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Memorial Day For Animals Involved In War

Perry's Mum

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The Australian War Memorial is holding a Memorial Day for Animals involved in War on 23 February in Canberra. The activities include a talk about Explosive Detection Dogs and the Last Post Ceremony in the afternoon will have a Guard of Honour of Explosive Detection Dogs and their Handlers. Several Koolies have joined the army as EDDs from Koolie Rescue. https://www.awm.gov.au/events/animals-memorial/

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Thanks for the heads-up. I hope the event gets the publicity it deserves. The Australian War Memorial has a great collection of archival photos of animals that were beside Australian service men and women in war ... working or as pets. Samples here:


They've put a lot of it into a book called M is for Mates. Designed for primary children, it's just as great for adults. Well-researched pics and accounts of all kinds of animals, starting from WW1 up to the dogs that served in Afghanistan.


Might be a good day to visit any state-based memorial, like the one to the Tracker Dogs who served in Vietnam. At Alexandra Headlands Qld.


Edited by mita
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Thanks for those links, especially the one for the dogs that went to Vietnam. I have a special interest in the Vietnam War & it's veterans, mainly because my husband is a Vietnam Vet. I have read lots of books written by returned Australian soldiers in an endeavour to fully understand what went on & why lots of them are still struggling to get their lives together. One of the books I read was "Trackers" by Peter Haran & it is the story about some of those dogs mentioned on the plaque & Peters experience as one of the handlers. It is a very good read, if anyone is interested :) It is available from Amazon on Kindle.

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