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One of the dogs I work with we think has dementia. She's possibly around 16 or so years old, BC x kelpie x a bit of everything else. She's lost a lot of vision and she doesn't hear a great deal anymore. She will stand in the middle of a room and bark. She used to be phobic of shiney floor and now she'll go wandering everywhere on them.

So, there is no hope of slowing/delaying any dementia it's now more an issue of management and of ensuring she is not stressed. She has shown some signs of stress, so I've recommended to her owner to try things like calming essences and rescue remedy. She has a great deal of routine in her life and her house layout and work layout are stable so she doesn't have to deal with variations to her environment.

So I'm just wondering if anyone has any stories or advice they can share that I can pass on to my friend. Or if you have any strategies, words of hope, etc. And on the other side of this did you reach a point where you decided it was no longer in the dogs best interests/welfare to keep living like this and as such you made the decision to PTS.

Just wanting to try and help my friend out as I think she and her family are getting to a point where they don't quite know how/if they manage this.

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I had great success with chinese herbs, I'd gotten to the point of no sleep with 3 dogs with dementia doing different things all night long ... including barking etc.

I got night lights but with one of them who was the worst - jumping on the bed and scratching at me for food - every half an hour or so - the Chinese herbs worked a treat.

By the time I tried it the other 2 dogs had passed away and I'd endured the behaviour for over a year - I fell asleep at the wheel on the way to work and thought this can't go on. I thought I'd have to put him to sleep but someone suggested the herbs and within 2 days he was back to sleeping normally - it was incredible!

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Do you know what they were HMD? Or who did you see to get them? My friends dog is doing a lot of barking, I don't hear it really but I know it is driving her mad and it annoys some others also. She sleeps a lot but then when she wakes up she barks. So yes, that whole thing of a behaviour that is just slightly beyond tolerable but it's due to dementia.

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Do you know what they were HMD? Or who did you see to get them? My friends dog is doing a lot of barking, I don't hear it really but I know it is driving her mad and it annoys some others also. She sleeps a lot but then when she wakes up she barks. So yes, that whole thing of a behaviour that is just slightly beyond tolerable but it's due to dementia.

Was a few years ago and the vet doesn't exactly give you the recipe because it costs heaps!

There are places online and on Facebook - Herbal Hound - where you can buy online, I'm sure there would be a vet in Melbourne that could help.

I've just found a 2nd vet in Sydney, nearer to me and hopefully a bit cheaper and am going next week with one of my littlies with a liver issue.

Edited by Her Majesty Dogmad
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My crumbly old dog would stand and bark when he wanted something. He wasn't suffering from dementia.

Old dogs get demanding and they get frustrated or stressed when they can't get what they want. They also bark more it seems when they are deaf.

Enjoy them while they last, even with their foibles because sadly, they don't last forever.

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PME dementia in dogs is a toughy - its not easy to diagnose and takes really careful observation and reporting for the vet. And there are many things it can be confused with.

Here is the link to the dementia thread I started some years ago. It contains some really extensive discussion on managing dementia in dogs. Mac was roughly 12 from memory when he was diagnosed. He'll turn 15 on Wednesday week. And the truth is he's still going strong from a dementia point of view. His dementia is certainly slowly worsening - but only very slowly. The biggest change over the last 6 or so months has been getting caught in corners and not being able to work out how to get out. So I manage that by where possible making sure that rooms are set-up without extra 'corners' where he can get caught.

In my mind the problem with dementia is the diagnosis. Mac is a very elderly boy with multiple other disabilities. (Deaf, losing his night vision, laryngeal paralysis, ACL repairs x2, an complete left ear ablation and probably a gradually progressing polyneuropathy as part of GOLPP which means his mobility is compromised, his hind legs are very wobbly and he's occasionally incontinent). So its very important not to confuse it with deteriorating sight or hearing which is very easy to do.

In terms of management, interestingly, the PJs Gallomph very kindly sent him seem to act like a thunder shirt and he's sleeping like a log at the moment so I'd certainly try a thunder-shirt or something similar to help manage his stress. I'd also try some Chinese Herbs and or Herb Robert (she Mac's thread) - I found them very helpful.

Yet despite such a long list of problems Mac still has good quality of life. I couldn't believe how he ran across the large expanse of back yard paving this morning - amazing!! So as long as thats the case, I'll continue managing and helping him to enjoy life. And quite frankly, at the moment the dementia is the least of my concerns. I'm much more concerned about his lung health with his open airway - but thats another story.

Anyway the moment that his quality of life deteriorates, I'll give him his wings.

So the question in my mind is quality of life and how far owners are prepared to go to mange it - and that will legitimately vary from family to family. However in Mac's case the vet is amazed at how well he is despite his multiple disabilities - and despite his multiple problems he's still really enjoying life - so I'll continue to manage him.

Hope that helps.smile.gif

Edited by westiemum
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Do you know what they were HMD? Or who did you see to get them? My friends dog is doing a lot of barking, I don't hear it really but I know it is driving her mad and it annoys some others also. She sleeps a lot but then when she wakes up she barks. So yes, that whole thing of a behaviour that is just slightly beyond tolerable but it's due to dementia.

Not sure where in Vic you are PME but I suggest you try contacting Ann Nevill a holistic Vet in Bentleigh East (East West Veterinary Group) 9555 1899. I believe she will also do phone consultations.

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Do you know what they were HMD? Or who did you see to get them? My friends dog is doing a lot of barking, I don't hear it really but I know it is driving her mad and it annoys some others also. She sleeps a lot but then when she wakes up she barks. So yes, that whole thing of a behaviour that is just slightly beyond tolerable but it's due to dementia.

Not sure where in Vic you are PME but I suggest you try contacting Ann Nevill a holistic Vet in Bentleigh East (East West Veterinary Group) 9555 1899. I believe she will also do phone consultations.

That's not too far from my friend, I will pass the details on - thanks!

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