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Anxiety Is Setting In


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OK have been training Kaylas butt off for ages now, she is working like a dream and we now have 3 sleeps till our first venture into the encouragement class! AHAHAHA

I know she can do the exercises (if anything she is probably ready for Novice but i'm not!) I am almost praying she comes into season so we can't compete :cheers: .

How do other people overcome performance anxiety? I know that if i feel like this on Monday i will totally stuff up , have Kayla sitting for drops and drops for sits, Turn left instead of right about turn and OMG the list is endless. She is very tuned into me and reacts to every thing i do, if she stuffs up its because my body language was wrong am so nervous that i think i might vomit!



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Rescue Remedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't gotten to this stage of training and trials myself....but i've been told by others that the rescue remedy takes the edge off :laugh:

Or perhaps a couple of beers before going into the ring? stop drinking before the slurring and stumbling stages though :cheers:

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Try not to practice too much outside the ring, the dog will get bored and you will stress more. Enter the ring with confidence and try not to stare at your dog too much. If you know she can do the exercises have faith that she will. It's encouragement remember, we are not talking sheep stations! The judge will be mindful that this is a novice dog and handler so try not to stress too much. Just breath and unclench those butt cheeks, you will be fine :laugh:

Good luck :cheers:


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Just breath and unclench those butt cheeks, you will be fine


I'm a very nervous trialler, in fact I don't think I take more than 2 breaths the entire Novice run through. Oops! :rofl: I've had a few judges say "Smile" or "I'm not going to kill you!" I look and act so terrified. Apparently, it's quite funny to watch....KitKat? :rofl:

Due to this (and a lack of practice) my girl and I have only gained her Sweepstakes and haven't been back. My excuse is I'm currently trying to get her herding back on track and obedience work tends to work in opposition. :rofl:

Rescue Remedy (the spray) enabled me to get that sweepstakes, as before that, the moment I stepped through that little gate I completely change my body language and my poor girl goes "OMFG! What the hell has my poor mum so scared" and the forging girl I have in training, lags a couple of metres behind. The edge of the anxiety is taken off and your brain is a little clearer.

Good Luck and let us know how it goes :cheers:

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Apparently, it's quite funny to watch....KitKat? :rofl:

Hehehe it is amusing to watch... :laugh: Mind you my hiding behind a tree or some such so that Molly doesn't see me watching you pair probably evens out the amusement factor :cheers:

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If you make a mistake dont worry that is a handler error not the dogs fault.

If you make a wrong turn or pace just keep going, the judge will give the command again. Remember the judge is there just to watch and help you so go in thinking it is just training because really it is.

We were told that sucking peppermints helps you to stop getting that dry mouth and some how disguises you nervous feremones so your dog doesnt notice. Not sure if it works but it seems to help us.

Rescue Remedy did nothing for me.

Good Luck.......I love trialling, nerves and all

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Hi again,

If you make a wrong turn or pace just keep going, the judge will give the command again.

Just to add to what Packsapunch said, yes keep going, sometimes the judge will think "Oh I must have given the wrong command" seriously! It's all to do with that air of confidence thing I alluded to earlier. For me Encouragement was easier than Novice, less riding on it. Remember, it is supposed to be fun :cheers:



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Thanks all,

Chezzyr, don't be ridiculous, you put Rosie on that lead and you take her in! Training is Fun, hence I haven't trialled before, I enjoy training I think it helps build a bond with your dog, i'm just an anxious person, it has taken me almost 25 years to recover from anxiety in the conformation ring! You'll be fine :)



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Ooohhh Jenny - I don't have much better advice than to try and relax - and I know how easy that is to say, but hard to do.

I really think if you have fun training, then you will have fun trialling.

I was exactly the same as you a couple of months ago - I was sick to the stomach with nerves. But, guess what? I found the encouragement judges to be great - they understood the nerves and tried to make it as non-confrontational as possible.

We bombed out in both trials - but Jenny, I think that was a good thing as it then took away my fear of messing up. The world didn't end and it was still a heap of fun!

Hope you both have a wonderful time! Make sure you let us know how it goes :)



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Thanks all,

Chezzyr, don't be ridiculous, you put Rosie on that lead and you take her in! Training is Fun, hence I haven't trialled before, I enjoy training I think it helps build a bond with your dog, i'm just an anxious person, it has taken me almost 25 years to recover from anxiety in the conformation ring! You'll be fine :)



Maybe we can take turns. The OH is such a softie, Rosie doesnt really take him seriously. I figured in structured classes it would help him learn *shrugs* (he wont learn from watching from outside as he has a condition that makes him fall asleep if hes not doing something!) We shall see. I will have to wear my humble cap and just hope the instructor has had some experience with Collies :rofl:

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OMG Chezzyr, it is madam Kayla! Gosh when was that taken! Thanks for posting it



I love it when I match dog photos to owners, even if its months down the track :) .

Until I find the original image my guess is I took it at KCC Park in March or April?

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Hi All

They worked very well apparently, but madam Kayla on the heel work was too interested in the surrounds and not working close enough to Jen. (So I heard) I have suggested Velcro attached from dogs nose to her thigh for future efforts :laugh:

SO they are both better for the experience but didn't pass.

Now she will probably hurt me :laugh:

Cheers Kate

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OK for the dissection of the day, I should have stayed home in bed! LOL but went anyway.

At the AM trial, heel work verging on embarrasing, Kaylas was in a heel what is heel mode Think I was talking a differnent language then she understood, missed her second sit and elbows didn't hit the ground for her drop ( this a problem have been having for sometime!) stand for exam, perfect score, stand stay lost 1 pt kay stood ahead of me. sit and drop stays no worries even when others broke. NQ score of 109.

PM trial: Heel work slightly better but still crap, i had slightly relaxed but not much, had children with me who although where some distance away kayla heard them and said OH there they are I'm going that way! Again elbows didn't hit tyhe ground on her first drop and figure of 8 kayla descided i going tht way and being a right toad. stand for exam and stand stay, perfect score, dropped in the sit stay and was fine on the drop stay! NQ score of 80 :laugh:

Came home extremely disappointed in her, my coach was watching ringside scratching her head, Kayla's heel work is usually spot on! So back to the drawing board we go. Things against Kayla on the day where, a) my nerves, I handled really badly in the morning B) it was soooo cold in the morning b) due in season at any moment c) foot injury the day before however didn't present as lame on the day. D) me as a handler and having kids with me, she was always looking out for them which is normal!

So what next! Training, training and more training and maybe we will do better next time . On the up side we came home with 2nd in the ring in the morning a nice ribbon and some dry food and 3rd in the ring in the PM trial again a nice ribbon and some dry food! Next time we go to trial I will be recruting someone with a video camera so I can see what a dickhead I look like ! Hello Katey did ya see that lovely person you are :laugh:

Back to training



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