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Microchip Papers Issue!


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For change of ownership for the microchip - Australian Animal Registry (AAR) will let you transfer an dog into your name if you sign a satutory declaration form.

link: - http://www.aar.org.a...eOwnership.aspx

You shouldn't have any problems and you don't need to get him re-chipped.

If you want his pedigree papers transferred into your name, this is a different story, but give DogsNSW a call and explain the situation.

Edited by jr_inoz
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Yep just sign a Stat Dec and send it with your paperwork to the Microchip company. They then send a letter to the owner on the chip and if nothing is received within two weeks they will transfer ownership to you.

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The council probably did know. But the chip number is used to prove ownership and the council, and its lifetime registration, probably want proof from the original owner that you do own the dog.

Consider this: I could steal a dog from its yard, and then go and say I own it and transfer it into my ownership by signing a stat dec. The procedure for transfer is to prevent that happening. So the council will want some form of evidence to ensure you are a legitimate owner.

So don't be surprised if it is not as easy as simply doing a stat dec.

If it were simply details for the chip it might be simple in other states but in NSW that chip is the lifetime registration of the dog. So it could be a bit more to it.

Just curious but how many in NSW are aware that you are supposed to provide a death certificate from a vet within 7 days of a dog dying? I wasn't until it was pointed out to me by our council.

Edited by yarracully
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They don't just take the stat dec as gospel. They will actually contact the owner on the chip themselves to verify but if that person doesn't respond then the dog can't be left in limbo forever.

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On a side note on microchipping - Do breeders of working (stock) dogs have to have their puppies microchipped before sale? I think they used to have an exemption? Is that still the case or has it changed? I know Kaos was not microchipped when I got him.

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I used to have WKC dogs and by the WKC laws they're meant to but no one ever mics them and there's nowhere to put it on their reg papers (I think). I microchipped all my dogs and when I sold them on all the farmers were annoyed that I had done it lol.

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