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Entry Forms


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Hey guys,

I am trying to get my entries in on time for a show, and I have always entered through Ozentries and have never had to send in entry forms individually.

I only got my checkbook today and really need to have them sent tomorrow due to the public holiday.

Is there an entry form online somewhere I can copy down? Is it ok to hand write them, or do I need to print one out from somewhere?

Unfortunately for this show I don't have time to order an entry book from dogs nsw.

Starting to stress that I might miss out on a nice local (for me anyhow) show!

- Elise

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If you go to www.showmanager.com.au you can sign up and use their service for free if it's only one dog.

Some people find it confusing but I love it.

Once signed up go the Community Area and find the event you are entering, or you can create it if it's not there (rarely is it not there and I live in a small place) and add it your events. Go back to your main page and add your membership details, then your dogs details (you only have to do this the first time) and then you can click on the event you have added and add your baby as an entry. This will print with the fees as you have put them in etc so once all set up it's only a matter of adding the event to your list and adding the entry.

If you need any help feel free to ask :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are a few types you can download and print out or edit with your details then print out.


you are allowed to hand write your dogs details in

Sway thank you so much for providing these files, its disappointing the pdf file on Dogs Vic site you cannot save the details, which I can't understand when the performance form you can, they are both pdf. Now when a dog gets a title I'll be able to just add it in instead of retyping the whole thing. Much appreciated :)

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There are a few types you can download and print out or edit with your details then print out.


you are allowed to hand write your dogs details in

Hi Sway,

I was wondering what state your form's are for?

do different states have different forms? I just send my forms off to NSW with out any problems and I have never noticed anything different to the ones sent from NSW people :confused:

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