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Hey Dog Person! Is This You?


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I've cut back on all my clothes shopping and now that fund goes to buying toys and food for the dog.

My weekend lunches are only done at cafes which have outdoor tables and are dog friendly.

The backseat of my car is now solely reserved for my dog.

My office is covered in photos of my dogs but there are no pictures of my partner or family.

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-You have more photos of your dogs than your human family members.

-Your dogs have a large collection of their own blankets and towels, probably washed more regularly than our own.

-If more than one person wants to go in your car, you have to remove your car seat cover and setup the car for human passengers.

-When you go grocery shopping you always come back with some packets of free-range/RSPCA approved chicken and some fresh mince for the dogs.

-You spend more money on your dog's shampoo and buy shampoo/conditioner from the supermarket for yourself.

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They fit me to a T, too ... and many of the added ones as well.

I'm glad you posted the list, Panto, because only yesterday I was thinking of all the odd (to other people) things I do with our dogs. Now I don't feel so lonely. :)

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there is a good fit for me in that list too... just yesterday i caught myself snatching my breakfast out of one dogs mouth and biting into it before remembering that the dog had actually filtched it from my plate and had it partially in his mighty large mouth....

sigh :o


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As a nod towards vegetarianism I have given up lamb..haven't eaten it for two years. Yet, every fortnight I go out and buy lamb chops for the two little uns as it's their favourite...go figure...

Oh yeah. I've been vegetarian for 14 years but I still spend an inordinate amount of time and effort at the butcher and meat aisle!

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there is a good fit for me in that list too... just yesterday i caught myself snatching my breakfast out of one dogs mouth and biting into it before remembering that the dog had actually filtched it from my plate and had it partially in his mighty large mouth....

sigh :o


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hahaha loving everyone's add ins.

the other day i was eating fish and chips with my fingers and when to give my lil one one of her treats... she slobbered on my fingers and i went straight back to my fish and chips without washing my hands! i didn't even realised until my partner called me a grot. haha

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When asked what you want for a present birthday/ christmas the only things that you can think of are dog related......

When you'd quite happily drive a long distance for dog training etc. but whinge if you have to drive the same distance for yourself/ someone else.

When you don't see anything wrong with proudly discussing your dogs 'perfect poos'

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Guest Maeby Fünke

Yes, it is me to a tee... The only ones I can't relate to are the Agility ones.


I have another one (I don't think it's there)...

This happened to me yesterday: when you buy something expensive for your dogs and your friend says "Why don't you buy something for yourself?" And you look at them blankly.

Edited by Maeby Fünke
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