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Bye Asteroid


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We didn't have you for very long and you didn't even like me that much but I absolutely adored you. You were the funniest, most spastic little bird I have ever come across. I loved how you would hang upside down staring at us while we were on the computers, and how you screamed at us and ran to each side of the cage for attention. Your cute crooked leg. You and OH had such a special bond... and I never thought I would get this attached to a little bird...

I wish so much that you had flown down onto OH.

I'll miss you so much.


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Guest Labradork

Oh no. Did he fly away? I hope he comes back.

I really like his name.


Oh he's in Rainbow Bridge :cry:

Edited by Labradork
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Somehow she managed to get out of the cage. OH came home from work to get her as she loves him and usually goes straight to him but she wouldn't. Another bird swooped in and she took off, we're pretty sure the bird got her :(

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Guest Labradork

Somehow she managed to get out of the cage. OH came home from work to get her as she loves him and usually goes straight to him but she wouldn't. Another bird swooped in and she took off, we're pretty sure the bird got her :(

Oh no the poor little thing :(

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I am so sorry for your loss. Lovebirds are beautiful little birds, they have so much character. We lost one of ours that got out of the aviary and we were devastated not knowing what happened to him, and I have always been really upset when one of our inside tame ones have died. Thinking of you in your loss. :cry:

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