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Potty Training


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Yes!! Not Saxon, my oldest, but Riley the 9 month old seems a bit precious about rain. Not sure about Quinn yet, she's only 10.5 weeks.

I make a point of taking them out on their regular schedule whether it's raining or not. And I go too, mainly to show them it's just water, we go out anyway when we have to!

Probably not in a thunder storm but normal rain is just par for the course.

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Yes my Chinese Crested can be a bit naughty when it rains because he HATES it so much. Although I forgive him cause he does his poos in the garage and hides then behind my car. When I got my new boxer puppy I timed it so I would get the pup on the start of spring/summer so as to avoid taking him out in the cold and rain for toileting. But rain is rare atm here....rain? What rain?

Edited by teela
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It's good to know I am not the only one! Bella will have a few days where her potty training is great! Then it rains for a couple of days and it feels like we are back to square one! I take her out and stand in the rain and she walks back under the shelter on the pavers and tries to go back inside, I put her back and say "Potty" and she does the same. We will do this for 20 minutes and then she goes back inside and pees on the carpet. I don't even mind if she does it on the pavers - at least it is outside and I can fix it with a squirt of the hose. She hasn't done no. 2 inside for a while.

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When Oscar was a puppy, we did have a small set back with the rain, but persistence is the key, I just went right back to basics and went out with him regularly, even if it was raining, he soon got over it and never had an accident since, however he was easily toilet trained. Good luck :thumbsup:

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