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Itchy Puppy!


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Hi, I'm new here!

I have a gorgeous 11 week old, black GSD and she is always itchy, mainly on the sides at the top of the hind legs. She's been to the vet and there's nothing wrong. Shes had her vacs, is wormed and has revolution. I cant see any fleas or bites on her. The other night when i was feeding her, i realized there was mosquito's on her back. Could that be the problem especially with the horrid weather we've been having in Sydney?! If it is, what can I use to get rid of them? Thanks.

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The other night when i was feeding her, i realized there was mosquito's on her back. Could that be the problem especially with the horrid weather we've been having in Sydney?! If it is, what can I use to get rid of them? Thanks.

I use Advantix for fleas and ticks on my pup, and that does mozzies as well. What flea treatment do you use?

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The other night when i was feeding her, i realized there was mosquito's on her back. Could that be the problem especially with the horrid weather we've been having in Sydney?! If it is, what can I use to get rid of them? Thanks.

I use Advantix for fleas and ticks on my pup, and that does mozzies as well. What flea treatment do you use?

Hi Minimax,

I use revolution for flea, ticks and heartworm. Ive never had a problem like this before. This is my 1st short haired GSD. My two other very missed GSD's were long coat. So this is a little new for me! I must say how much easier the grooming is though!

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Hi Minimax,

I use revolution for flea, ticks and heartworm. Ive never had a problem like this before. This is my 1st short haired GSD. My two other very missed GSD's were long coat. So this is a little new for me! I must say how much easier the grooming is though!

I don't think Revolution is a mozzie repellent, so maybe look into one that is, or might need another product to help?

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:welcome: Have you given your pup a bath ? what did you use? sometimes the shampoo might be a bit strong for a pup

;) we would love to see pics of you new Pup

Hi Kadbury,

firstly, thank you for your very bright welcome!

Now, about my gorgeous puppy, her name is Adra. I have bathed her a few times since I have got her as she has a great fondness for digging holes and taking mudbaths! I used a puppy shampoo and when she started itching, I bought a flea one. Even though I was pretty sure that she didn't have fleas ( i couldn't find any, plus she is using the revolution ). That didn't help either.

As for the photos, i would love to but i keep trying but it says that the file is too big, so if you know how i can fix that, that would be a big help. :)

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Could be plants in the backyard? Also in some dogs can be diet related but being it's one spot maybe not. Hope you find out what's causing it :)

Hi Alyra,

I don't have any plants in the back yard, I tend to kill anything that is green! She has a pretty good diet. I'm taking her to the vet on Saturday for her 12 week vaccination so hopefully the vet will be able to tell me then. So for now, I'm out of idea's!:noidea:

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:welcome: Have you given your pup a bath ? what did you use? sometimes the shampoo might be a bit strong for a pup

;) we would love to see pics of you new Pup

Hi Kadbury,

firstly, thank you for your very bright welcome!

Now, about my gorgeous puppy, her name is Adra. I have bathed her a few times since I have got her as she has a great fondness for digging holes and taking mudbaths! I used a puppy shampoo and when she started itching, I bought a flea one. Even though I was pretty sure that she didn't have fleas ( i couldn't find any, plus she is using the revolution ). That didn't help either.

As for the photos, i would love to but i keep trying but it says that the file is too big, so if you know how i can fix that, that would be a big help. :)

Hi Miss B, Just a thought that the shampoo might be a bit strong for puppy skin. Also I read in one of the threads recently that the Poster dilutes the shampoo in a spray bottle and sprays it onto the coat so that there is a lighter application and no concentrated spot that the shampoo may not wash out fully.

Have also read that shampoo like Aloveen is an all round good one for puppies and dogs. I am sure there will be others who can suggest different ones that they have used with success.

Regarding the pics. I have always uploaded mine to photobucket and then just loaded the img code in here. Good luck with that too.


p.s love the Name Adra - do you know what it means and where it originated.

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If it is the same spots all the time, and she's chewing .... it could be some minor pain happening in joints .

It could def. be mozzies, but they usually can only bite on bare skin, or sparsely furred skin...

yes, we do need photos :)

Hi Persephone,

I really hope that it's not joint pain or something wrong along those lines :scared: I couldn't bear to have to see her go through anything bad. My last beautiful GSD friend and family member left us about 2 months ago after she suffered for years with constant chronic ear infections. She was starting to have convolutions and there was nothing that the vet could do given her age and how advanced the problem was. So it freaks me out thinking of anything bad! ( don't mind me, im just very soft hearted! )

With her fur, she is a short hair ( which is new for me, my others were long coat ) but she's going to the vet on Saturday for her 12 week vacs so hopefully i will find out then.

