i agree with this, i just don't believe in giving dogs a diet of commercial food i.e. can food and dry food and nothing else.

the local obedience club warned its members about how dry food has fillers (all food no matter if premium or not) and how it turns to glue in the dogs gut and it may cause blockages and organ troubles.. many vets have also warned of this by saying how dogs are meant to be fed meat as they are meat eaters like BARF etc. but yet there are many many vets who recommend dogs to be put on this diet because they have a contract with a certain company so push for it to get their commission or whatever. the last vet who i went to tried to push for me to use a fancy expensive dry food so i told him flat out my dogs get BARF or cooked meals thanks. so he gave up pushing.

my brother feeds his GR's on a dry food diet.

for years i have just fed my dogs BARF or cooked for them and put my own vitamins and minerals through the foods i am feeding them. others have told me that the dog needs vitamins and they only get it from feeding them dry foods i just don't agree with it all but each to their own.

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm thinking that it could be the food. I have over the years tried different dog foods and this has not changed a thing however I have not tried Barf so will look into it. Fingers crossed it works and I will have nice smelling dogs soon :)

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm thinking that it could be the food. I have over the years tried different dog foods and this has not changed a thing however I have not tried Barf so will look into it. Fingers crossed it works and I will have nice smelling dogs soon :)

fyi I went to the grain free salmon (fish also good for skin and coat) Canidae too.

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Shelley,Buddy and Rascal get feed twice a day in the morning they get raw meat be it chicken,turkey,pork,beef or lamb mince human grade food, Then at night time they get black hawk. Buddy has a real doggy odour very bad even within 5 minutes after his bath he stinks again. We have just learnt to live with it Buddy is 12 years old turning 13 next month.

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Tobie I feel your pain. I too used to have a very stinky dog. She used to be an indoor dog and was very well behaved...but the whole house used to stink of her and we had to banish her to outside. Everything she came in contact with (including our other dogs) all her blankets ect used to really stink of her. I used to spray her with human type sprays such as impulse ect, tried baby powders, bi-carb, special dog deodorant...nothing worked. Her name was Anna and we used to call it AO as in Anna Odour. Bathing only improved matters for a day or so. We took her to the vet and the vet didn't find anything wrong, just said we have a very stinky dog. None of my other dogs have smelt so bad and they've all had the same diet. She was perfect in every other way. She died of cancer last year, I still miss her but not her smell. Some dogs are just skunks.

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