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Dog Not Pooing


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My girl went off her tucker earlier in the week but is now eating. She has not had a poo since late Wednesday night. Vet has done prelimary xrays and has given her an enema today but she still hasn't poo'ed.

If she hasn't had a poo by tomorrow she has to go back to Vet

Ideas to get her pooing asap would be greatly appreciated.

She is feed part Barf and part Bonnie Complete

Edited by InspectorRex
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Mix some paraffin oil from the supermarket with some canned food (don't give the oil into their mouths, if it gets in their lungs = big trouble) and keep your fingers crossed :worship:

The vet gave me some little tubes of stuff that had to be squirted up their bottom :rolleyes: when Tiger had some issues after eating too much bone. Once it was in, you had to try not to let them attempt to poop for as long as possible (I crated her) while it softened the poop - this did the trick for her.


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oh No not using Pal. She had a microlax enema at the Vet about 5pm.

The up side is she has her appetite back and had a full meal tonight and just had another plate full , with another dose of parafin oil added to it.I also gave her a couple of pieces of licorice , hey it works in Humans and I rang my Vet and said it can't hurt but may just help.

I suppose I am over stressing as I lost a dog last year with inflammatory bowel disease and I don't want anything happening to this baby(14mth old)

As to who she isn't pooing as per usual- I don't know, however she did have a severe bout of Campylobacter food poisoning( confirmed by faecal analysis at Lab.) in November and I do know that in Humans that can upset the bowel etc for many months afterwards( both my Vet and my sister have had that type of food poisoning)

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The vet suggested to me to feed tinned food - if its just a once off and does the trick I don't know why you wouldn't give it a shot. Its also nice and soft if they're feeling a bit uncomfortable.

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Update; she has had the barium x-rays and all is moving okay and has reached the colon.

Vet gave her one colxyl tablet and I have to give a Colxyl and Senna tab mid afternoon.

Rectal thermometer had heaps of soft faeces on it so she will go and hopefully soon.

She is getting a nice steamed veg and chicken lunch and tea today

If she hasn't gone by tomorrow he will give a full enema under anesthetic

Hope it doesn't come to that though

So all send the "poo fairy" thoughts our way Please

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dont ya just love dog talk...it is surely only on dog lists that "poo" can be discused in such detail and with such celebration not not be perverted. LOLs.

glad to hear the poo fairy visited

ed. spelling again

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Yes we are glad the "poo fairy" has been too :)

I was so excited and when I phoned our Vet to tell him he was rapt too. He praised me for being so vigliant as an owner and for not thinking"oh well she will go eventually" as quite a few owners do.

If my dogs go off their tucker it is usually for a genuine reason.

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