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Husband Walking The Dogs


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Brace Lead:




Nuff said :cool:

I honestly don't know why people pay attention to the stupid comments of ignorant strangers. Hubby needs to grow a thicker skin. :shrug:

I think it is an involuntary delayed reaction. :)

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My OH doesn't like walking the dainty female kelpie because he is worried when she pees that someone. will think she is pooing and yell at him for not picking it up. He tends to forget his big tough bloodhound boy also squats to pee :laugh: The kelpie is the one that pees on our walks though - I think the bloodhound is shy.

- I always carry bags - he never does - so maybe he has reason to worry about them pooing though - I have all trained the kids to pick up the dog poo - gotta be some use for them :D

Edited by KelpieHoundMum
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Oh. *eats words*

I had a squiz online and I can see where the confusion lies. I think it's because brace can mean 'an accessory that connects two or more dogs together.' And also 'a pair of dogs being shown or worked together.'

I don't mean to be pedantic; I'm a bit of a Linguistics freak :)

People DO use the terms interchangeably but to me the word "lead" is the key feature of one.

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Oh. *eats words*

I had a squiz online and I can see where the confusion lies. I think it's because brace can mean 'an accessory that connects two or more dogs together.' And also 'a pair of dogs being shown or worked together.'

I don't mean to be pedantic; I'm a bit of a Linguistics freak :)

People DO use the terms interchangeably but to me the word "lead" is the key feature of one.

Yes, one is a lead and one connects to a lead.

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Guest Labradork

Oh. *eats words*

I had a squiz online and I can see where the confusion lies. I think it's because brace can mean 'an accessory that connects two or more dogs together.' And also 'a pair of dogs being shown or worked together.'

I don't mean to be pedantic; I'm a bit of a Linguistics freak :)

People DO use the terms interchangeably but to me the word "lead" is the key feature of one.

Yes, one is a lead and one connects to a lead.

Oh, I get it now. Thanks :)

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My OH doesn't like walking the dainty female kelpie because he is worried when she pees that someone. will think she is pooing and yell at him for not picking it up. He tends to forget his big tough bloodhound boy also squats to pee :laugh: The kelpie is the one that pees on our walks though - I think the bloodhound is shy.

- I always carry bags - he never does - so maybe he has reason to worry about them pooing though - I have all trained the kids to pick up the dog poo - gotta be some use for them :D

I must confess, I worry about this too! I'm such a pick-up-after-your-dog nazi, I hate that someone I know might see me NOT pick one up (even if there was nothing to pick up!).

There may have been the odd occasion where I picked up some leaves etc from where my dog looked like she had pooed but nothing came out, for the same reason. I know it's stupid, but I have a rep to maintain, yo ;)

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Have to giggle here .. it was a really bad day if my dogs ever toileted on a walk..they knew there was no car ride, or walk, unless all toileting was done beforehand. Walks were for walking ..not sniffing the ground, or toilet.

Yes, sometimes in a big park .. ( no dog parks then, and I certainly never free ran my dogs in those small suburban manicured parks) ..they would toilet ... but walking along a path/road .. no way.

It's hard owning a suburban dog these days, methinks :(

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Well HW, I think it has nothing to do with my husband having a thick skin or not... he wasn't crying about it like a baby he just said what happened to him out on the walk. I think if you are not violating any laws, your dogs are on lead and under control then you have every right to just walk in peace without someone going out of their way to abuse you on a stupid assumption.

And as for the lead "language" hmm technically it could be a brace lead... but it is a lead that runs down to a ring then separates into two single leashes. So I dunno.. brace coupler .. its a leash that (kind of) allows you to walk two dogs at once. :laugh:

And she wasn't On the foot path she was on the road, she pulled over and yelled at him from the road. I just think it was such a silly reaction, mind you today when I went for a walk I saw no less than 5 poops just left in the grass beside the footpath... so obviously there are alot of people around here not picking up the poop (mind you there are also alot of people around here who don't contain their dogs period.) :mad

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