As for the photo's, it wont let me put them on, it says the file is too big. So if you would know how i could fix that, that would be so helpful!

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:welcome: Have you given your pup a bath ? what did you use? sometimes the shampoo might be a bit strong for a pup

;) we would love to see pics of you new Pup

Hi Kadbury,

firstly, thank you for your very bright welcome!

Now, about my gorgeous puppy, her name is Adra. I have bathed her a few times since I have got her as she has a great fondness for digging holes and taking mudbaths! I used a puppy shampoo and when she started itching, I bought a flea one. Even though I was pretty sure that she didn't have fleas ( i couldn't find any, plus she is using the revolution ). That didn't help either.

As for the photos, i would love to but i keep trying but it says that the file is too big, so if you know how i can fix that, that would be a big help. :)

Hi Miss B, Just a thought that the shampoo might be a bit strong for puppy skin. Also I read in one of the threads recently that the Poster dilutes the shampoo in a spray bottle and sprays it onto the coat so that there is a lighter application and no concentrated spot that the shampoo may not wash out fully.

Have also read that shampoo like Aloveen is an all round good one for puppies and dogs. I am sure there will be others who can suggest different ones that they have used with success.

Regarding the pics. I have always uploaded mine to photobucket and then just loaded the img code in here. Good luck with that too.


p.s love the Name Adra - do you know what it means and where it originated.

Hi Kadbury

That's a really good idea about the shampoo! If the vet cant find anything wrong, I will give that a go!

I don't have photo bucket but I will look into it!

I love the name too! I think ( but don't hold me to it! ) I remember finding it on the net on a baby name site and it was of Arabic origin and it meant dark one, appropriate for her beautiful black coat!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late update post but its been really busy around here! i took Adra to the vet and she was fine except she had puppy pimples! so we are in the process of treating that. Thanks everyone! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a four year old labradoodle and a 10 month old labrador. The doodle has had skin issues since he was a pup. It seems to be seasonal so we suspect it's allergies. I'm sure it doesn't help that the doodle likes rolling in park grass (amongst other things) and covering himself in grass clippings.

I use Advocate once a month for fleas, heartworm etc. I bath him with Maleseb Shampoo probably once every 4 - 6 weeks (approx.). He also gets a fish oil capsule daily. I also use Aloveen instaed of Maleseb when he's not so itchy.

If you suspect allergies, try and monitor food to see if there are any food-triggers. Eggs seem to set off the doodle.

When the itch gets bad, a syringe full of children's Zyrtec in the morning and evening seems to help alleviate symptoms but consult your vet before doing this.

Hope this helps.

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Coco, if your dog has bald patches from the scratching or red bits (like under the armpits/tummy) get some Aloveen conditioner. You just put it on the itchy patches and leave it on. We had it suggested to us by one of the staff at petbarn yesterday, and in 24hrs there's a huge improvement. We've just changed him to sensitive skin proplan too.

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Hi coco11, thanks so much for the advice. After all this time she is still itching! She doesn't have any skin problems, the puppy pimples are gone and she gets a good dose of her omega oils and she is wormed and we give her revolution monthly. Funnily enough, her brother ( which my parents have got ) does the same thing!

My puppy, just like your, loves rolling in the grass! We have a big cement rectangle water bowl ( the only one she cant knock over! ) and she dunks her head in there and then runs to roll on the grass! Its so funny!

I will ask my vet about the antihistamine. as I think she may have a reaction to the mosquitoes. We have so many here at night as with all the horrid weather we are having here, nothing is drying up. She goes to the vet next week for her vacs and I will find out then.

In the mean time, I will try the Aloveen. Thanks again!

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When we had a bad lot of sandflies around here after the wet weather, and my pup was getting eaten by them, I not only used my fortnightly Advantix but also Permoxin (similar ingredients to advantix but you dilute and spray on when needed, I found it useful to spray only on areas where she needed it - her back and top of her head).

We also invested in a bug zapper, since that's been installed, problem has just about disappeared!!

Aloveen conditioner to dab on the itchy spots is good too =]

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